Nightwatchers Reveal The Most Upsetting Things They've Seen On Security Cameras

Usually, when someone says they put security cameras up all around their house, they might seem a bit paranoid, especially when their house in a nice neighborhood where everybody knows everybody and nothing bad ever seems to happen.

But often, the footage from those cameras proves just how scary a place the world can be.

After reading these stories from Reddit, anyone with a security camera may spend some time looking over footage to see what they might have missed—while the people without cameras will probably be purchasing some in the very near future.

1. This Isn’t Where I Parked My Car

Both my ring cameras went off at 1 am, which, because of how they’re angled, means only a full-sized adult can be in my yard.

I check the notification and the dude starts walking up the sidewalk to my yard, so the camera with a floodlight kicks on and dude instantly turns around like he was mistaken and goes on to the neighbor’s yard.

Neither the neighbor nor us knew him. Shady. Mostly I just get videos of cats visiting though.


Caught on Home Security Cameras facts


2. That Dog Has Tricks

When I lived with my ex, we had a few security cameras and they would send you alerts when there was motion detected.

I was at work and got an alert that there was motion in the living room and I figured it was my ex coming home early, but I checked it anyway. Instead, I saw my dog standing in the middle of the living room, staring at the wall.

He stood there for a minute and then got on the sofa to sleep.

Two things were terrifyingly off about that. 1) My dog was a puppy at the time and was crated when home alone.

The crate is made of solid wood, metal grates and has thick and heavy eye/hook latches, so there's no conceivable way he could have opened the door.

2) He was kept in the office, which is located off the hall and we kept the door separating the living room from the hall closed during the day to keep the room cooler for him.

I looked back at the recording because I was very confused and unfortunately, because the hall door was closed, I couldn't see how his crate got opened.

But the hall door opened on its own and he walked out into the living room about 30 seconds later. The hall door was like a regular bedroom door, it closed with a knob/latch and wouldn't have opened even if you pushed on it.

There were no sounds aside from the normal house noises. No cars or people had been in view of the outside cameras since we'd left and no other motion detections had went off.


Caught on Home Security Cameras facts


3. The Snozzberries Tastes Like Snozzberries

I saw this one video of some guy in California that went to this house and spent two hours licking their security camera/doorbell, disappeared for a bit and then came back to resume the licking of the camera for another hour or so.


Caught on Home Security Cameras facts


4. There’s an Explanation for Everything

So I'm sitting in my living room at night and just recently moved into my new flat. I'm in a basement flat, own entrance, in a little townhouse on the edge of town.

Quiet area, lots of trees, cheap rent, and like no public transport or cell reception. I'm living alone for the first time. I'd just set up the security cameras and hooked them up to a new monitor—the old one was ancient and gigantic.

Hadn't figured out where to put the monitor, as I'd never had a security system before.

It was, at the time, on my work desk, which was at the living room window. I notice this slight yellow glow out the window out the corner of my eyes, slowly getting brighter.

As it does, I notice on the camera that there is a huge shadow cast across my door—visible from the camera to the left of the window—that looks kinda animal but weird proportions. I quietly poop myself.

It sits there for a while, like a good 10 minutes, moving just enough to make me wonder if I'm imagining it moving. There's a kind of whining/buzzing noise, but it's faint and I might be imagining it. I suddenly find religion.

Then all of a sudden there's a loud POP from inside my building. The glow goes instantly away, there's a sound like a really pissed cat and then really rapid footsteps.

I'm in like full cardiac arrest at this point, bathing in my own urine, crying for my mum.

Flash forward a week or so. I haven't been eaten by a cat shadow monster, though I do have a sudden new interest in exorcisms. I meet the upstairs neighbors—older couple—when they're having trouble getting a large package up the stairs.

They offer me tea as thanks. I notice their cat sitting in the window. Its movement reminds me of something, and after a while, I realize it's the shadow monster.

I ask a few questions to round out the details. Turns out the neighbors had one of those lights-on-a-sensor, which turn on when they detect movement. Cat jumps up to the ledge, light turns on. But it was an eco light, so it warmed up slow.

It then went out. Loudly. I'm too embarrassed/relieved to recant the story, so I make my excuses, leaving the nice couple upstairs with the impression that their new downstairs neighbor is a weirdo who stares at cats, has a really keen interest in light bulbs, and a predilection for nervous laughter.

They don't invite me up for tea anymore, but they do ask if I'm OK every time they see me.


Caught on Home Security Cameras facts
