These Ultra-Spoiled Brats Made Our Eyes Roll Into Our Heads
There’s nothing worse than a spoiled brat—and as these stories prove, their behavior can range from utterly absurd to incredibly disturbing.
From the adult brat in our lives to the actual tantrum-throwing children, these rich and entitled people—or sometimes just entitled—give new meaning to the phrase "spoiled rotten."
1. Can Buy Me Love
This girl I used to be friends with broke up with her boyfriend because he didn't buy her the $4,000 Cartier bracelet she wanted for her birthday. Even though he took her out to a fancy dinner and bought her a bouquet of roses.
2. A Costly Choice
I was invited to a graduation party, hosted by a very wealthy couple whose daughter had just graduated from Yale.
Her father came out, in front of the guests, displaying his Rolex and Cartier watches—asking which one of the two expensive watches the group thought would be "the more appropriate for the occasion."
Everyone just looked at each other, silently—not quite sure what to say.
3. An Enlightened Brat
I used to intern at a firm that dealt in tax and estate management for "high net worth individuals." Given the worm's eye view of the place that I had, I could only ever catch glimpses of our clients' crazy; but suffice it to say, their stories are absolutely insane.We had a respected spinal surgeon who became convinced that he no longer needed to sleep or eat to survive. Oh, it gets worse.
Instead of sleeping, he would meditate for two hours a day and would eat vitamin pills instead of food—except for when he came to town for a meeting and made the firm take him out for a steak dinner.
He was performing two or three operations a day in this state.
4. Blastoff
Neil Armstrong's nephew or grandson or whatever was attending Space Camp the same week I was. There were many rumors of him being a little brat. It was confirmed true that almost every day he was at risk of getting kicked out.
The last day of camp Neil actually spoke to a huge crowd of space nerds. Minutes before the speech, that little brat got kicked out, publicly, in front of mostly everyone at the camp. Neil must have been so embarrassed.