And At That Moment, These People Realized...They'd Screwed Up

There are mistakes—then there are utterly catastrophic blunders. Like sending adult parents. Trying to fart...only it's not a fart. These unfortunate people all felt that gut-wrenching feeling when it slowly dawns on them...

they dun screwed up.

1. Spit It Out

I had just come back from playing soccer (I was 12 years old) and was severely thirsty. I saw a glass of what I thought was sweet tea on the kitchen counter and immediately tried to gulp it down. It turned out to be my father's glass of dip spit.

For those that do not know, that is the spit that people who chew tobacco make as a byproduct of the process.

I threw up all over the kitchen counter and floor and they found me there a few minutes later dry heaving in the fetal position. I've never been able to even smell Copenhagen without gagging to this day and I am 26.



2. Fork Chin

One day, I was tipping back in my chair while holding a fork in my hand. I fell back and cracked my head open as well as somehow stabbed my self in the chin. I now find it impossible to eat without my scar making me cry a little bit inside.


Worst Mistakes Facts


3. Slippery When Wet

Oh God…here goes. Working at McDonald's three years ago, little kid spills coke on the floor. I happily wander over to clean it up. Mop that stuff up lightning fast with a smile and everybody is happy. Go behind the counter and retrieve the “slippery when wet” sign to place over the newly-cleaned area, and when I get there, distracted by something, I slip! Embarrassing right? You have no idea...

My foot slips out like a javelin and kicks a baby's high chair, the baby's head whiplashes against his table so hard both of his shoes fall right off. I just stared in horror at the family.

I place the sign down like an idiot and run back behind the kitchen for my dear life. Then I proceeded to crack up in the most maniacal nervous laughter accented with breaths of horror. What had I done?!


Biggest Work Mistakes facts


4. Picking a Fight With a Fighter

I once got into a fight without knowing the guy I was fighting with did some kind of martial arts. He punched me extremely hard in my chest. As a result, my bones have somehow receded, and I now have a “hole” in my chest.

I had trouble breathing for a long time after that. At least he didn’t hit me in the face.


Worst Mistakes Facts
