People Share the Moment They Reached The Tipping Point In Their Relationship

Every relationship has a tipping point. For some, it's a genuine moment of happiness where they realize they have met the one. For others, it's a sudden realization that they are simply not meant to be and call it off, no hard feelings.

And then there are the unfortunate ones who ignore all the signs and red flags their partner is throwing their way and end up in a horrible situation where they have no choice but to end it right then and there, sometimes for their own safety!

1. Who’s Dating Who?

He kept treating his dance partner better than me—would take her out for drinks to try ones she hadn't before, took her shopping with him, post photos of her online, etc—but wouldn't hold my hand in public, nothing about me on social media whatsoever—totes fine but if you go on and on about how great your dance partner is and making it seem like your girlfriend doesn't exist, it doesn't feel great—etc.

I have no issue with female friends or dance partners, but don't pay for dinner and drinks with them and then have your girlfriend pay for every single date night. I dropped $70 for a movie night, $40 of which were his drinks.

Dude still hits me up whining about how we could've worked out, how he misses my cat, etc. I dumped him over a year ago.


Tipping Point in Relationship facts


2. No Trespassing

She was out of town for a week with her mother, and her last paycheck was coming in from the job she'd just gotten fired from. She asked me to go to their house and check on her cat, as well as look to see if the check had come in the mail yet.

I find the cat, snap a pic, and check the mailbox. Nothing there. Alright, whatever, I guess I'll leave.

Then, her grandmother sees me from across the street—yes, she owned the house across the street from the family. She says it's cool if I go in the house, since they know me by this point. Okay, cool.

I'll just see if it came recently, and her dad had picked it out of the mailbox. Nope, not in the pile in the living room. Okay. Whatever. I leave.

Two days later, I get a text about how her family is freaking out because somebody went in the house. I ask why they freak out, since I went in the house and her family knew I did.

Cue freaking out and accusing me of abusing their trust to break in while they're gone. Even though I had permission…

A week passes, the whole while I'm getting constant texts about how I'm a piece of trash for not respecting their privacy, and that her dad had video of me going into the room where they kept their guns—even though I had no idea at the time they even HAD such a room.

Also, claiming that I never had permission to enter. After a week of this, she FINALLY asks her grandma, who confirms my story that I've been saying the whole time.

And then she expects me to act like nothing happened. I was afraid I was going to get thrown in jail for a false claim when I was trying to be a good boyfriend!

I tried to keep going, but I quickly realized that over that week I'd lost all sense of love and trust I felt for her. So I broke it off.


Young couple in the middle of relationship conflict.

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3. Can’t Tell the Difference

We moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks, but I figured I could work a little harder and she would too.

I had my doubts as she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value—really saw that later on after we split. We had a huge fight about the living room paint color.

She said it was just awful and couldn't put up with it. We went round and round about it for a week or so until I finally just decided I could concede on this one, but that I got to choose the bedroom color.

She described it as a cream color, but like adding too much creamer to coffee. "Disgusted" was her word for it I want to say.

Anywho, I'm standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week of work and remodeling. I'm dead ass tired and she's combing through the paint swatches. She finds the color and we get it mixed.

We end up in an argument in the car as I'm opting for bed and she wants to paint. I told her it is better to do it during the day so we can open the windows and let it air out better.

It was currently raining and I didn't want watermarks. It escalated and grew until she finally just got so pissed that she left. I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts.

I got it all mixed up and dipped the roller. Rolled over once and it all hit me at the exact same time—I was sick of her and her controlling attitude. I was done feeling like an ass for things I didn't do wrong.

I was tired of living her dream life. You know why it hit me? That paint was the exact same damn color as the wall.


Tipping Point in Relationship facts


4. Bold Move

He told me he had to go to Minnesota for a couple months on business but actually bought a house there and was planning on tricking me into moving there with him.

He flew me out to visit a couple weeks after he left and took me to do all the fun things. He pointed out all of the great job opportunities in the area, and the great schools for kids.

A few more weeks and I visit him again and it's the same thing, but he's lined up an interview for me at a brewery he knows I like this time, and tells me he thinks we should move there.

I told him there was zero chance of me moving to Minnesota and he freaked out and told me he already bought us a house.


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