People Reveal The Most Disappointing Gift They Have Ever Received
“The worst gift I was given is when I got out of rehab that Christmas; a bottle of wine. It was delicious.” ―Craig Ferguson
No one likes a bad gift. That is a universal fact of life. Since that is so widely accepted, it is a surprise then that there are still so many stories of people receiving awful gifts from people who care about them.
Here are some of the most disappointing gifts people have ever received, and then felt the need to share with the world via Reddit.
40. PSNope
My mom is an evil genius. When PS2 first came out, it was on the top of my wishlist. My mom got a PS2 box from my cousin and weighted the box to feel like a PS2.
I unwrapped it, and without opening the box ran around for a solid 10 minutes in excitement, then pretty much said "screw the other gifts!" and went to set it up. This event was followed by about an hour of crying.
My mom still references it as her favorite childhood video of me.
39. That Relationship Doesn’t Seem to Be Working
Christmas last year. I saved up for months to buy my wife a new tablet. Almost $600. She gave me a $25 McDonalds gift certificate.
Beat that.
38. Money Can't Buy Class
I have a particularly wealthy aunt who spoils the piss out of her own kids, taking them on expensive trips and buying them every new gadget available.
When we lived closer, she would join us for birthday parties and kick in for something: dinner, lodging, etc., so I didn't complain when she invited herself because otherwise parties would be at our dull lifeless house with a few friends.
For my 18th birthday (a pretty big one IMO) she bought me a thrift-store Flintstones t-shirt. That's it. A big ratty t-shirt with Fred Butthole Flintstone and his stupid grin. The woman took her kids to Paris that same year but bought me that as a gift for turning 18. Thankfully I've had better birthdays since and without any entitled extended family butting in, but seriously, screw her and her money.
37. Hand-Me-Down Bike
My older sister got a brand new bike for Christmas. My parents gave me her old bike with a bow on it.
I know now that my parents were pretty poor and just trying to save money, but when I was a kid it seemed like almost everything I wore or had for years was a hand-me-down.
I wanted my gift to be new so badly that Christmas morning that little kid me refused to accept it and insisted that it was a new bike that just happened to be like my older sister's old bike.
I finally burst into tears when I noticed that the guard over the chain was cracked.