Parents Share Moments When Their Kids Weren’t The Brightest In The Bunch

Parents want nothing more than to be proud and encouraging of their beloved little children, but it can be tough to hand out words of wisdom when your kid gets their head stuck in the banister—for the third time.

In these moments, parents can do nothing more than just sit back and say to themselves, “I raised an idiot.”

To be fair, a lot of dumb decisions at a young age can be chalked up to kids trying to navigate this world and as they get older some incidents are just brain farts.

But then there are moments that occur that are harder to defend and make the parent question whether they failed as a parent or their kid was just born without a brain.

From toddlers to teenagers, the kids in these stories not only had their parents thinking they raised an idiot but will also now have those blunders live on in infamy because their parents decided to share those moments with the world.

1. Getting Rid of a Problem

I used to tell my kids not to take off their shoes and socks in the car, especially on short trips. Just leave them on so that we don't have to spend five minutes finding and putting them back on before we run into the store.

Imagine a single dad with two young kids running around the car trying to re-shoe my children in the grocery store parking lot in the middle of an Arizona summer, yuck.

One day we went to the store and my daughter was missing her shoe. It was nowhere to be found. “Daddy, I didn't want you to be mad that my shoe was off so I threw it out the window.” It made sense to a 5-year old, I guess.


Not The Brightest Kids Facts

2. Look in the Trunk

My dad had one of these moments courtesy of me. I made him drive around with me because my car had been making a “thunk” noise every time I made a turn. After 15 minutes, he announced it was the baseball bat in my trunk rolling around.


Not The Brightest Kids Facts


3. One at a Time

Our oldest wanted cash to go to a movie with his friends. We told him he could return the three bags of cans in the garage. He goes out to the garage, gets in his car and drives off.

He comes back 15 minutes later, goes in the garage, then drives off again. 15 minutes he's back and we ask why he came back earlier.

He says, “I only grabbed one bag of cans because I thought that would be enough for a ticket. But it wasn't, so I came home and grabbed another bag. But that wasn't enough so I'm just not going to go to the movies.” I said, “

What about the last bag of cans?” He said, “What, and look like an idiot, going to the can place three times?”


Babysitting Facts


4. Crossed Over to the Dark Side

When the Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall happened 10 to 12 years ago or so—due to salmonella—my then 15-year-old daughter came in from school and as she was walking past the living room—TV was on—she stopped and watched the news report about the salmonella outbreak.

She got this “ah-ha” light bulb moment and said, “Oh, now I get it! It’s about peanut butter!

All day at school I kept hearing Peter Pan was killing people around the country and I thought he had turned bad or something and was now a villain.”

I just stared at her, waiting for her to say she was joking and didn’t really think Peter Pan was real, but no, she just went upstairs to her room like we just had a normal conversation about mundane, everyday events.


Not The Brightest Kids Facts
