Online Dating Stories From Our Nightmares

These horror stories from the true experiences of real people are a sign of caution for anyone considering trying online dating for the first time. And they can get crazy, really crazy.

These cautionary tales range from absolutely hilarious to utterly disturbing—and we couldn't stop reading them.

Online Dating

1. The Oedipal Deal

I had this one date that ended up being a double date with his mom and her OkCupid date. He told me that he and his mom were a "package deal". I was mortified. There was no second date.


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2. Hollywood Escape

On OkCupid, summer 2006, I met a girl in West Hollywood and we went to dinner. She turned out to be way bigger than her pictures, insanely rich, was Ozzie Osborn's cardiologist's daughter or something like that, and had a bad substance habit.

The whole date she was doing stuff in the bathroom and barely ate her food. Then afterward, we went back to her place where she visibly spiked my drink with a mickey.

Then she asked me to tie her up, and then refused to allow me to drive my car out of her garage, leaving me to wait in my car all night until the morning when I followed someone out. She called three days later to say that I caused her miscarriage.

I did not know she was pregnant.


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3. Petty Theft

When I worked as a bartender for a while, this one girl who was a regular came in and told me about an awful Tinder date she had. Not sure of the specifics, but it wasn’t bad enough for her to not bring him home afterward.

He leaves the next morning, she brushes it off as a one-night stand, and a few days later, her debit card gets declined.

Odd, since she is a bartender herself at a fairly busy place in our city and is good about saving and usually flush with cash.

She goes to check her debit card and it turns out there were a bunch of charges at Best Buy, Grubhub, a bunch of other stuff. Curious, she checks her credit card too.

There she found a bunch of charges for streaming services—Netflix, Hulu, everything.

She goes to confront the guy and finds out he deleted his profile. But she remembers a friend they had in common on Facebook.

She reaches out to the mutual friend to try and track him down and it turns out he did the exact same thing to that mutual friend.

I’m not sure of the outcome, but she was out for blood after a mediocre hookup turned into a serious case of identity theft.


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