Heart-Pounding Moments

These heart-pounding moments will have you sleeping with the lights on.

1. Close To The Edge

My grandma has a summer beach house and you can only get there by boat. One time, we took the boat to go to the house, but the boat straight up stopped working. I looked off the side and my stomach dropped. We were right next to some very sharp-looking rocks, and after it, a small but pretty scary waterfall.

So, the boat is freaking dead, it won’t do anything, and the boat starts moving toward the super sharp rocks followed by the waterfall! So we’re all scared as heck at this point, and my dad is desperately trying to get this thing to work.

Then, the boat engine starts working again and we finally get the heck out of there! I actually thought we were going to die.

Heart-pounding moments


2. Requesting A Hairdresser

When I was 12 or so, my family went camping at a campground in the Shenandoah Valley. It wasn't the middle of nowhere but more like an isolated mountain town. I went to take our dog for a walk out on a trail at the edge of the campground with some pretty dense woods all around. All of a sudden, I got a terrible feeling. My dog suddenly froze and wouldn’t budge, right as I heard some rustling in the woods behind me.

I spun around to see some random, middle-aged guy emerge from the trees and begin to approach me. I was too surprised to really react, and my dog was super old at that point so he didn’t do much other than freeze. Then the guy goes, “

Hey, this is going to seem like a weird question, but could you come back to my cabin and help me cut my hair? I can’t see the back of my neck and could really use your help.”

I quickly said something like, “No sorry, my parents are waiting for me for dinner so I should get going.” He just shrugged and walked back into the woods. I made it back to our campsite safely and told my parents.

I had thought maybe he was a campground employee, but only after my parents’ reaction did I realize how weird the interaction was.

They immediately went to the campground staff and told them what happened. They searched the campground but never found the guy. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.

Heart-pounding moments


3. Enough To Keep You Up

I was in bed when I heard a rustle. I looked around but saw nothing. So, I laid back down. I heard a louder rustle, looked around again, and then looked under the bed. I laid back down with my heart in my throat. Something large landed on my face and chest. It was the stupid poster over my bed. To this day, I’m proud I didn’t soil myself.

Heart-pounding moments


4. Shaken Like A Leaf

I was already on the worst date of my life with a barely coherent guy who smelled like he hadn’t showered in a week. I was dropping him off on his bike after a glass at a fancy bar where he “knew a guy” who wasn’t working that night.

So, guess who has two thumbs and paid for both drinks? This guy! Suddenly the dude yells, “LOOK OUT!” and I slam the brakes.

I missed getting demolished by inches by an SUV blasting through a stop sign and across an arterial road. I later found out that it crashed into someone’s house shortly thereafter. Anyways, I was shaking like a leaf after that.

That guy saved both our lives. I wish I could say it was cute, but I never saw him again.

Heart-pounding moments
