"Ma'am, This Is A Wendy's" Moments

We all get a little lost sometimes...but these clueless customers freaked out before realizing their own hilarious mistakes.

1. We Are Not The Same

One time this older dude rushes up to order and slams a coupon on the counter saying “I want this”! I picked it up. It has menu items for KFC. I asked him “What exactly would you like to order”?

He instantly gets disgruntled with me for not reading his mind and shakes his finger at the coupon and says, “Well, whatever is on the coupon, obviously”!? in a condescending tone.

When I looked down, I nearly burst out laughing. I just look at him for a minute and say, word for word, “Sir, this is McDonald’s. I don’t know what you want me to do with this KFC coupon”. He looks at me dumbfounded. Then looks behind me at the menu and around the store, yells “Aw, nuts”! like this isn’t his first time walking into the wrong establishment, grabs the coupon, and storms off.

Glitch in the matrix


2. Do What You Always Do

I had some old guy get belligerent with me because he wanted to pay his water bill over the phone. I worked for the government but in the 9-1-1 dispatch, so I thought he just got transferred wrong.

I told him that I'd transfer him to the city's water department, please hold. He yelled back some derogatory remarks and said if he wanted the city water department, he would have called them—just take his credit card number like I always did.

I apologized and said sir, I don't have a way to process your credit card, I work in the 9-1-1 center. Then he starts yelling that he didn't call 9-1-1 (he didn't, it was my direct non-emergency line).

He finally gets frustrated and says he'll give the check to the water delivery guy next time he comes by instead, and hangs up.

Ridiculous 9-1-1 Calls facts


3. Doughnut Ask This Of Me!

I used to work at Burger King and with our drive through the person speaking had a headset on but there was a speaker in the kitchen so you could hear the customer and start making the sandwiches before the order taker pushed the buttons.

A dude pulled up and the high schooler on headset greeted him. "A dozen chocolate doughnuts".

Literally everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the girl on headset and just waited. She said, "I'm sorry"? "A dozen chocolate doughnuts", was the reply. "I'm sorry sir, we don't have doughnuts here".

The man goes silent for a few seconds then says, "Where am I"? "This is Burger King". There's a few more seconds of silence then we hear, who we presume to be his wife in the passenger seat, start cracking up.

They sit there for a couple seconds, her laughing the entire time, then slowly drive off. There's a coffee shop a couple buildings down, we can only assume they were trying to go there.

Gal Gadot facts


4. Your Property, Your Problem

I worked for a local municipality for years, performing road repair, building maintenance and snow removal. I was a dispatcher for my last ten years there.

During a whiteout snowstorm I received an irate call from a woman complaining her snow wasn’t removed like all of her neighbors had been. I went to do a site check and the road was better than normal.

I called her back and said I couldn’t find an issue. When she replied, I nearly lost it. She said her driveway, sidewalk, and deck haven’t been shoveled like her neighbors have and her real estate agent said in casual conversation the city does snow removal. She thought the city with less than 40 people doing all types of physical labor were going to do all of her property maintenance with snow removal and the other 10,000 plus buildings in the city limits.

Oh and she couldn’t/wouldn’t understand the neighbors’ houses were all done because they themselves shoveled it away. I had to explain we plow the 50 linear miles of roads we own. We are not a property management company.

A Wendy's
