I’m Going To Lose It: These Jerks Take “Unreasonable” To The Next Level

Everyone has met one of these people. The people who think that the entire world revolves around them. No matter how ridiculous their request, they expect everyone the bend to their whim instantly.

And when these people don't get their way, they absolutely freak out. But the next time you run into one of them, don't worry: at least you'll get a crazy story out of it!

1. Nicking Nana

A car, luckily driving slowly, touched my mother’s wheelchair, throwing her frail body to the ground. The driver exits, ignores my mother on the GROUND, looks at his car, and says, "You are lucky that there are no scratches in the paint."


Worst People On Earth facts


2. ERROR 500 Command Unrecognized

My grandmother fell on the curb in front of my house when she was getting out of her car and broke her hip. She was lying on the ground crying when she said a stranger passed.

My grandmother asked her to just knock on our front door, and the person just stared at her and kept walking. My grandmother waited an hour until my dad came out and found her.

What kind of person just stares at a little 80-year-old woman crying on the ground?


Worst People On Earth facts


3. Not an Accident, Not My Fault

A car hit my friend at an intersection. The girl was speeding. After my friend literally flies over the car and lands on the pavement, the driver pulls over and starts to yell at my friend who was hit.

She doesn't even take out her phone to call 9-1-1 or anything. She just goes on about how "This is the second accident this month! Why weren't you looking? Do you know how much this will cost me??" I was thinking "What the heck, lady?

You just hit my friend with your car. Shut your mouth."


Worst People On Earth facts


4. Don’t Mind the Warning Signs

I was managing a restaurant on a busy weekend when tornado sirens went off and the radio told everyone to take cover immediately. My hosts ran to take cover and call their kids at home.

Some horrible customer decides to start yelling at me to seat him immediately, that this was ridiculous, and he didn't need to take cover. A tornado did hit about a mile away, though.


Worst People On Earth facts

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