These Jerks Had No Idea Who They Were Messing With
Unfortunately, the world is full of jerks. Horrible bosses, entitled customers, high-school bigshots, the list goes on. The kind of people who just live to make others' lives miserable. But thankfully, there is some justice in the world.
These terrible people all ended up messing with the wrong person—and the results are so, so satisfying.
1. What He Does In The Shadows
I used to help folks with online banking queries. One day, this young guy, about 18, rings up. He's noticed a $7 charge labeled “allpay” and instantly thinks the bank—and yours truly—are swindling him out of his money.
Soon enough, his dad's on the line, backing up his son's wild theory, even though my job's simply about guiding people through online banking. I figured I'd dig deeper, so I reached out to our debit card team for more insight. And did they deliver.
I got to tell the dad, "Hey, thanks for waiting. So, I've got the scoop. That “allpay” is a kind of discreet label for a subscription to, well, adult content online. Seems your son signed up for some mature entertainment.
Do you wanna break the news to him or should I?"
The dad just mumbled something about not needing to investigate any further, said his thanks, and quickly hung up.

2. Cheaters Never Prosper
I knew my ex-wife was cheating but didn’t tell her that I knew.
Took her out for a dinner date and I casually asked questions about who she had been spending time with while I was at sea, she barely worked so she had to spend her time doing something.
She failed to mention the guy that had been staying at my house for nearly two months, the guy she had to call the authorities on just to get to leave because I was coming home in two days...
soooo I slid her a copy of the authorities report that was filed for the incident and watched as she crumbled over the fact she had been caught, and I didn’t have to say a word.
3. It’s Payback Time
My roommate in college had only child syndrome and taped a piece of paper over her clock because she didn’t want to “share it with me.”
Never mind that she couldn’t see the clock herself, but she would rather no one see the clock than share the clock with my eyes. So, from then on, I would take one sock from a set once a week.
It was slow enough that she didn’t realize it was me sabotaging her socks, but fast enough for her to be really annoyed and wondering that the heck was happening to all of her matching socks.
4. Deadly Valor
I was jumped in a Kroger parking lot late at night while I was on my way to my car. I only had one bag. But there was one thing they couldn't have expected. I had JUST gotten out of basic training for the infantry. All that ground fighting techniques training was fresh still and I ended up breaking him with a straight arm bar. Then I ran, leaving him there screaming.
Then I drove to a gas station and called the authorities.