August 14, 2020 | Scott Mazza

These Insanely Entitled People Made Us Want To Scream

Some people expect the world to be handed them on a platter. From spoiled brats to atrocious customers, just hearing about these entitled jerks made us want to pull our hair out. But sometimes...just sometimes...these people get taught a lesson, and it's so, so satisfying.

1. Entitled Kid Phone Home

I once watched a 13-year-old kid break his iPhone on purpose because he wanted the newer model that had just come out. He had the model from right before it. He had a new phone the next day.

Dumbest Things They’ve Ever Done factsPixabay

2. The More the Merrier

A guy (in his mid-20s) who worked for me was mad that his father bought him one jet Ski-Doo. On Christmas, he said to his father, “What am I going to do with one?” His father bought him a second one so his friends could go too.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsFlickr, Rennett Stowe

3. Where There’s a Will, There’s a Brat

He was 25 years old when I knew him. His father owned oilfields. He had a credit card that he used for anything and everything, which his parents paid the balance on every month. He never even kept track of what was charged on it, just bought whatever caught his fancy. He openly and shamelessly admitted that he had offered his college professor money to give him a passing grade.

One day, he was cranky about something and said something I will never forget for as long as I live. He genuinely meant it too. He said, "I wish my parents would just die, so I could have their money. Why should I have to wait?"

Rich Kid Syndrome FactsShutterstock

4. Choo Ch-Oops

I know someone who bought a condo without realizing that it was very near a train track. Entitled person was so outraged, they called a major rail freight company and asked them to stop running trains at night. Just for them. Spoiler: It didn't work. Seriously the most eye-rolly thing I've ever heard about in my life.

Angriest ever factsShutterstock

5. What a Chore

My sister's best friend is pretty terrible. Her parents bought her a $200k+ education, a brand new Audi A6, and are in the process of buying her a house. She used to call my sister crying a few times a month threatening to run away because of a ridiculous reason: Her parents would ask her to do really minor chores. She's like 22, lives with her parents, and has never had a job in her life.

Still Mad About FactsShutterstock

6. I Own the Biggest Jet; Huge

Limo driver here. One of my clients was mad about the absolute stupidest thing one day. I guess when he landed at an airport one time and someone had a bigger jet than him. He obviously upgraded since that "incident" because when I picked him up last time, he came in on a massive jet that could have been a commercial plane. I wish I had his problems.

Snobbiest Behavior factsWikimedia Commons

7. Bending Is for Rubes

I saw some like 12-year-old rich kid with his dad at Guitar Center buying like $6,000 worth of recording equipment. An item he was purchasing was on the lowest shelf. No big deal, right? Well, this kid proceeds to do the most spoiled thing ever. He snaps his fingers, pointed at it, and demanded an employee to “fetch this” for him.

Creepy Students factsShutterstock

8. With a Little Help From My Housekeeper

There was a kid at my high school. When he was 14, he had a learner’s permit, but his parents got him a Mercedes-Benz G-Class. Every day, he drove it to school and was determined to park it in the parking lot to show it off. So, he had his housekeeper drive to school with him and her son drove a car behind her to take her back home—which was only about 2 miles away from our school.

Spoiled Brats FactsPxHere

9. Back to the Banana Factory

My sister is dating a guy who is a total piece of garbage, but his family makes very large amounts of money. He is 26 and is sent $300 to $1,000 a day for whatever lie he tells his parents. The craziest thing is that he is adopted from Central America where his biological parents make pennies a day working in a banana factory.

Last I heard his parents cut him off and he has no work experience or drive to do anything.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

10. Lincoln or Bust

I met a girl at a bar, we were really hitting it off, and she decides to come home with me. So I'm super excited about my prospects for the night, and I take her out to the parking lot so I can drive her home. That's when she stops in her tracks, suddenly turns me down, and walks back into the bar. Why? Because I drive a Honda.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

11. Having Your Chocolate and Eating It Too

I worked at an independent chocolate shop that sold various flavors of truffles, brownies, and drinks. We also had non-dairy options, vegan options, and nut free options available. A woman demanded to speak to the manager because we did not have a “dairy free, nut free, sugar-free, vegan” option. Luckily, the owner totally owned her. He literally just laughed and said, “We do have one, it's called water.”

I have never seen such entitled rage in my life!

Customers Asked To Speak To A Manager factsShutterstock

12. Say My Title

Back in the day when I first began to do fieldwork, I met someone who just got his PhD. While we were out there, an old friend who he hasn't seen in years came up to him and greeted him using his first name. His insane response blew my mind. He actually stopped the person in the middle of their sentence and said, "Excuse me, my name is Dr... ___," and he was absolutely serious.

This was about ten years ago and I now have a PhD but I wouldn't imagine doing that to anyone. Really, the only people that refer to me as Dr. are my students or if I am at a conference or something and that is absolutely fine by me.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

13. Too Rich to Read

I work at a grocery store deli, and some customer once asked my coworker what the sale items were. The coworker mentioned that all yellow signs are specials, and she pointed to the signs we have. The customer point-blank told the coworker that she has no time to look at signs, and she needed the coworker to tell her all the sales. Mmkay, lady.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

14. Stupidhead Is Not So Stupid

I witnessed some great creative punishment while was standing in line at a major supermarket. In front of me was a woman and a small girl (about 4), and in front of them was a young mother, with a small boy (about 3). The little boy asked his mother for a candy bar, and was told "No." The little boy then asked for a candy bar again, and he was told "No" again. I was getting a headache so this was extra annoying.

So at this point, he decided to have a temper tantrum. He threw himself on the ground, cried, screamed, called his mother a "stupidhead," amongst all of the classic tantrum behavior. So, his mother then whispered to the mother standing behind her and they smiled, all while this little boy was so upset about being denied a candy bar. I was confused—but then their devious plan was set into motion.

His mother then took a candy bar from the shelf and put it in her cart. The boy was happy upon witnessing this, and his tantrum stopped. The mother and son went through the checkout and paid. The mother then turned around and handed the candy bar to the little girl behind her in line. She looked directly at her son and said, "Children who behave are rewarded, and children who throw tantrums and embarrass their mothers get nothing."

She turned around on her heel and walked away from the boy, who was left silent with his jaw gaping. A bunch of us broke out in applause. It was brilliant.

School Trips FactsShutterstock

15. My Money, My Spot

Stuck-up jerk in some giant land yacht of an SUV parks in a handicapped spot, does her shopping, then pushes her cart into the other handicapped spot. Went out to confront her, since she didn't have a handicapped tag or a permit, and she stares me down and then launches into a speech about how she is so important and busy. It got so, so bad, I was speechless.

Then she says "the cripples" can walk an extra few feet because SHE contributes so much to THEIR welfare checks. She rolled up her window and managed to spin her tires backing out of the space. I just stood there, stunned.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

16. Mo Money, Less Problems (For Me)

I have a cousin who racked up $40K in student loan debt, and during this time thought it was a good idea to spend months following U2 around Europe for one of their tours. She asked my grandfather, a man who was raised during the Great Depression and worked his butt off just to become solidly middle class, to pay off those loans so she could buy a house.

The funny thing is, my grandfather would have helped her in any way he could if he felt she wasn’t just taking advantage of him. He helped me buy a car, helped some of my other cousins purchase a home, would gift you a new washer if yours broke, and was always there for our family in general. After he turned her down, she got revenge in the worst way possible.

She was so angry, she refused to let my grandparents see their great-grandchild for several years. Yeah, great move there.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

17. Back to Coffee School

It was my first day working in a coffee shop. I was replacing someone else, and in the confusion of the switch, I didn't get the next customer's order right. He looked at me angrily as I remade his order and then said, "Should have stayed in school!" It was so cruel. I almost started crying, but managed to keep my composure.

Snobbiest Behavior factsPixabay

18. Can Buy Me Love

This girl I used to be friends with broke up with her boyfriend because he didn't buy her the $4,000 Cartier bracelet she wanted for her birthday. Even though he took her out to a fancy dinner and bought her a bouquet of roses.

Cruel Betrayals factsShutterstock

19. Happy Now?

One time, I was in line at McDonald’s and a little kid was making a list of demands to his mom, saying that he wants all the menu items. The mom says no, you are only getting a Happy Meal. The kid then whines and says he wants more items. Mom says “No, only a Happy Meal.” Eventually, the kid goes "I will get whatever I want and there is nothing you can do about it!"

Mom says nothing. Then the kid starts twisting around the bar that guides the line queue and the pathetic mother is like "Stop Timmy, stop, Tiiiiiimy" while the kid ignores her. Finally, it's their turn to order. The kid says nothing, but the mother orders everything the kid demanded earlier PLUS a Happy Meal. I was so frustrated that I left the building and got into the drive-thru line.

Drive-Thru Customer Experiences factsShutterstock

20. Treat Yourself

When I was 3 or 4 years old, my parents threw me a birthday party at my house for our whole family. As soon as I started opening gifts, my older cousin promptly threw a massive temper tantrum over how she wasn't getting presents too. My grandparents ended up going out in the middle of the party and buying her all the same gifts they had gotten me.

Even worse, from then on for many years, our relatives would bring gifts for my cousin to other kids' birthday parties.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

21. The Kids Are Alright

I knew a girl who cried when her 16th birthday present was a used BMW and not a brand new Mercedes. The story goes, she got T-boned at an intersection later that week, totaling the car and not her fault (yeah, right). The replacement car was a brand-new Mercedes. Because it's "safer.” To the kid's credit, she graduated college top of her class and went to an Ivy League school for a law degree.

She now absolutely earned her brand-new BMW (the irony) and is making a good salary helping disadvantaged people with law issues. So, in the end, a pretty good story, I guess.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

22. Fast and Furious

A very entitled lady once told me that I shouldn't work on my own car in my own garage during the day, because she didn't want my fast-looking car to influence her sons “to be hooligans like you.”

Most Entitled People Stories FactsShutterstock

23. Served

A couple of years ago I had a study group going for a college course. We were usually together for a good three or four hours, so it was pretty common for someone to volunteer to go get food for everyone. Since they were the person getting us food, we would all kick in a little extra so that the person getting the food didn't have to pay for theirs. Colloquially, "If you fly, I'll buy."

So, one day one of the girls in the group announces she's going to Dunkin' Donuts about an hour into the study session. I look up and say, "Ooh, I'll buy if you fly," and she looks at me like I've grown an extra appendage. Then she scoffs the most infuriating response I've ever heard. She says in this really disgusted tone, "I don't bring food to other people. Servants do that."

Snobbiest Behavior facts Shutterstock

24. 365 Toys a Year

There is a family who has a young boy. His grandmother (who only speaks her native language) will buy the boy a large toy every time she goes shopping, which is at least once a day. And he expects her to; I've seen him throw a huge fit because she was in a hurry and forgot to buy him a toy. It always ends up with her going back and getting him a toy.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

25. Toilet Money

When I was 17, I worked as a teller in a garage selling fuel. The local chip shop owner (fast food outlet) had a son who didn't work, but would turn up in his awesome white Lotus Esprit, the exact same car from Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me. He would come in, put $20.00 of fuel in, then open his wallet, finger through a massive wedge of 50s, and say, "Oh I have nothing smaller."

He’d take the one $20 bill he had out and fling it to the floor with his fingertips like it was a bit of dirty toilet paper that disgusted him. It was just such an awful display. And no wonder: His father literally spat at me once for suggesting his son get a job. But then there was a twist ending. Bumped into the son years later: Karma played out, and he became an addict.

Snobbiest Behavior factsWikimedia Commons

26. Feeling: Insulted

My friend sticks her neck out to get her sister a job at a plant making $19.00 an hour to start. This is a woman with no education, no skills, and three kids. She had been beamed up from minimum wage nightmares for her one big break in life. She was one of those people who was always selling a $5 item on Facebook. You'd think she'd be thrilled, right? Wrong.

This piece of work quit in two hours and then IMMEDIATELY took to Facebook to justify it. She claimed she had "too much education" for this job when she spent five years trying to get an associate's and never did. She called the job AN INSULT TO HER INTELLIGENCE! For God's sake. I know people whose families are thriving working at this same place.

She doesn't have two nickels to rub together, and she's insulted by the job. I just found it so disgustingly condescending considering I have a lot of blue-collar friends who are smarter and more successful than she'll ever be.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

27. Size Matters to the Little One

I was nannying for a wealthy family in the upper east side of Manhattan when I got engaged to my now-husband. Boy, age eight or nine, thought my ring was super cool and unique because he “never saw one that small before.” Thanks, kid.

Worst Ways They’ve Been Dumped FactsShutterstock

28. Queen of the Cinemas

I work at a movie theatre, and my company has a paid loyalty program that allows special benefits at box office and concessions, like being able to skip the line using a special gold line. Because of the special "perks," some people like to think they're royalty when it comes to buying items. On busy days we normally take two loyalty guests for every regular guest.

They were usually OK—but I'll never forget that one, horrible woman. One day, I happened to be taking a guest and a woman in the loyalty line came up to the box office glass and started just slamming her hands against it. She felt as if the service was taking too long and she wanted to be served right then and there.

Mind you, I'm still taking a guest so I'm trying to focus on the people in front of me, while this idiot is literally trying to break the glass next to my face. Every other sentence out of her mouth is, "I pay for this, I shouldn't be treated like this." It's $15 a year lady, calm yourself. I seriously cannot believe some people in this world.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

29. A Meager $10,000

My former roommate and I were talking about our high school graduation parties. I told her about my modest party and told her about how we made all the food and stuff and spent very little money. I was really proud of it though. My roommate replied, "My parents only spent $2,000 on my party." I replied hesitantly, "That's a lot for a party......"

Roommate completely ignored what I said and continued with, "And my grandparents didn't even get me a car! They just gave me $10,000!" I got up and left.

Cruel Betrayals factsShutterstock

30. Kind of a Baller Move TBH

A 16-year-old kid got bored on our school tour of Greece, so he disappeared from the hotel one night and chartered a yacht. The tour leader eventually caught up with him in Monaco.

Snobbiest Behavior factsPixabay

31. You’re Ruining My Spray Tan

A girl I knew in college was the spoiled brat of divorced parents. Her stepmother couldn't have kids and married the girl’s father when the girl was a toddler, so stepmom spoiled "her baby" rotten. There was the typical paying for her school expenses including college tuition and whatnot, but the summer before her junior year she decides she wants a car.

Her dad says no. She throws a tantrum. Her stepmom buys her a Lexus. This girl gets home from one of her regular spray tans and discovers the new Lexus in the driveway of the house she's subletting for the summer is now hers. End of the story right? Not by a long shot. You see, the Lexus isn't the one that she wants.

She throws a freaking monstrous tantrum on the front lawn because that's not the car she wanted; she wanted a red car in some other model. Her parents are trying to calm her down and she's cried so many tears, she's ruined her spray tan. Her dad and stepmom take the car back. She continues to whine about not having a car, how she needs a car, that she's a freaking adult who needs to drive to do anything fun.

Initially, we thought they took it away for her ungratefulness. A week later her dad calls; he just happened to be driving around and saw a car for sale in the make and model she wanted...only it was white. This garbage human has another meltdown, ruining her second spray tan she got to fix the first one. Why now? Because she felt left out of the finding and purchasing of her car because they were doing everything without her.

Her stepmom came up again and took her shopping for a car. It took the girl the entire weekend. Then, after her stepmom left, she had the gall to complain that they clearly didn't love her because they just didn't know what she wanted right off the bat. She was also 19 and dating a married doctor from the local hospital. I just blatantly avoided her after that summer.

I Still Cringe factsShutterstock

32. Cold, Cold Heart

I deliver appliances for Best Buy. We once had a woman call and complain that her fridge was not pre-cooled before it was delivered and that she had to wait for it to come down to temp. No one in the office was prepared for that one.

Most Entitled People Stories FactsWikimedia Commons

33. Employee for a Day

I used to live near a very affluent area, and many of the most convenient grocery stores were just inside said area. A friend of mine was staying with us for a few weeks and would occasionally stop by said stores on her way home from work. One day, while she was at the self-checkout, a woman came up to her telling her to bag her groceries.

My friend politely told her she didn't work there. The lady then insisted that my friend did indeed work there, and demanded she bag her groceries, citing the way she was dressed. For reference, at the time she was working as an intern at a local engineering firm so her outfit was professional, and not at all resembling the uniform of the store.

Eventually, this lady's tantrum caught the attention of an actual employee, who then had to tell the woman SEVERAL times that my friend was not, in fact, an employee of the store. Then the woman said the most ridiculous thing of all time. "Well, she should have just bagged my groceries anyway." And that is the story of how my best friend came the closest she's ever been to literally choking someone.

Retail Workers Describe Their Craziest Encounters With CustomersShutterstock

34. Just What the Doctor Ordered

This kid kicked me in the leg while having a tantrum at the doctor’s office. His mom just looked at me and said he’s just expressing his frustration, and then proceeded to give him a bag of sweets because…well, I'm not sure why. Was mega peeved!

Angriest ever factsShutterstock

35. Extreme Couponing...Taken to the Extreme

When I was working in the retail industry, this one woman once came into my store and had a big bag of coupons by her side. Most of them were unusable because they were either expired or they were duplicates. Nevertheless, she had every intention of being able to use every single one of them. She berated me over the fact that our system was rejecting most of the coupons.

She called me stupid amongst other names and insisted that I just wasn't doing it right. Then, as a typical entitled person would do, she asked to speak with my manager. My manager came out and asked what the problem was. The women ranted to her about how incompetent I was because I didn't know how to scan a coupon properly.

My manager looked at the coupons and confirmed that the coupons were indeed the problem, and not me. My manager then told off the customer for being disrespectful towards me and asked the customer to leave the store. I hated working there, but I'm so grateful that I had managers who totally didn't go by the "customer is always right" rule and weren't afraid to stand up for their employees when necessary.

That was just one of many such incidents.

Retail Workers Disturbing Moments FactsShutterstock

36. Making Waves in Thailand

Someone I know had booked a post-Christmas vacation in southern Thailand in 2004. If that doesn't already ring a bell, let me remind you that this was probably one of the worst times in the history of mankind to go there. She arrived the day after the tsunami...and got super mad about the hotel being destroyed and her tour operator not being able to offer a proper replacement. Then she took it to the next level.

She also tried suing the hotel and operator, but to no avail. Like, what the heck is wrong with you? What part of human decency don't you understand? Over 200k people have had their lives ended and all you freaking spoiled brats care about is that you won't be able to stay in your five-star hotel? Worst of all, she told me all this herself, probably looking for confirmation or something.

Snobbiest Behavior factsFlickr, Photo

37. Ubers Are for Losers

I grew up dirt poor in a really terrible household. Many years later, I went to Stanford. The stuff I saw there was enough to write a freaking book. Absolute insanity every single day of the week. I'm talking people talking smack about how trashy Tiffany's jewelry is. My buddy Kyle had a guest over to his apartment and his guest commented on how nice the furniture was.

As a gesture, Kyle gave his guest all of the furniture, because "that's what rich people do." It was his roommate’s furniture. He refused to have it replaced. A girl I know purchased a $5k dress in Beverly Hills. Brought it back to her hotel room. Didn't like the way it fit, left it in the hotel room for the maid. But this is the really good story: Same girl fell head over heels for a guy at a party, ogling him all night.

He was WAY out of her league. He starts chatting with her and a few minutes later it turns out that he's actually just friends with someone at the party and was invited, he doesn't go to Stanford, he goes to Berkeley. When she found out, her response made my blood run cold. She smacked him across the face like four times because how freaking dare he talk to her knowing that he goes to a state school.

Zsa Zsa Gabor factsShutterstock

38. Yea, Why Don’tcha?

I made some comment to my college roommate one time about how annoying the bus route I took to work was, and she turned to me quizzically and said, "Why don't you just tell your dad to buy you a car?" I was 22 years old at the time.

Rich Kid Syndrome FactsShutterstock

39. I Miss my Butler

I work at a high-end buffet in Vegas. You get sat, are told to wait, I come up and greet you, explain our offerings, go over the drink menu, take a drink order, and then inform you to help yourself while I get the drinks. As I step away one time, I hear a kid about eight or so say, "So I have to get my own food?" Mom said yes.

Kid said, "I told you we should have brought Michael with us." I didn't understand who Michael was at first. When I realized the truth, I almost burst out laughing. Mom said, "NO, I told you before, we're not bringing our butler on vacation." I was five feet away and this was clear as day. I was stunned—that kid was 100% not joking one bit.

He really wanted his family butler to be on vacation so he wouldn't have to walk to a buffet and get his own food. I'm not insulting the little dude for having one baller lifestyle, but holy balls that was an insane conversation to hear.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

40. Bloody Mary

I used to work in retail, so I have come across my fair share of rude and entitled people. They were a huge reason why I went back to school and no longer work as a cashier. Anyway, one day while I was manning the registers with a few other coworkers of mine, I had a massive nosebleed right as I was finishing a transaction.

I grabbed a tissue and quickly excused myself to run to the restroom so that I could try and get it to stop bleeding. This, of course, meant that I couldn't say goodbye to the customer I had been assisting, or give her the little spiel about how I was oh so grateful for her shopping with us. After about 10 minutes, I was finally able to get my nose back under control and headed back to the registers.

I saw that customer waiting at the side with a scowl on her face. Her arms were crossed over her chest—it was really the whole nine yards. She then proceeded to scold me about how rude I was for not saying goodbye to her and thanking her for shopping with us. After I apologized and explained that I’d had an unexpected nosebleed, she told me that I should have tried holding it in and that the customer always comes first.

My brain was literally melting after hearing that.

Things Witnessed On A Flight FactsWikipedia

41. We Can Work It Out

A woman once came up to me and told me that I needed to leave the gym because I was making her son feel like only fat people go to the gym.

Mature woman at gym on step machine.Getty Images

42. All Poors Are the Same

My mom had a friend who ended up marrying a rich guy and acting like she was hot stuff because she snagged him. She once asked us if she had given us some random kitchen appliance she had gotten rid of. When my mom replied no, this woman legitimately said, "Oh, I must have given it to one of my other poor friends."

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

43. It’s Fine

Back when I was getting my master’s degree, my best friend and I decided to get coffee together as a break from the hectic schedule we had that week. There was another girl from our class who we were polite and friendly to, but not really friends with, who said she wanted come along. Let’s call her Courtney. She was pretty.

Now, Courtney expected people to do the work for her and coasted through most of the year because this course had a lot of group assignments. It had become clear to almost everyone by the second day of the term that she didn’t actually want to study, and instead used to scope out places and insert herself into conversations where people talked about anything relating to money or wealth.

It was weird; her eyes would practically light up when she heard someone uses an expensive beauty brand, visits an expensive bar, or if someone had a relatively famous last name or lineage. So anyway, my best friend and I didn’t have much in common with her, but she insisted on joining us for coffee that day. We ended up regretting it so much.

We gave in and said okay and gave her the directions to meet us. Fast forward to us sitting in the café. She enters one hour late, spots us, and without even making eye contact or greeting the waiter, drops her wet half-open umbrella on his hands. We were mortified, and immediately called her out on it. Her response? She just shrugged and said, “It’s fine.”

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

44. Jimmy Two-Twos

My cousin has two kids, seven and nine years old. Both boys. Spoils the life out of them and lets them get away with terrible, bratty behavior. Whenever one of them is having a birthday party, she tells attending family members, "Make sure you get both of them a present, or else there will be a case of EXTREME jealousy."

Telling your guests to bring a gift is a pretty gross thing to do. Telling your guests to bring an extra gift for someone other than the birthday boy is just obnoxious. And what's more is that they are by no means rich enough to spoil their kids the way they do. And neither of the parents grew up rich and spoiled themselves, so I have no idea where they got this from.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

45. Making Room

I've been sitting on this story for a while. So, I am on a "completely full" Southwest flight. Luckily, I am in the A boarding group and got a seat near the front of the plane. I am chilling, low-key watching people board. Time passes and the plane is getting pretty full. At this point, there's virtually no overhead-compartment space left.

This young woman walks on, spots an empty seat in the row ahead of mine, and asks the people in the row to move so she can get in. Completely normal, right? The issue: She has a very large carry-on bag that she cannot fit under the seat in front of her. And, as I said, there's no overhead compartment space left. Here's where it gets crazy.

She proceeds to remove a bag from the overhead-compartment that belonged to a man who was one of the first on the plane, places it in the middle of the aisle, puts her bag in its place, and then sits down as if what she did was totally acceptable social behavior. This drew some major attention from those sitting around her, including the man who owned the bag and the remaining passengers behind her in line who now had to navigate their way around a bag in the middle of the aisle.

Several people are about to let her have it when, luckily, a flight attendant who witnessed all of this arrives. She gives her a short lecture and then proceeds to play a game of Tetris with the bags overhead and, thankfully, is able to squeeze hers and the man's bag in. She deplaned before me and I wasn't able to track her down in the airport, but I really wanted to talk to her to see what her thought process was.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

46. Do You Even Know Who My Friends Are?

My uncle has this thing for crazy materialistic women. When I worked at a cigar bar owned by him and some other members of the family, his soon-to-be wife came in and suggested we (the employees) go to the store to get some lanterns to light at the tables and some holiday lights because her other rich friends were coming to see the place.

I openly laughed, since we were very busy and generally understaffed. She got mad and called my uncle, he called me and told me he didn’t want me to send anyone to get that stuff and that he didn’t care. Jokes on you, lady. Something about her emphasizing her materially exclusive connection to these other people really rubbed me the wrong way and had affected my perception of her to this day.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

47. Civil War

When I was in the military, there was a private in my unit who once said to the first sergeant, "I'm not trying to pull rank or anything, sir, but my mother is a major." The guy literally thought that he could get away with bossing around the command team because his mother outranked them. Let’s just say he didn’t end up lasting too long in the military.

The Marines factsPixabay

48. (S)weeping

While I was on school, we were cleaning up the classroom before class started. We followed duty rosters so everyone got their own job to do. That day, Josh was in charge of sweeping so we reminded him that he should do his job. He threw a fit, cried, and threatened to tell his mother about it. We were like, "Dude, it's just once a week, the classroom isn't even that big," but he threw a bigger fit and cried in the corner.

We forgot about it...until the next week. I still can't believe what he did. When his day came around again, he brought his mother along into the classroom. We explained everything, but the mother didn’t seem to care if her son is on duty or not. She insisted that her son should not be doing chores and blabbered on how wimpy it is for boys to do chores.

Josh added some more oil to the fire and lied to his mother that we were teasing him. The whole class got scolded. From then on, every time his duty day came up, someone else did the chores for him while he sat there watching us with a smug face. I also remember that one day his mother actually came in, swept the floor for him, and left after scolding us for being so useless.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

49. Father, How Could You??

I went to a pretty upper class private high school thanks to the fact that my mom worked there. As you might expect, some of my classmates were extremely entitled. During my senior year, I saw a girl go into a full-on screaming, tear-filled public rant directed towards her father in the parking lot after he had surprised her with a brand new, fully-loaded BMW for her birthday.

It turns out she had wanted a Mercedes and straight-up would not accept the gift.

Lost Crush FactsShutterstock

50. Swimming in Excuses

A few years ago, I worked at a large bank in the foreclosure department. I had been trying to reach a customer who was a doctor. Every time she got on the phone with me she would tell me to quit calling about her pool. She had taken a second mortgage to install an in-ground pool, apparently. She was very rude and dismissive any time I tried to explain the situation to her.

Well, the last conversation with her, I informed her again that I was calling to tell her that the foreclosure was going forward at this point, since she had not made a payment in almost a year. She still did not grasp the seriousness of the situation, and again told me that she was tired of us calling about the pool. Just refused to see reality.

Finally, I got fed up—so I took it up a notch. I explained to her again that it was not the pool we were going to foreclose upon, but her home. Then I offered her a phone number. When she asked what it was for, I told her U-Haul, because she will be needing to move unless her account was brought current within the next 10 days. She wired the past due amount the next day.

I’m Outta Here FactsShutterstock

51. Sub-Human Strikes

At my first job (Firehouse Subs) I had a guy come in whining that his drive-thru order was wrong. He sort of slammed the bag down on the counter while he was yelling, and held up the receipt to prove it. Kept shaking it, too, like I wasn't looking. My job at the moment was just cutting and wrapping sandwiches, so I kept being like, "Sir, I'm really sorry that happened, but if you just go to the cashier, she'll get you squared away."

But he wouldn't go, kept yelling at me like it was my personal fault. Eventually, he wadded up his receipt and threw it at me. That is the one and only time I ever turned and walked away without another word.

Snobbiest Behavior factsWikimedia Commons

52. Soup, Cold

My uncle owns a restaurant. One time while I was there, two older men ordered their meals, both of which came with a soup. A few moments after getting their soups, one of the men angrily told the waitress that he wanted to speak to the owner. My uncle came over and asked what the problem was, and the man wanted to return the soup because it was too hot.

My uncle told him to “freaking blow on it” and the man started angrily shouting in the middle of the restaurant. He threatened a lawsuit, which I reckon isn’t even a realistic case to bring to the court. Not sure if I’m ever going to see something like that again.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

53. A Very Picky Eater

I used to work at a fast food place in a theme park when I was only 18 years old. An obnoxious entitled person held up the line because she was demanding that our staff assemble a particular dish for her daughter which we aren’t allowed to do, because we go by a specific menu. That doesn’t seem like a policy that should be at all controversial.

She was saying stuff like, “My daughter can’t have that!” “Well, what can you do for me?” “Do you want her to starve to death?” Those are just a few of the quotes from this woman in response to our refusal to accommodate her ridiculous request—all of which remain among the most irritating lines that I have ever encountered in any walk of life.

Buffet Workers Horror Stories FactsShutterstock

54. The City Is my Bin

I once witnessed a man opening something he had just purchased from a store. He was on a sidewalk, with his two children, and without even looking around, he flung his trash over his shoulder into the street—into oncoming traffic. Also, he was leaning against a trash can.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

55. Litter-ally Done

Years ago as a teen, I used to volunteer at the animal shelter. I’d clean out cages, empty litter trays, clean all the dishes, feed the cats and give them a fresh litter tray. And sure, it would sometimes be messy, especially if one of the cats was ill and had diarrhea. That’s a lot of cleaning and disinfecting. I never minded because I loved working with cats—still do.

We get this new volunteer one day and I’ve got to show her the ropes. She immediately decided that she couldn’t possibly touch a litter tray because they were "dirty," so she stood by the sink and watched me scrub around two dozen trays. She did nothing at all the entire time she was there. I ended up getting mad at her and asked her exactly she was here for if she wasn’t going to help out. Thankfully that was her only shift ever.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

56. Pay-to-Win Life

During my nursing course, after a lecture on how your socioeconomic status effects your health and life span, a girl says, "Rich people deserve to live longer because they work harder." Coming from the girl whose parents pay for her...everything.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

57. Stuffed Justice

I went to a state fair one time a few years ago and saw this young mom and her young son (looked to be around four to six). He had a stuffed animal that looked pretty worn out. You could tell that the son had it for a while now. Another mom and son walked up and were about to get on the same ride that the first mom and son were getting on.

Boy places his stuffed animal on a bench so he can go and grab something from one of the stands, and the other boy goes and takes it. Both moms saw it, and the mother of the boy with the stuffed animal goes to try to take it back for her son. Entitled mom yells at her saying stuff like, "If he found it, he should keep it," and, "Your son shouldn't have been so careless."

I'm disgusted at this point, but it was about to get even worse. The mom says to the entitled mother that her son's had that stuffed animal his entire life, it belongs to him. Entitled mom says, "You can just get another from one of the stands, it's not a big deal." The boy who the stuffed animal belongs to sees the other boy misusing his stuffed animal and starts to burst out into tears.

Not like an entitled child crying, but as if his heart was just completely broken. He wasn't screaming crying, just a small sob. This was my breaking point. While the entitled mom wasn't looking, I told her child, “You should give this back.” I took the stuffed animal (not by force of course) and I dusted it off, then gave it back to its rightful owner.

Entitled mom sees me give it back to him and starts screaming at me, saying I hurt her child, and she would be pressing charges. I distract her long enough for the other mom to realize this was her time to escape. After seeing that the family had gotten far enough away from sight, I simply left my and the entitled mother’s conversation while she was talking. I am the stuffed animal vigilante now.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

58. Untraditional Gender Roles

My dad hasn't worked a real job in over 25 years. My mom has been working and providing for us that entire time. Nevertheless, my dad expects to still be fully in charge of everything in our household, including how our money is spent on any purchase more important than groceries—you know, because he still considers grocery shopping his wife’s responsibility.

Talk about entitled…

Tipping Point in Relationship factsShutterstock

59. Walking, Talking Wallet

Here's a super snobby story from my big sister’s younger years. She was about 12 or 13 at that point, and she and my dad were out buying her some new winter shoes. My sister locked her eyes on a pair of Converse boots almost instantly, and my dad suggested at least looking around some more in case she found something even nicer.

To that my sister just said in a very matter-of-fact way, "Remember, you're just the wallet." Nowadays if someone from the family takes someone else shopping to buy them something, it's "tagging along as the wallet."

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

60. Designer EpiPen

The worst case of entitlement that I've personally seen was when my cousin expected my brother to carry her EpiPen at Disney World. Why? Just because the special bag her mom bought her didn't go with the outfits she was planning to wear. So her mom spent two weeks looking for a new bag that matched her clothes.

Disneyland And Walt Disney World factsPxfuel

61. Eat Your Words

A while ago I decided to treat myself to some Burger King. I was having a bad day and had a headache coming on. So I was waiting in line at the BK, when suddenly this woman comes in with a monster of a child. He was out of control, screaming, punching his mother, throwing things around. The mother didn't pay any attention to him and he continued yelling, "I want a PIE."

My headache turned into a full-blown migraine. I calmly turned and asked if she could please calm her child down. Immediately she got up in my face, telling me to mind my own business. I nodded and turned around, when the child cried out again how he wants a pie. I then decided to ruin their day in the most devious way I could think of.

When I got to the front of the line I asked the person at the register how many apple pies they have left. They told me and I bought all of them. I ate one and made sure the kid saw me throw the rest in the trash.

Epic Comeuppance Happen To A Spoiled Kid facts Grub Street

62. The Great Wall of Luggage

Riding the metro in Kuala Lumpur during the morning commute and this family gets on with a bunch of luggage...probably headed to the airport. They proceed to pile up the luggage at the door to prevent people getting on or off, presumably because they knew that the car would be packed at that hour. People getting off had to cross into the adjacent car.

Snobbiest Behavior factsFlickr, Rolling Okie

63. Car Problems

My buddy’s girlfriend had her father buy her a new Jeep. The same week, she needed some extra money and decided to take it out of her mom's purse. She got caught, obviously, and they took the Jeep. She threw a fit about having mean parents so the father sold the brand-new jeep and got her a little beater SUV. It probably won't help her: This family is rich.

I'm talking like, "maybe I'll buy a G6 or maybe I'll buy another boat" rich. Her father invests portions of her money every month for her. She only spends tip money from her job, the rest goes to her savings (which her father handles). He's made great amounts of money investing in stocks. She is wealthy enough to never need to go to college. Yet, she's taking money from her parents and complaining about how bad they are.

The parents are doing the best they can to discipline this girl but she is just too much for her own good.

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

64. Is Laziness a Handicap?

College roommate parked in the front-row handicap spots every single day before going to class, so he wouldn't have to walk so far. Racked up thousands of dollars in parking tickets, only to have mommy and daddy pay them off every time.

Snobbiest Behavior factsPxhere

65. You Using That?

“I should have your laptop. You’re sick. You’ll never use it.” This was my ex-friend telling me, while on my thirtieth round of chemo, that she should get my new laptop that was sent to me by a charity run by my hospital.

Snobbiest Behavior factsPixnio

66. The Great Exchange

My husband and I host high school age exchange students in Canada. They come from a bunch of different places in the world. Had this one boy from Southern Italy. About two weeks in, we had this conversation: Him: My sheets haven't been washed yet. Me: Have you washed them? Him: No. Me: Well that's probably why they haven't been washed. His next words left me stunned.

"The housekeeper does that." The weird thing is that he did wash his clothes. His hang-up with the sheets was he didn't know how to put the bed back together. Needless to say, he learned how to do laundry properly, make a bed, and went home with some basic cooking skills and a couple recipes in his pocket.

Kid was definitely a brat, but his willingness to learn these things made us have the patience to teach him.

Something Wasn’t Right factsPixabay

67. I Don’t Care, I Love It

Girl at my high school was given a brand-new Mustang for her birthday. She was angry because she didn’t want a Mustang, so she crashed it so her dad would buy her another new car, which he did.

Snobbiest Behavior factsPikrepo

68. Where’s the Dorm Maid?

Was an RA for three years, we had a student and his mom aggressively call the dorm’s front office because: “It’s been two weeks, and nobody’s come to clean our room yet.”

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

69. Keep it One-Sided, Please

There was this girl who started working at the store I worked at, and one night we were scheduled to work together in the same area. People who work an area together usually talk while performing the menial tasks, so I figured I would get to know her. She explained she was a former model and was super prissy. This explains why she said the horrible things she did.

Imagine a typical conversation where you're trading stories and comparing, but every time I would talk she would say, verbatim, "Yeahhhhh, but I don't really care about that," and, "I don't really want to hear about that," with no proposed alternatives to conversation or anything. It screamed, "I'll talk, you'll listen, and nothing else."

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

70. A Poor Choice of Words

I once witnessed my cousin refusing to take any form of public transportation because, and I quote, “it's for poor people and mopes.”

Strangest Interactions factsPexels

71. Roof-ist

Someone left a bad review for a charity that provides free vet care to homeless people's dogs because the charity wouldn't give her pet free treatment "just because I have a roof over my head."

Snobbiest Behavior factsShutterstock

72. Double the Displeasure

An old friend of mine and his family are loaded. They constantly get the newest car, most massive house, multiple out-of-country vacations a year first-class, and he’ll get the most expensive tickets possible for concerts. Plus, mommy and daddy would never say no. So when the iPhones/ and iPod touches were blowing up, he asked for a very specific color and GB for the iPod touch.

It was near Christmas and they were sold out EVERYWHERE. His mom was so disappointed that she went overboard with a ridiculous gesture. She paid a lady at the mall DOUBLE the price of the newest iPhone max GB while she was walking out so he could get something similar since she couldn’t find the exact make and model that he really wanted for Christmas.

Fast forward to Christmas Day, he opened the box and was so peeved it wasn’t what he wanted that he slammed it onto the floor, saying that it wasn’t what he asked for. It was DESTROYED. Then he called her a witch (but worse) and left to go to his room without opening the rest of his presents. Truly unbelievable.

The mom then had a breakdown and went to the mall again to ask for what he wanted for the next few weeks until yet again, someone had just bought one and she paid double to gift it for him again. That was the last time we ever spoke, and from what I hear, he has no job, still lives with mom and dad, no high school diploma, upgrades his Mercedes every year, and decided that he’s going to be a rapper or nothing at all.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

73. Be Careful What You Wish for

I threw a fit when I was ten. My parents decided they’d get my brothers and I snowboards for Christmas. My brothers were super into it, but I showed little interest. Christmas Day, I got a Walmart “fake” (my word) snowboard while my brothers both got really nice “real” ones. I got angry, started crying, and my brothers rightfully called me an ungrateful jerk.

The next week, my parents relented and got me a “real snowboard” that I was too heavy and uncoordinated to effectively use. I strapped what amounted to $275 worth of snowboard to my feet no more than three times. I kept the snowboard, mostly as a reminder that you don’t need to be rich to be spoiled.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

74. Strapped for Cash

Spoiled child syndrome that bled into adulthood. I work at a collection agency, and this one guy racked up a 200k debt. Thing is, anything of that size we had to go over the person's financials. That's when I learned the infuriating truth. It turns out that dude got 60k A MONTH from his father. A month. He got more in a month than I do in a year. But, I still followed procedures.

He claimed huge amounts for expenses. Didn’t add up to the 60k though, only 20k a month. Dude could pay off his debt in half a year. He then informs me that he can’t afford the 40k monthly payment, as he is renovating his house. And spending all of that 40k each month on said renovations. Just so, so ridiculously spoiled and actively stupid too.

William Randolph Hearst factsShutterstock

75. Child Services

My ex's niece. They got her a car—she wrecked it. So they got her another one. She wrecked that one. And so on. There were about four cars they got her, one right after the other, during the years I was with her uncle. Oh! And speaking of "one right after the other," one guess what else that applied to? Her kids.

She had three little kids, back-to-back, whom she never took care of, and used to foist off onto her mother to take care of. Oh, and she never had a job, she'd just live there and sponge off the parents. "Well, why can't you get a job, Donna?" "Because I have three kids I have to stay home and take care of." But your mother does that because you ignore them.

As soon as the littlest one would be big enough to go to school, leaving her no excuse to not get a job, she'd pop out another one—and there you go! Can't possibly get a job with an infant to take care of! Except her mother would take care of that kid, too. So she and her three little children had free room, board, and child care while this girl went out partying, and if she wrecked the car they gave her, they just bought her a new one.

This had been going on from the time she was 16, when I started dating her uncle, until she was 25 when I broke up with him. I don't know if it's still going on, but probably.

Anjelica Huston FactsPixabay

76. Daddy’s Little Ghoul

Had a boss ages ago. Great guy. He had two kids: One was a pretty normal guy, and then a very, very "everything is about me" daddy's girl for a daughter. One day, she runs through our office, tears streaming down her face, straight out "looks like someone kicked the bucket" levels of trauma. I was actually scared. She slams the door to his overhead office, loud enough that everyone in the store can hear.

And then there is a ton of tearful screaming ("WWAHHHHHTBTHBTHA THASKJHT THBTHTBTHBTHBT') as her father just keeps repeating over and over "What’s wrong? What happened?" Ten minutes later, she blurts out I RAN OVER MY IPOD MINI. She must've dropped it in the parking lot at the gym and backed over it somehow? Who knows. Couldn't stand her at all, apple fell very far from the tree on that one.

I Still Cringe factsShutterstock

77. Well Now I Know Who He Is!

My grandfather thinks that the entire world revolves around him. He does the whole "Do you know who I am?" thing any time that he doesn't get his way, despite the fact that he is not, and never has been, anyone of note or importance. If he wants something, he expects you to drop whatever you're doing and help him, no matter what.

He once threatened to beat me up when I wouldn't get him a Pepsi. The reason that I wouldn’t get it for him is that he's diabetic and, therefore, not allowed to drink it. I've never met someone so far up their own backside in my life.

Randoms Acts of Kindness factsPixabay

78. Nice Try There, Cupcake

Hosted and gave a lecture to a cooking group (+ kids), and as a thank you for this free event, the organizers gave me some cupcakes they had baked during the workshop. One of the kids started screaming at me that she wanted the cupcakes and almost pulled the plate from my hands. The mother very softly said that those were meant for me.

The kid shouted while stamping her foot, "But I want them, she [meaning me] doesn't want them." The mother just looked ashamed and did not say anything further while the kid ran off angry. It's not about the worth of the cupcakes, more about the sheer confidence in the kid’s eyes that I would hand the thank-you gift I had just gotten over to her, just because she wanted them.

Homemade cupcakes.Getty Images

79. Shopping Spree

I used to work at a big chain grocery store, and there would be screaming kids and such, but they're peanuts compared to this horror story. So this mom and her two sons (6 and probably 13) came in one summer day and the boys just started acting out. They rode in the carts and were crashing into walls or displays. Mom does nothing to quiet them.

They continue to run around the store, causing chaos and irritating customers. When they got to the soda aisle, all heck broke loose. The kids grabbed soda bottles and started shaking them and then opening them. Soda sprayed everywhere and their mom did NOTHING. My manager just had enough and confronted the mom. She called the kids "little brats" and said that she was going to make the mom pay for the sodas that were opened.

The mom refused and said, "I'm not paying for something I'm not going to buy." People then pointed out the sodas that were opened and the mess her kids made. "They were just having fun!" She yelled, but no one took her side. A uniformed officer happened to be in the store and confronted the mom with the threat of writing a ticket for unpaid merchandise. She then finally paid up, but she left her cart of food behind. My manager then banned her and her brats from the store.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsPxfuel

80. Maybe I Want to Try New Things

A girl in my high school bullied her mom into buying her an electric guitar that was signed by our state basketball team at a silent auction. She didn't play the guitar, or like sports.

Randoms Acts of Kindness factsShutterstock

81. Crazy Rich Asians

I tutored for my college's writing center, so we dealt with a lot of ESL students. I never witnessed this, but our supervising professor told us about how he had run an intensive English-language training course over the summer. Our school hosted a number of wealthy Chinese students for the months leading up to orientation so they could brush up on their English.

Apparently, one of these kids was sent over to the US with a duffle-bag filled with over $100,000 cash for, you know, walking around money. The school eventually had to confiscate her giant bag of money when she brought it with her downtown and began just throwing money out of the window of her brand-new Mercedes.

They were apparently worried she was going to be kidnapped.

Adelaide Hall factsPixabay

82. Money Can’t Buy Sense

The last girl I dated was spoiled, but at the same time that led to her being naive as well. She knows all about designer stuff and how to decorate a house, but it was only 10 months or so ago that she learned about the space station and that people are in space year-round. Or that we have rovers on Mars, and have for a while.

She also just learned that our solar system is in a galaxy, and that the galaxy is in the universe—She thought the solar system was the universe. You may say “so what?” but she is a teacher in the local school system who has no basic understanding of science whatsoever. She thought that Einstein was the guy who either built or designed the Eiffel tower.

That aside, she has no basic living skills. She can’t cook and often wonders why her cup/glass/bowl is on the table or counter where she left it. She called me asking for directions the first time she had to do laundry, one call for the washer and 30 minutes later another call for the dryer. She has no money management skills due to her family's wealth and always being supplied with cash.

Now that she is not at home, she can’t understand why her account gets to zero. I have been there when she goes to buy something and has insufficient funds. She will say "how is that possible, where did the money go...can you help me find where the money went?" like it’s just sitting in another account or something. She moved out from her parents’ house at 33 and she’s 36 now with no idea how to support herself.

She feels entitled when things are not exactly how she expects them. Oh, and mom and dad still pay for her cell phone, internet, Netflix, car insurance...all she pays is rent, food, clothing, and beauty products. I remember when she got this blank stare because I said I couldn't afford to drop almost $5,000 on a trip with no warning. It turned into "Why don’t you want to go with ME?"

She couldn’t understand when I said it wasn’t about her, it was about going on a trip that cost $5,000 and leaving in 2 weeks, no warning for work just drop everything and go. Not to mention if we booked the trip months in advance, we could have done it for half the cost. I can’t imagine how she will make it when her parents are gone.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

83. Boys Will Be Boys

Our neighbor had 2 children, a boy (8) and a girl (6). Trust me when I say that the boy was the most spoiled brat I've ever seen in the entirety of the 17 years of my life. I used to hear about the stereotypes on how Indian mothers coddle their sons too much, but this boy's mother is on an entirely different and utterly terrifying level.

He would throw tantrums all the time if his wishes weren't fulfilled, thrashing on the floor, whining, threatening that he will hurt us. He locked our front door (old houses have locks outside, too) once, and my entire family was late to where they were going. If he was asked to do anything by his elders, he'd reply, "No, I am a boy. Boys don't need to do housework. Girls need to do such things."

Then he’d drag his sister over and make her do it. Everyone just laughed, uncomfortably or not, I will never know. His mother just used to say, "Well, he will grow up. After all, he is my darling son." The mother always put her son's wishes first. I pitied her daughter, she wore the hand-me-downs of the brother, they were faded and sometimes they were even torn. She was scolded a lot too.

We moved away later. I sometimes wonder how the daughter's doing. I hope she is fine and has left the family for good. Though, I guess she will just be married off as the family is extremely conservative. Poor kid.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

84. Color Me Unimpressed

I got my brother a $300 drawing tablet when I was in college. It was the most money I'd ever spent on one thing, but I wanted him to have it. Cue my rich friend who'd just gotten a really nice Wacom for her birthday guilt-tripping me and saying hers isn't good enough and she wants one like I got for him. That I’m a bad friend for not doing it.

It got to the point where I almost felt bad for not considering her—a soon-to-be-famous comic artist in her mind—over my brother, who just likes to draw sometimes. Then I grew a pair and asked if she thought I was going to buy her a tablet too, because I wasn't. She was a brat who got whatever she so much as looked at because her parents were rich, while I was a full-time student and not poor by any means, but also not making any money.

That had been a HUGE expense for me. Sometime later, we were goofing around in a Discord call and, as part of a joke that really wasn't all that funny to start with, she slammed her leg onto the table in front of her, knocking an open water bottle onto her Wacom and nearly ruining it. I almost wish it had done the trick.

Maybe that would've taught her to appreciate what she had, but more than likely she would've just replaced it within the week.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsPxfuel

85. Wax on, Screw off

I teach karate, and every once in a while there are super spoiled kids who come. One girl is spoiled because her mom is the greatest example of a Karen that I have ever seen. One night during our normal class time (40-minutes long from warm-up to bowing out, mind you), she asked to get a drink because she was thirsty. But she wasn't coughing, sick, exhausted, or anything that would indicate she needed a drink right that second.

It's also a well-known rule that once they're on the mats, they can't leave unless it’s an emergency. She asked my co-worker, and he said no because the class was going to end in 10 minutes anyway. She didn't listen to him and left the mats anyway to get a drink. When she came back, he told her how she didn't follow directions and left the mats without permission. He wasn't yelling or anything, just being stern because she wasn't listening.

She started crying and her mom threw a fit too to our boss to get him fired for disrespecting and humiliating her daughter in front of the whole class. No one noticed the situation and even if they did, it wasn't that serious. I'm still amazed to this day this was all because she didn't follow the rules and got in trouble for it.

Creepy As An Adult factsShutterstock

86. Cruising for a Bruising

I had an old co-worker I was supervisor over at a concert venue (parking). This freaking kid, he was like maybe 19 or 20. For his 18th birthday, his parents bought him a brand new, top of the line Lexus. He wrecked it within a month. Then his parents bought him a Jeep Wrangler, which they also had outfitted with all the spotlights, rock lights, etc.

Then, like a year ago, his parents bought him another new Lexus. The spoiled child part is when he posts stuff on social like, "Have to drive the Lexus today, wish I could be in my Jeep" or "I miss my Lexus but I took the Jeep today" sort of stuff. It’s so weird and humble braggy but also super spoiled. Makes my blood boil.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsPxfuel

87. Sink Your Teeth Into This One

When I was a teenager, my mom ran an in-home daycare. There were these two sisters, about 3 and 5, who were spoiled rotten (literally). They weren't necessarily wealthy, but they were definitely never told no. We had lunches set up two ways: The parents could pay a little less and send lunch with their kids every day, or pay a little more and we would provide lunch for them.

These two girls would bring their "lunch," which their mother let them pick out and usually consisted of mostly fruit snacks, super sugary juice, and other non-nutritional foods. They simply refused to eat anything else. Of course, this meant they were always in a bad mood because sugar can only get you so far, and if another kid had a snack they wanted, the girls would gang up on the kid and try to take it.

They had to be closely monitored during lunch and snack time. They ate so much sugar that their front teeth were nothing but little brown nubs...

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

88. Oh, Brother

My husband's brother has gotten everything he ever wanted and seems to have an outrageous sense of entitlement. His first car wasn't fancy enough, so he got a Mustang, which he was constantly being pulled over in for drag racing. If he started a fight with a classmate, Daddy would take care of it with the authorities so that the guy who was just defending himself got in trouble instead of his son.

But the worst "spoiled brat" moment came later. Shortly before my husband's grandpa passed on, he sold his car so he could split the money between all four grandkids in his will. He noticed that his cousin was driving a brand new Jeep. He got peeved because he wanted to know where his share of the cash was. Freaking unbelievable.

Worst Ways They’ve Been Dumped FactsShutterstock

89. Don’t Put off Today What You Can’t Do Tomorrow

I know a kid who constantly screams and throws tantrums. All day, every day. It blows my mind how a person doesn't even try to discipline (not to be confused with punishing) that kind of behavior out of their child. Throwing constant screaming tantrums can be discouraged very early in life. It's time-consuming, but it's entirely possible.

Doesn't mean that any given child will entirely stop throwing tantrums, that would be an unrealistic claim. However, they can be reduced, especially as children learn to communicate by gestures and simple words rather than just crying.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

90. Growing to Love You

I am embarrassed to say it was me. I really wanted a bike when I was 10 years old. I had one, but I wanted one like my friend’s. This was earlier in the 90s and the mountain bike tires had just come out. They were the "new" thing in 10-speed bikes. I didn't get that memo and I wanted a 10-speed bike like my friend had, with the skinny tires.

So when my parents surprised me with a mountain bike on my 10th birthday, I was so mean about not wanting that bike. Whenever I think about it now, I am so embarrassed. I got over it and LOVED the bike! I liked it so much, I kept it and rode it until I moved out-of-state for marriage when I was 33. It was kind of beat up by then.

Near-Death Experiences FactsShutterstock

91. Mother Knows Best—Or at Least She Thinks She Does!

The most entitled person that I have ever encountered in my entire life is without a doubt the mother of a girl that I went to school with. This woman once came into the shop where I worked at 5:58 PM, knowing full well that we close at six. Our lights were already half off and our front door was closed. As if that wasn't enough to get the message across, the roller door was already half down.

Nevertheless, the woman walks in and goes "Hi (insert my name here)! I'm just running in to grab a few quick things before you close up!" Before I can even open my mouth to tell her not to come inside, she's already gone into one of the aisles. My manager comes over to me and shouts "What are you doing? We have to be done by six!"

He went searching the aisles to find her and discovered that she already had a basket full of items. She even had the nerve to approach him and ask where to find some of the groceries that she didn't see on the shelf. Now, my manager is literally the nicest guy ever and, therefore, agrees to ring up her items as long as she pays by credit card, since the cash has all been packed away into the safe for the evening already.

"No, that's ridiculous! I only have cash!" she shouted. She then called out my name and asked me to tell my manager that I only had cash and that we were friends so everything should be okay. So, I told her the exact same thing as my manager had said, that we literally can't access the cash once the safe is closed for the day.

"Oh. Well then, in that case, can you just pay for it on your credit card and I'll get my daughter to pay you back in school next week?" I told her that I could not do that, and she started shouting like a psychopath about how unprofessional we all were. She yelled that the shop is awful because half of the items are not even on the shelves.

Again, WE WERE CLOSED at this time!! I'm not quite sure what part of that she didn't understand. She then screamed out that she was "never coming back here again!"—thank God, she finally said something that made me happy! She then promptly stormed out the front door. Ever since this incident, she has always avoided me at all school events that we see each other at, and I honestly feel sorry for her daughter.

The stories that I hear about this insane woman are shocking.

Surrounded by Idiots FactsShutterstock

92. Phoning It in

I was in second grade, and this kid had an iPhone. The teacher decided that he needed to stop playing on it in class, and took his phone. This kid full-on started to cry, yelling that she shouldn’t do that, and that she should give him his phone back. She sent him to the principal, and he came back a little while later and said it was fine that she took his phone because his mom would just buy him a new one. Her face was priceless.

Spoiled Brats FactsFlickr anthony kelly

93. Biting the Hand That Feeds

My nephew used to bite everyone, and when you would tell his mom, she would just say “Well, he's just playing around, it’s not really hurting anyone.” Um. It literally is. I love rough-housing with my cousins, so when he does this, I really lay down the law and tell him to cut that out. He just cries and runs to his mom. Believe it or not, she makes me even madder than the kid.

When I explain what happened, saying “Yep, he bit me so I yelled at him,” she will get mad at me and say that’s not my job. Well, do your own job and I won't have to.

Bad Guy factsShutterstock

94. The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

When I was in college, I worked as a substitute teacher at the local elementary schools. Subbed a kindergarten class one day. Things went fine until after recess. I went to pick up the kids at the designated line-up spot, and one little girl was throwing a fit because "My mommy says I have to be in the front of the line."

I got to the room and she threw another fit because, "My mommy says I have to sit in a blue chair." This was the same chair she sat in before recess. It was (light) blue. The rest of the day, this same thing continued. End of the day, found out her mom was a girl I'd gone to high school with—and she had been one of my bullies. The overwhelming urge to tape the child's mouth shut suddenly made sense.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

95. Fair Is Where You...Learn to Drive

When my younger brother was in high school, one of his classmates was the daughter of a car dealership owner. As a perk for owning the dealership, her dad had demo cars that he would let her drive to school. Every few weeks, she'd crash one of these demo cars, but would just shrug it off because daddy would just give her a new one.

Don't know exactly how many she went through before he gave her a used car. But the worst part was yet to come. She would whine about how unfair it was to anyone who listened.

Improve Their Lives factsPixabay

96. A Real Gold Nugget

My cousin is an only child. He would get so many presents for Christmases and birthdays, it took three days to open everything. When visiting our grandparents, he'd have to bring every toy he owned so he could play with that in the back bedroom instead of spending time with family. He also only ever ate fast food (his mother was quite proud of never cooking).

One visit, when he was maybe 9 or 10, my grandparents wanted burritos for dinner, so my mom spent all day making a massive pot of beef machaca and a second massive pot of chicken machaca because the kid was only eating chicken at that time. As soon as the whole family sat down, the brat immediately turned to his mother and asked where his chicken nuggets were.

Hadn't tasted a bite, just expected to have chicken nuggets available at any time for him. On another visit, he had a complete breakdown because his peanut butter and jelly sandwich was folded the wrong way. I think the same visit, he also had a meltdown when his hot dog bun tore a bit and the hot dog started to fall out. Mom wrapped it up in a paper napkin, but he still refused to eat it because "now it's ugly."

Worst Birthdays EverShutterstock

97. X This Guy out

Went on a date with a guy who seemed like a great match until he tried to force himself on me. When I told him I never wanted to speak with him again, he cried and moped to his family all weekend that his "dream girl" dumped him, so they bought him an Xbox One to make him feel better.

Cuphead FactsPxHere

98. The Princess Diaries

This was the most spoiled human being I've ever met. I had a roommate for a while. He wasn't the spoiled one, but his girlfriend was the most entitled brat I've ever met in my life. She didn't work because she claimed she had "health issues" and her parents paid for everything. Personally, I think her all-soda and fried food diet may have had something to do with her health issues.

I swear none of us ever saw her drink a glass of water. Anyways, she caused a car accident while texting, and her parents’ response was to buy her the same car. She then got in another accident (her fault again) and her parents bought her a slightly less nice (but still way nicer than anything I've owned) car.

She was a completely spoiled princess with no life skills, and my other roommates and I all hated her. The cherry on this sundae? She was 37 years old and acting like this. I just can't imagine being that age and seeing nothing wrong with being completely dependent on my parents for everything. And crashing my car a million times.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

99. Now I’m the Baby

My mom. She was the youngest of her siblings, and because her mother passed on before she had a chance to know her, her older siblings coddled her. Now she’s a leech who expects everyone to hand things to her. I’ve been working since I got out of high school to keep the lights on because she refuses to keep a job and expects me (her daughter) to spend all my extra money, which there is barely any of, on her.

She throws mild temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her way and resorts to stealing to get what she wants. I love my mom and my childhood was great, but now I’m planning on moving away to escape her bratty behavior. Her siblings still reinforce her behavior and I’m tired of watching grown adults baby another grown adult.

Strangest Thing Caught Doing FactsShutterstock

100. Daddy Issues

My stepfather's third son, I'll refer to him as JC. I'm getting angry just from thinking about this. My (step)father was a self-made rich man. He was an old-fashioned, hard-working man who left the care of the children to his wife. I say "was" because he lost more than half of his wealth after his divorce.

He was still wealthy enough to be considered upper class, then he married my mom, and they've been together for 22 years now. Life was pretty good until almost four years ago when he was forced to retire due to his health, hospital bills didn't help at all, and today he relies heavily on the money my brothers (not from his previous marriage) and I give him every month.

Until he stopped working, he has always paid for JC's apartment. JC also has a pretty stable job as an English teacher for executives at a big organization. This job was thanks to my father's connections. He gets a really good salary, plus he has no kids nor wife to support. However, with all the drinking and parties, JC "doesn't have enough" to make ends meet.

One day, my younger brother grabbed my dad's phone to help him with some settings, and he saw some WhatsApp messages from JC. At first, it was asking him for money, until my father explained that he didn't have money to give him, so JC went on to mock my father for not being wealthy anymore. Calling him a failure and so many other insults.

Then, my little brother did something that made me love him even more. He texted JC back saying that if he dares to text my father again, no matter the reason, he will first kick the heck out of him, and then he will call the authorities on him for his substance issues. JC is over 40 years old, my younger brother just turned 20.

My younger brother got himself a job in the Ministry of Defense, and he could easily do the things he threatened JC with. There haven't been texts since. I know what many of you may think, that’s it’s my father's fault for still giving money to that jerk, or why didn't my brother send him straight to the clinker. Both questions have the same answer: Because it would hurt my father, because he still "loves" his son in a way and blames himself for not being more present when raising him.

Worst Birthdays EverShutterstock

101. First-Class Spoiled Brat

I was working with a 9-year-old once who didn’t understand that I couldn’t bring back a ton of bulky items from my vacation. I explained the sizes of suitcases, bag limits, etc. She looks at me and says something that made my jaw drop: “Well just ask your pilot to carry the extras, you don’t have a big family so your plane won’t be crowded.” I then realized that this child had only ever been on her family’s private plane...

Demi Moore FactsShutterstock

102. Lose My Number Like You Lost My Necklace

This girl who I was "best friends" with after one day. After like two years, she decided she wouldn't come to see me at the place we'd always hang out at since "I can't wake up early at 8:45 am, it gives me headaches.” When I bought her a $20 friendship necklace, which was actually expensive for me at the time, she lost it after three days.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

103. The Main Attraction

In a popular mall, a grown woman rolled on the ground kicking and screaming when the grown man she was with refused to buy her jewelry. She slammed her hand on the glass counter, then it turned into a shouting match. Then the guy started telling her off about how she needs to be a "traditional woman” or something.

He then proceeded to (childishly) mock her about how childish she was behaving. Like full-on making fake crying sounds. She cried. Then stopped. Like cold, hard stop on the crying. This was the glorious moment when she jumped onto the ground and rolled around kicking and screaming. I loved to see it.

Spoiled Brat Syndrome factsShutterstock

104. One Per Person

I was recently on a Megabus from DC to NY, and a family with several young children was trying to find the last untaken seats. There was clearly a seat open, but when they asked the girl, she was like, “Sorry I want to leave this seat open so I can sleep.” The family was like, “Uh, no, that’s not how it works.” They had to go get the bus driver and bring him to the back. The lady said the same thing to the bus driver. And the bus driver was like, "Uh, no, that's not how this works." So, the kid ended up sitting next to this girl. How did she think this was going to slide?

Worst People On Earth facts Wikipedia

105. The Customer Is Always Right, Especially This Lady

I was out to eat, and this younger lady was acting like a total witch in the restaurant to the staff. Everyone was obviously getting really embarrassed by her behavior…until this middle-aged lady piped up and said from her table, “Oh honey, you’re not pretty enough to act like that.” I seriously could have burst out into applause.

Legendary Comebacks facts Shutterstock

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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