I’m Not Faking It: Medical Nightmares
10/10 medical professionals would probably agree with Kurt Cobain when he said, "The worst crime is faking it", but these Redditors are singing a very different tune.
Despite various ailments—including sliced arteries, busted bones, and cysts gone wild—these patients were dismissed, demeaned, and accused of malingering—often with alarming consequences. Read ’em and weep…
1. CT You In The Morning!
When I was 22, my sister and my then-boyfriend took me to the ER only to be told that I was freaking out from taking some sort of illicit substance. It was only after they pulled my sister and ex aside that they started to believe me.
They begrudgingly ordered me a CT in the morning—lo and behold, I had a brain tumor.
2. Breathtakingly Cruel
I had an asthma attack when I was in middle school and the nurse didn’t believe me. She told me to get up and go back to class. I took five steps out the door and passed out.
I woke up in a hospital with tubes being jammed in my nose and a mask over my face. From then on, never was a claim about asthma not taken seriously in that school district.
3. Dear Old Dad
My father is a doctor. I have been accused of faking a broken foot, faking appendicitis, and faking having asthma. None of these things were faked and, in fact, my appendix ruptured and I very nearly croaked! Thanks, Dad.
4. That Took A Turn
When I was 23, I went to the doctor to get help about a weird back pain I’d been having for years. Some days, I couldn’t even stand up straight because of it.
Although I had no other symptoms, on a hunch, my doctor decided to check me for blood clots. I ended up having two in my lungs! The back pain, which was totally unrelated, was caused by the weight of my large chest.