Save It For A Rainy Day: Heartwarming Stories That Make Us Smile

If there’s one thing we can always rely on in times of need, it’s our happy memories. Thinking back on certain great moments brings all those emotions rushing back as if it’s happening for the first time.

If you ever need a smile, the first place you should go is your memory. These Redditors came together to share memories that always bring warmth to their hearts.

Whether it’s a touching moment or a shared laugh, each of these unique memories are sure to spark a smile.

1. I’ve Heard of Beer Battered, But…

Back in college, I was eating at Chipotle with my friend Anthony, who is typically a pretty suave guy. As we were talking, he was alternating between taking sips of his beer and dumping Tabasco on his burrito before taking a bite.

He gets lost in our conversation and I see him grab the Tabasco and start bringing it to his lips.

He catches himself and grabs his beer instead. Then I see him do it again, getting even closer to his mouth this time before realizing his mistake and correcting it. He laughs it off, no biggie.

Another minute goes by and, exceeding all expectations, he grabs his beer and pours it into his burrito. Way too perfect.


Make You Smile Facts

Flickr, ricardo /

2. Melt, Cold Heart

When my daughter was little, she literally could not stop talking. One day, we were walking by an abandoned lot. It looked like an old gas station or something. My daughter looked at it and said: "Wow, that's a beautiful yard!!" I said, "That's a lot." She replied, "Yeah!! A lot of beautiful yard!!!"


Make You Smile Facts


3. The Swallow Swoop

I used to work for a landscaping company cutting grass in industrial parks. One day I was cutting a huge piece of the lawn after a light rain, and stirred up a bunch of these little bugs.

Some swallows must have noticed and went on a sort of feeding frenzy all around me for like half an hour. It was a pretty wild sight.

I would be riding along, and a bird would swoop what felt like inches from my head, and then spiral all around to catch more bugs.

After watching them for a minute or so I knew they wouldn’t crash into me, so it was like being given a private air show. Always brings a smile to my face thinking back to that moment.


Make You Smile Facts

Wallpaper Flare

4. Dollar Store Days

My brother and I went to the dollar store one day and went through every aisle and put anything in the cart that we thought was cool looking. We kind of messed around and ended up putting away 80% of the stuff.

But I don’t hang out one on one with him very often, so it made me very happy.


Amazing Coincidences facts
