Furious People Reveal The Times They Lost All Shreds Of Respect For Someone
“Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.
Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved.”—Roy T. Bennett.
Respect is a fundamental part of life and sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough of it in humanity. However, as important as it is, there are some people who take advantage of others and in doing so, lose the respect of those around them.
Here are some examples of times when people quickly destroyed what little respect they might have gotten from the rest of us, shared by the users of Reddit.
42. A Vacation Is A Vacation
Had a boss who approved my vacation for Christmas week. When I returned he asked me how my trip was and I told him it was fun.
Said that my family had taken a vacation to Disneyland and spent time together (four of us work 50+ hours a week so time is tough to find) and he instantly backlashes and tells me that if he knew I was going there, my time off would have instantly been denied and I would have to work extra to make up for lost sales time.
I'm sorry that where I go during my time off changes whether or not it is allowed.
41. Ruining Christmas
Working at a restaurant. My boss charged a colleague for a table's bill because that table had left without paying and were seated in her section, thus being her responsibility. The bill was 75 pounds. We're paid 6.95 an hour.
This was on Christmas day.
40. Grief Is Different For Everyone
One sentence: "I can't believe he's not over his dad's death yet!"
The kid's dad had died barely two months ago at the time.
39. Not How You Get Employees To Like You
New boss told me he wanted me "Overworked and underpaid." Yes, I totally want to work for you now. When can I apply for a permanent change of station?