Former College Students Anonymously Reveal Why They Got Expelled

“But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg—isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!”—Animal House.

College is fun for some and a disaster for others. Some get hit with depression and become crippled on campus, while others party wayyy too hard and don’t know when enough is enough.

Making it to graduation can be hard enough and getting expelled sure doesn’t help. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be the end, just ask these Reddit users who shared their wildest stories!

Why They Got Expelled facts


40. You’re Fired!

Sent emails to my teachers that I didn't like from the principal's email address saying they were fired.


Why They Got Expelled facts

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39. The Importance of Strong Passwords

I hacked into my IT Security professor's Blackboard account and posted a general notice to the class about the importance of choosing a strong password.

In my defense we were challenged every exam that if we could guess the test login password, then we got an automatic perfect score. Really, that may have been said in jest, but I decided to try instead for the professor's master password.

A short dictionary attack later, and I had it. It was actually a pretty weak, common, non-capped, alpha-only, word. I waited until after the final exam and posted a quote from our textbook about weak passwords that seemed to come from her account.

When I showed up for my test results, and another final exam, I was escorted, by security, to an emergency dean meeting. A couple of weeks later I received mail telling me I was suspended for a term. I fought it and lost. The college claimed I had "

incited panic amongst the students." The suspension disqualified the funding I was receiving to help pay for the school. On an update, I transferred to a different college and finished my Bachelor's degree in IT last year.


Why They Got Expelled facts

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38. Wow. Just...Wow.

I got thrown out after I graduated from a Master's degree program. The teacher asked me out for drinks when I asked to talk about one of my papers. I turned him down.

I had to take a class with him in my next to last semester and he tried to throw me out for plagiarism. I tried to press harassment charges and the ombudsman talked me out of it by saying I would be stuck in his class if I pressed charges.

The Ombudsman asked to contact administrators at the school and urged me to get an incomplete in the guy's class and just graduate next term.

After graduation, I am getting ready to go on job interviews and I receive a letter telling me I have to enroll in four courses and get As to offset the F the teacher in question wants to give me.

I follow up and the teacher, who is now the Chair of the program, elects himself my academic advisor and takes over the situation. He fakes my grades and tells me I have six weeks to complete the entire course all over again.

He tells me if I do my best he will make it possible to graduate as it's mathematically impossible. I can't complete the work in time and he throws me out.

I'm given permission to reapply and soon it becomes apparent they are not going to let me in to fix the situation. I contact the Graduate Department and meet with their legal counsel.

I show them the faked grades, explain the rule violations and inform them of my having reported the guy. They tell me to try to work with the program again and then they will intervene.

The program refuses any solution involving my readmission. The Graduate Dean allows me to file academic grievances and rules that there are lots of things wrong but does nothing about them.

He concludes by telling me I can either get readmitted or give a replacement course via transfer.

I take the course and submit it. The Graduate Dean says they can't accept the course if I can't get enrolled. Dean rules the matter reviewed and closed. I sue the school alleging unjust enrichment.

I provide all of the documents and records as It was all conducted via email and I have my student folder. These get certified via discovery.

The school evokes Sovereign Immunity and says that since the fraud and negligence happened more then two years before I filed. They are immune to prosecutions. Judge agrees. I file an appeal.

As of August of this year, it will be ten years.


Why They Got Expelled facts
