These Ungrateful People Are The WORST

These Ungrateful People Are The WORST

There is nothing worse than a spoiled brat. They whine and complain about everything and appreciate nothing. Not to mention, these people often have waaaay more than the next guy. Yet, somehow, they are still left unsatisfied, unthankful, and wanting more. Keep reading to hear some people’s unfortunate encounters with ungrateful people that will make anyone want to scream.

1. Her Attitude Drove Him Mad

My best friend's sister had a birthday party. Since I had been friends with this guy for so long and I was practically considered family, I was invited. Her parents bought her a brand new car for her birthday. When she got it, she threw the biggest fit I had ever seen. She started bawling her eyes out and moaning about how it was the wrong car and things like that.

She flat-out told her parents to take it back. Her dad looked her square in the eyes and told her, "Fine, you stupid, ungrateful little brat." He then got in the car and left. He came back to the house an hour or two later on a bus. The girl freaked out, asking where her new car was, and her dad told her that if she wanted a car, she would have to buy one with her own money.

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2. He Couldn’t Get A Handle On It

A guy at my dad’s work got so big that he couldn't fit into his car anymore to get to work. So, a co-worker offered to give him a ride to work in his car every day. One day as he was leaving work and getting into the guy's car, he used the above door handle to get in. Due to his immense weight, he pulled the handle off, ripping part of the car roof off, and fell in the parking lot.

The guy tried to sue his work, saying that it happened on company property, so he should get paid for his injuries. They determined that since he had already clocked out that he didn't qualify. So, he ended up suing the co-worker who was driving him to and from work every day, saying his car was unsafe and endangered him. Hearing about it enraged me.

Frivolous Lawsuits FactsShutterstock

3. Everything Was Not Coming Up Roses

An ex-best friend of mine from college got into a fight with her boyfriend. As an apology, he said he would send her flowers. The day the flowers were supposed to arrive, there was a huge snowstorm, so they weren't delivered. The flowers ended up coming a day late, but she refused to accept them since they were now "old" flowers. But that wasn't the worst part.

She demanded that he send her new ones. The poor delivery guy just stood there awkwardly while she screamed at her boyfriend over the phone about the "disgusting flowers" and how she NEEDED new ones. My opinion of her completely changed after that little meltdown.

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4. The Good Doctor

My father was a surgeon. He never turned down a case and frequently did pro bono work. When I was a teenager, I worked in his office, filing insurance. We had a female patient who had a lump on her breast and no insurance. Because the lumpectomy was positive, he operated on her, avoiding a radical mastectomy. On the day of her follow-up, he had been called to the ER.

She began to berate him to the staff for being so inconsiderate. When he came into the office, she saw him through the reception window, yelled at him for wasting her time, and told him she was going to go find another doctor. She went on ranting all in front of the other people in the waiting room, the nurses and staff.

She also said she was reporting him to the medical board, which she did. The board would investigate every complaint. Hers was that my father was "curt" with her and rude. She stormed out of the office and never returned. He absorbed every fee associated with the case and still didn't stop donating his services, which makes me proud to this day.

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5.  My Brother’s Keeper

My brother was the worst. My mom, who was over 50, was raising his six-year-old daughter instead of enjoying her older years.  She willingly offered her home to his little girl, who had a MAJOR, expensive, time-consuming medical condition, so that she could have a stable, happy home. He had the nerve to say the most heartbreaking thing to her: "What have you ever done for me? Raising my daughter doesn't count!"

That exact quote sent me over the edge. My mother would constantly go to the opposite side of town bring him to her house so he could help her around the house. He would then demand payment. He got mad every time she wouldn’t give him money. He didn’t have a driver's license, and he screamed at her for two hours because she wouldn't let him borrow money to buy a car.

He had never paid back any “borrowed” money. My grandmother bought him top and bottom dentures because he messed up his teeth so bad they all had to be pulled. He also got mad because she wouldn’t pay for implants instead of dentures. Then, a check in the amount of $5,000.00 was sent to my dad's house. My dad graciously deposited the check into his bank account, withdrew the money, and gave it to my brother because they had the same name.

SHOCKINGLY, the check bounced, and the bank started accusing my dad of fraud. My grandparents had to pay off the bank so they wouldn't press charges. When they attempted to talk to my brother about a payment plan to pay them back, he threatened them. He couldn’t understand why my dad's side of the family disliked him. He constantly says I never help him, but when my mom needed a babysitter for his kid, I would step in every time.

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6. A Family Affair

My parents were addicts and would leave my two younger sisters and me alone a lot. I did most of the cooking and cleaning and basically played mom to my sisters. I got married young and moved across the country. I tried to get my mother to let my youngest sister come live with me. I did everything short of begging to try and get her so I could remove her from what was a bad situation. It all ended in absolute misery.

My sister paid me back by sleeping with my husband, getting pregnant, and blaming it all on me for abandoning her. She stayed on welfare, lived off child support from several guys, and took my husband and me to court repeatedly until we lost everything because I took him back. She even went into the lawyer's office and said, "I want to destroy my sister." It was all she cared about.

Tennessee WilliamsShutetrstock

7. She Was Barking Up The Wrong Tree

We let a client of ours borrow a luxury car. My boss asked me to call her the following day to ask her to return it by the weekend. She said she would after she complained that the tank was only half full. The weekend rolled around, and she didn’t bring back the car. I called several times over the next couple of weeks, and eventually, she called back angry.

She yelled at me over the phone and said, "I have people coming to trim the trees in my front yard, and your car is in their way! Get over here and pick up your car NOW!" I asked her why she hadn't returned the vehicle to us a couple of weeks ago as she promised. She said, "I decided to take a vacation instead," as if that was the most rational reason to keep someone's car for nearly three weeks.

I asked her to drive the car back to our company, and she refused. She yelled, "GET OVER HERE AND PICK THIS CAR UP NOW!!!" I told her the soonest I could make it there was in a couple of hours—then she got even more upset. She screamed, "I'M PAYING THESE TREE TRIMMERS BY THE HOUR AND YOUR CAR IS IN THEIR WAY!!!!!!!" So, a couple of hours later, I showed up to take the car, and wouldn't you know it, she drained the battery.

She wasn't at home when I got there, but when she called me upon her return, she was not happy. She asked, "WHY IS THIS CAR STILL HERE!?!?!?" I explained the battery was drained, and I had called a tow service who would be there in three hours. She screamed back that three hours was unacceptable and demanded I call every local tow company.

She even wanted me to use another phone because she wanted to listen to make sure I did. At that point, I told her I could not help her, and she could go ahead and contact my boss.

Ungrateful People factsPexels

8. Beauty School Drop Out

I was friends with a girl who never had a job at 20 years old. She dropped out of high school at 15, and at that age, she wanted a car. The Jeep she got wasn't good enough, so at 16 years old, she got a new car. She had a gas card from her parents so she could get gas whenever she wanted. She also had a $100 weekly allowance.

She found out that she could use the gas card at the bank to get cash out and did that for a few months until her parents found out. But that didn't stop them from enabling her. When they paid for her $20,000 tuition at cosmetology school, she dropped out. They then paid for her to go to a nursing trade school. She dropped out again. She decided not to go to college and still lived at home.

Her family would make dinner every night, but she never ate at home. Instead, she always had fast food. As a result, she gained weight, which made her think that she needed to buy a new closet full of clothes.  She screamed and fussed all she could until she got what she wanted. Her mother was the sweetest woman and always tried to make her happy.

However, when she didn't get more money beyond her weekly allowance, things got dark...She would hit her mom and call her names. One day, I witnessed her throwing a large soft drink at her mom's face because she wanted a tattoo, and her mom wouldn't fork up the money. Never in my life had I ever seen a lazier, more spoiled person in my life.

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9. My Sister-In-Law Had To Go

My sister-in-law was in her 50s and homeless. She wouldn’t take jobs that she felt were beneath her and moved all of her stuff into her parent's basement, who were in their 80s. After burning her bridges with them, she moved in with my wife and me, although her stuff stayed at her parents’ house. One day, she came home in tears.

She said, "I was just at the house, and I can't believe what that guy [her father] did! I had my clothes all organized upstairs, and he moved everything around! I had everything organized! I had my clean clothes in one pile and dirty clothes stacked in another." I asked her, "Wait. You left dirty clothes in your parent's house for a year?" To which she replied, "Yeah, so?"

She would borrow money from people without any intention of paying it back. Her mother finally grew a bit of a spine and asked her to sign a piece of paper. She went ballistic about how her own mother didn’t trust her. Of course, she still took the money and never paid it back.  While she was staying with us, it had snowed a lot. Where I lived, we had on-street parking. So, after a snowfall, people would go out with their shovels and dig out their cars and sidewalks.

The neighbor across the street had a snow blower and would often clear out everyone's car and sidewalk. Her car was a bit further down the road, and it looked like he was going to stop and turn around before getting to hers. She was standing in the front window screaming at the top of her lungs, "C'mon, you can't just go up a few more cars. I can't believe this. You're going to stop right there!" It took a call to the authorities to get her out of our house.

Thanksgiving dramaShutterstock

10.  An Unreal Deal

When my oldest child was 15, she was really into this “glamour look.” She loved anything and everything that was hot pink, black and lacey. I scrimped and saved and bought her a whole new bedroom ensemble for Christmas that was the exact look she had been drooling over at the stores with her friends. I had kept it hidden, or so I thought.

One day she not-so-casually said something to the effect of, "I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I can't wait to get an awesome digital camera. Can you BELIEVE some people get their kids BEDROOM STUFF for Christmas? That would be the WORST Christmas EVER. ALL I want is a digital camera. I'm not even picky!!!" She stared at me intently the entire time she was saying this. I was heartbroken and furious.

We barely had any money to begin with, which she was well aware of. She was our foster child at the time and had a ton of emotional trauma and attachment issues. Caring for her was a huge strain on us, but we loved her regardless. It was obvious she had found her gifts. I returned everything the next day and got her a very cheap digital camera that was on sale for about $20.

Ungrateful People factsPexels

11. I Had To Put In My Two Bits

I used to work at Apple. I had a mom with two kids come into the store, which was located in a wealthy neighborhood, to buy a Christmas present for the dad. All of a sudden, the daughter, who was about seven, said, "If daddy gets a new laptop, I should get a new iPod touch because mine is old." So she picked out an iPod touch.

Then the son, who was about five, lost his marbles because his sister got an iPod and he didn't. So he got an iPod touch. Then they tacked on accessories, and the mom dropped at least $1000 total for those kids. It wasn't even their Xmas present. They didn't bother to say,  “Thanks, mom.” I had to TELL those spoiled brats to thank their mother. I literally said, "This is the part where you say thank you, mom."

Apple factsWikimedia Commons

12. The One-Upper

I had a friend for most of my life who fit the stereotypical image of a spoiled rich kid. His dad made a lot of money. In the time I knew him, he seemed to move from upper middle class to wealthy.  I was always very well off, but whatever I had, he had to have something better. If I had a two-year-old Honda 70, he had to get a brand new 50 with a big bore kit, racing tires, reservoir rear shock, exhaust, valves, intake, etc.

It didn't bother me much as I could often keep up on a track, but it carried over everywhere. When I got an older Impala SS from my parents that I paid insurance for under my own name and gas, with the job I had, he got a brand new SRT8 Grand Cherokee with a $10,000 stereo system. The next year he got a brand new SRT8 Challenger. He had no job and worse grades.

I don’t care about what you own or how you got it. But he bragged about his stuff nonstop. He was truly full of himself and believed he was better than everyone around him because of it. The worst part was while I was going to school and working full-time to pay for school, he didn’t have to pay for anything. His life plan was just to "inherit the family business."

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13. Furniture Freak Out

I knew a girl who was given a completely new chest of drawers. Her parents had driven over 1000 km (621 mi)  to give it to her because they thought it would go nicely in her new, fully refurbished apartment in Stockholm.  She threw a hissy fit because it wasn’t completely white; it had one small wooden colored detail on it. She made them take it all the way back and buy her a white one that was twice as expensive.

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14. He Hit A Sour Note

I was working multiple jobs, and my ex occasionally worked as a grip. I bought tons of music equipment for him. I was ok with it at the time because he was a talented musician. I had a daughter from a previous relationship, and he would always remind me and everyone around us how lucky I was that he proposed to me even though I had a kid from someone else.

He had constant temper tantrums. The final straw was when he screamed at me when HE got a speeding ticket. It was my fault that I didn't make more money so that when his insurance payment went up, I couldn't cover the cost more easily. On Christmas Eve, he freaked out that I spent money on my family and not more on his and the struck me.

In reality, I had actually spent far more money on them since they were well-moneyed and expected fancy stuff. I promptly got a place for my daughter and me and secretly furnished it over the next few months. After I broke up with him and moved out, he actually asked me for alimony. I invited him to sue me for alimony and never heard back from him.

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15. Her Attitude Kilt Our Friendship

It was my senior year of college, and my good friend and I were attending an informational meeting for a summer study-abroad trip. The trip, which was to Scotland, was pretty much my dream. I attended the meeting on the slight chance that I would be able to afford to go. I always had to work hard for everything in life—my own car, laptop, various bills, etc.

I paid for college on my own as well. My friend had none of these burdens. Her parents paid for her to go to college, gave her a good car, paid her rent, bills, etc. The one time she got a job was "because she felt like she ought to have one." She ended up quitting when they scheduled her for an evening when she had a minor musical performance in a choir.

She was also really stingy with her spending money. She rarely, if ever, treated anyone to anything but was very willing to accept offers from everyone else, including me. Her idea of responsibility was having her parents put money into HER bank account so that she personally had to pay the bills. Once, she invited me to her parent's house for dinner.

They asked her to pick up a loaf of french bread. She did and then demanded reimbursement when they got home. She was also the type of girl who was going to live off of her parents until she got married and had a guy to pay for everything. I couldn’t afford the Scotland trip and was crushed. I picked myself up and moved on, telling myself that someday I would be able to go.

My friend convinced her parents to foot the $5K bill for her and would constantly talk about how excited she was. I was happy for her and kept my jealousy well-hidden because I was a good friend. But then she tipped me over the edge—and it effectively ended our friendship...I overheard her complaining to someone else who was going that, "She didn't think it was fair that some other students got to go to London and France too, because her parents would ONLY pay for Scotland."

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16. Problem Child

It was my friend's 15th birthday, and her little sister was the most spoiled brat I had ever met. We went out to dinner with her grandparents. Her grandparents hand her eight-year-old sister a present. She opened it, saying how it was so much better than anything my friend got for her birthday—and it was. Her grandparents didn't even bother getting my friend a present.

The little sister picked the restaurant and made fun of my friend for being overweight. My friend was forced to sit at the end of the table, away from everyone else, so they could talk about and coo over her sister. When we got home, we sat in the living room. The little sister got in the middle of the floor and started showing us her acrobat tricks.

I completely ignored her and started talking to my friend about other birthday plans when my friend made this frantic hand gesture for me to stop. Suddenly, her grandparents interrupted and said,  "Um, do you know that little sister is talking and showing us a routine?” I replied, "I don't really care. I'm not her friend." Her whole family stared at me in shock.

Her grandfather started huffing, and her grandma told me that I was rude. I gave my friend her present and walked out. Her parents gave her a TracFone for Christmas—she had to pay for minutes. The only reason her parents gave her one was because they had left her at school after choir practice about ten or eleven times. She had to wait for hours because she had no cell.

Meanwhile, her sister got a smartphone for no reason, paid for by her parents. I couldn’t stand that child.

Worst Birthdays EverShutterstock

17. Beam Me Up

Growing up, my dad was wealthy, but he was not the kind of person who spoiled his kids or flashed his money. It just wasn't his style. All my aunts and uncles were also wealthy. One year, when I was in my 20s, I showed up to Christmas in my nice new Mitsubishi. There was nothing but new Beamers and Porsche SUVs. It didn’t matter to me because I had saved like mad for my car and it wasn’t a bad car.

I was outside having a smoke, and one of my cousins came out and started to talk about cars. He had a new Beamer. I did not realize was that he was only 16 years old. He kept moaning about how he had a bad car and was going to make his parents buy him a new one. I couldn't believe it. I put out my smoke and went into the house. I did everything to avoid that spoiled brat the rest of the day.

Ruined ChristmasUnsplash

18. She Was Creaming Mad

There was a girl I went to school with who was really extreme. Her stepfather was incredibly rich. He paid for her car, tuition, expenses, and the massive parties she always wanted to throw. At home, she had a bedroom with a separate study, a bathroom with a jacuzzi and power shower, and a gym all to herself. Yet, she would constantly complain about her stepdad, calling him stingy.

When we were in boarding school together, she used to come to my room every night with this special moisturizer for her back and get me to put it on for her. She had pretty bad acne on her shoulders, and the cream stank like rotten cream cheese. One night, she came into my room when I was already in bed and expected me to put on the cream.

She knew that after putting it on, I would have to get up and go wash my hands. Since I was in bed already, my roommate offered to do it. The girl went totally mental. She screamed at me for a good twenty minutes about how selfish I was, and on her way out of the room, she knocked all my books off the shelves, even breaking some ornaments I had amongst them.

Spoiled rottenShutterstock

19. Spoiled To The Core

My ex-girlfriend and I were poor grad students, yet I took her out regularly and was overly generous with my money. She always got the most expensive things on the menu and ordered the most expensive drinks, despite NEVER offering to pay or split the bill—even after dating for quite a while. We talked about needing to save some money, and she was stunned that I would even think to stop spoiling her.

Eventually, I broke up with her for being the egotistical, spoiled, ungrateful person that she was. The funniest thing, though, was after we broke up, we got into a fight. I raised the point that she never offered to pay for anything despite expecting incredibly nice things all the time. Her response floored me. She said, "Truly generous people give selflessly and expect nothing in return."

It was the most ironic statement ever—she was not nearly as smart as she thought she was.

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20. She Was Trippin’

I was on a trip with my chorus to NYC. I was rooming with three other girls. Girl #1 and I were really good friends, Girl #2 was a girl I kind of liked, and Girl #3 was an old friend whom I hadn’t spoken to very much in years. After having a very exhausting and stressful last day in the big city, we retired to our hotel room, where we started to get cleaned up and prepare for bed.

Girl #3 seemed kind of troubled, but we didn't think much about it. I tried to talk to Girl #3, but it was kind of awkward because I hadn't spoken to her in years. She finally opened up and admitted that just before the trip, she had been molested by her stepfather. She buried her face in my arms and sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed.

She was shaking and saying how afraid she was to go back home. While I was trying to provide help and give her the numbers to the hotline, our local station, and various things like that, Girl #2 decided that she wasn’t getting enough attention. Girl #2 threw herself on the bed and started crying about how horrible her parents were too.

I asked her why her parents were so horrible, and she said they were mean to her. I still didn't really understand what she meant and asked for clarification, to which she replied, "They are so horrible! All they ever do is tell me to stop toking up in the house, and mom said she was disappointed in me for bringing a different guy home every weekend to sleep with!”

She continued on her rant, saying, “AND she said she doesn't want to keep paying for my birth control! My parents HATE me!" Girl #1 looked at me, looked at Girl #2, and immediately told her to just get out of the room. Girl #2 and I haven't been friends since that night.

Fights That Ended Friendships factsPexels

21. Never Good Enough

My girlfriend was the most ungrateful person. When she was in a previous relationship years ago, she got pregnant and had a daughter. She hadn’t seen or heard from the real dad for quite some time.  We all moved in together. She was the "nothing is good enough" type. She bought a house which I was paying a majority of the mortgage on, and I paid for almost all the bills.

I would take her daughter to school every day, which would make me 15 minutes late to work because she wouldn’t get up.  Luckily my boss liked me enough to let it go. Her daughter was pretty spoiled and only wanted to sleep with her mom. I found it pretty inappropriate to sleep in a bed with a seven-year-old girl, who was not mine biologically, so I would have to sleep on the couch.

If I told her to go sleep in her own bed, I would be called a "bully." I had to redo some sealant on the house because she complained I only resealed around the sink and didn't seal where the granite met the splash guard. She said it looked awful and was angry the rest of the day about it. The sealant was clear and completely invisible for the most part, so it looked fine.

I worked in internet sales; I was not a carpenter or a handyman. Anything I would do, I had to Google to get instructions. A month after she bought the house, the air conditioner went out. She borrowed $2500 from her aunt and said I would pay her back by the end of the month. I didn't have that kind of money and didn’t have great credit either.

Therefore, I couldn't get a reasonable loan, so I had to get one with a crazy high-interest rate just to pay her aunt back for a loan I didn't even take. Evidently, in her culture, it's shameful not to pay back loans, and "as a man," I should have been able to “take care of it.” I  never once received a thank you. She was the type of person who would only thank you out of spite and had no idea how good she's got it.

Insane Exes factsPexels

22. My Sister Got Called Out

I got a new iPhone, so I decided to give my 12-year-old sister my old one. I knew it was old, but it would be her first cell phone, and I thought she would be happy. She literally said, "Eww," and threw the phone in the garbage right in from of my dad and me. I was shocked, and my dad lost it. He yelled at her and gave her the whole "you don't appreciate what you have" speech.

He then took away her computer and gave her an old Motorola Razr phone that could only call my dad, mom, and myself. I know I should have some sort of solidarity with my brothers and sisters, but it felt pretty good when I saw her get punished.

Raised a Monster FactsShutterstock

23. I Was The Worst

I wish I could say I was one of those kids who grew up appreciating what they had, but I was totally ungrateful and selfish. My parents gave me everything I wanted, and all I did was complain about how unfairly they treated me. I complained about how my parents got my brother a new car for his 16th birthday while I "only" got a family trip to NYC.

We stayed in a fancy hotel, went to a Broadway show that only I wanted to see, and ate at nice restaurants. I found an entry in my old journal where I actually had the nerve to say that they "didn't even bother to get me a gift for my Sweet 16," when that trip probably set them back thousands of dollars.

Reality hit rich kids factsShutterstock

24. The Way The Cookie Crumbled

When I was in sixth grade, I had no friends, so when I got paired up with a popular girl from school, I was pretty excited about trying to fit in. She was fake nice to me on the bus ride to her house to work on the project. We walked into her house, and her mom was making cookies. Her mom said, "Hi! I'm Kim's mom! Would you like a cookie?" But the girl butt in and dropped a doozy.

She said, "OH MY GAWD, MOM SHUT UP. YOU ARE EMBARRASSING THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME! NO ONE WANTS YOUR COOKIES!" She was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Ten minutes later, her little brother came home and was a little pill to his mom too. I went to use the bathroom and walked in on her mom crying. The next time I went to work on the project, it was the SAME story.

She made her mom cry AGAIN. So, I stood up for her mom and told her to knock it off and be nice to her. Then, her mom told me to leave like a sissy.

Ungrateful People factsPxfuel

25. Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’

My father planned for years to take my sister, her family, myself, and my fiancé on a two-week cruise. There were four rooms reserved: one for my parents, one for my fiancé and me, one for my sister and her husband, and one for their children. Only two of the rooms had queen beds, and the other two had two twin beds. Before going on the cruise, I was unaware of this situation.

It seems that my sister was not. While the trip was being planned, she had demanded the second queen bedroom for herself, and my father said she could have it. My fiancé and I arrived on the boat first and were shown to our room—which had a queen bed. Not knowing the lack of a queen in other rooms, we unpacked. My sister discovered the mistake, went to my dad, not me, and demanded that he fix it by booting "the unmarried couple" out.

Refusing to boot us out of our room, my dad went to the people in charge and tried, unsuccessfully, to get my sister another room with a queen. My sister proceeded to completely ignore my father, myself, and my fiancé for the entire cruise. If I had known of the mistake, I would have gladly given up the room if it was so important to her, but after witnessing what a brat she was being, I was not going to do her any favors going forward.

She ruined the VERY expensive, once-in-a-lifetime cruise, used her children as pawns against my father, and did not speak to him in the year since. Growing up, I always thought my sister was slightly narcissistic and prone to throwing silent treatment temper tantrums. After that, I realized she is an overall repulsive person with whom I am embarrassed to share genes.

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26. The Ungrateful Houseguest

During my senior year of high school, my friend was booted out of her house by her mentally unstable mother. I convinced my mom to let her stay with us, and she stayed even when I went off to college. It was a HUGE mistake. Once I was gone, she started free-loading off my mom, which hit a nerve with me. She was having people over while my mom was out, and they'd trash the place.

She stopped paying my mom for the cellphone she set up for her, and she was constantly smoking and drinking in her room when my mom had said not to. It really smelled bad there. She took my credit cards without my knowledge. Then, she snuck them back into my wallet. She used them to buy gas for her car that I sold to her super cheap.

She also used them to pay for hotels so she could visit this guy she met at a club. She then got this guy and his friend to move to New York, and she housed them in my mom's house without her knowing for a few months before they found a place. Eventually, I was the one to boot her out. My mom thanked me later.


Ungrateful People factsShutterstock

27. Someone Needed To Put The Brakes On My Sister

My mother got a new model BMW X5, and it was supposed to be her car to drive. When my sister got her license, she REFUSED to drive our Toyota Sequoia to school or anywhere. It was to the point where she was cursing out my parents and throwing fits. She would only drive the BMW, essentially taking my mom's new car from her.

My sister felt she was entitled to drive the BMW, and she treated it like garbage. She would also drive her friends everywhere because she didn’t want to have to ride in their inferior cars. She once refused to take in the recycling because we said we were giving the $10 to charity, and she said that if she did the recycling, then it was her money.

Spoiled Rich Kids FactsFlickr,PRIOR DESIGN

28. School Of Spoiled Brats

I lived in a pretty upper-middle-class town for almost all of my life. I remember sitting around in the cafeteria with a few people during a free period at school. We were talking about some kid and how his parents got him a brand new Mercedes for his 16th birthday. One girl said, "I wish my parents got me a Mercedes. I only got a Subaru." That Subaru was completely brand new with basically every feature available.

The student parking lot at my old high school had nicer cars than the teachers’ lot. And the average teacher salary for my school was $90K–$100K, with many teachers making more than that. Not only that, but almost no kid paid for gas or anything else to do with their car. I had seen kids throw hissy fits because mommy and daddy wouldn’t pay for gas, fix a car or a brand new car cause they destroyed the last one, etc.

Cheated deathShutterstock

29. This Rocker Was A Punk

The other guitarist in my band was so selfish and ungrateful, it hurt. We'll start with his guitars. I owned four guitars that I had to work for to buy in the five years I had been playing. He had who knows how many, several which were in the $1,000 range. Yet, he still managed to complain that he didn’t have enough, or nice enough, guitars.

He also owned two iPads. One day his dad tried to ground him and take his iPads. He literally got into a physical fight with his dad over it, and the next day he came to school talking himself up about it. Also, for a while, he didn't have a phone. The day his mom went to get him a phone, he posted a status on Facebook, saying, "My mom needs to hurry up and bring me my phone."

He owned thousands of dollars worth of electronics and didn’t care. Furthermore, his grandparents, who were also loaded, offered him a car for his 16th birthday. It was a car they didn’t drive and was just sitting in the garage. It was in absolutely perfect condition and had fewer miles than any used car you've ever seen. He didn’t want it. Instead, he wanted his parents to buy him a new one.


30.  She Was Honking Crazy

The most ungrateful person I know was my friend's ex-girlfriend. She was from a wealthy family and was used to having everything handed to her because she was, or claimed to be, autistic. If she wanted a new pet—even a monkey—she got it. If she wanted an expensive new dress, she got it. Her 21st birthday present was a pink Ferrari with her name painted on the side of it. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

She had left a string of ex-boyfriends behind her because once she was a few dates into the relationship, she started demanding expensive clothing, jewelry, and food from them, even though they may be making only meager salaries. My friend didn't know this at the time, but once he got clued into what kind of crazy she was, he dumped her. That's when she lost her marbles.

After he dumped her, she started regressing into an infantile state. When angry, instead of talking, she would make a horrible sound that can only be described as sounding like a giant Canada goose honking. If you made her food wrong, she would have a honking fit. If you give her Pepsi instead of Coke—honking fit. If you donated Christmas presents to small, poor children but neglected to buy her the expensive trinket she wanted—severe honking fit.

Karens vs employeesShutterstock

31. We Gave At The Office

The secretary/office manager where I worked would pull a number of stunts. She had a mom who was diagnosed with cancer. First, she sent out an email to the whole office requesting we pull together funds to fly her and her mom to Mexico for some experimental cancer treatment. She only requested money for the airfare, not the treatment. She needed something like $1200.

Several people donated to her cause, and one manager wrote her a check for $1200. Our company didn’t have a travel program, so everybody who traveled just expensed their travel and racked up miles. One of the sales guys bought her the airfare with his miles. Rather than offering to return the money, she pocketed it and then boasted about what she was going to buy with the extra cash. They didn't even get a thank-you email.

She had some auto problems and complained that she didn't have any money. She said to my coworker, "Well, I don't know if I have enough gas to get home today. Can I borrow some money?" My friend obliged by letting her use her gas card. However, when my friend opened her bill, she saw three transactions totaling $250.

After that, she came to work talking about how she was able to buy a pure-bred puppy for her husband for his birthday. She also always wanted to go to lunch with somebody. Of course, every time, she would "forget" her wallet, purse, or credit card. Then, when her mother was committed to hospice care, she said she no longer needed her car.

The car had issues, so she called her mom in hospice and yelled at her for 30 minutes, saying something like, "How dare you give me a car that's in such bad shape." The whole office had to listen in discomfort. To make things worse, she never worked more than five hours a day and never more than two to three times per week because there was always something going on.

Ungrateful People factsPexels

32. A Bad Habit To Break

My dad worked hard his entire life for me, my mother, and my sister. He eventually got to the point where he was making pretty good money. He never made my mother work or my sister. Unfortunately, he had back surgery that made him form a nasty pharmaceutical addiction. He totaled his company vehicle and ended up on permanent disability. His job forced him into retirement, or they would have fired him.

My mother and 31-year-old sister also formed habits.  My sister still lived at home, along with her 11-year-old daughter, who my father raised and supported, and who never worked a day in her life. My zombie mother and sister just sat around and waited for my father’s disability check, which was a lot, to roll in. They were both mad at my father for "letting" all this happen to them.

My sister sat on her behind all day and would make my mother wait on her hand and foot. The entire situation sickened me. She even went as far as pounding on the wall to have my mother cater to her. I know if my dad dies, they will both be at my front door. I cringe at the thought of that. Luckily, I was taught a valuable work ethic and was able to become completely independent early on.

Freaky Stories factsPxHere

33. Move Aside

I moved cross country to California with a friend who I thought was pretty grounded. Her mom and stepdad were also moving out there, so I was able to toss my stuff in with theirs on the truck. When we got out there, we found a place and had a move-in date. The week before the move-in date, her mom bought her a car. THAT SAME NIGHT she was screaming at her mom because she wouldn't take off to help us move in on the first day we could.

Not only did she buy a car for her and offer to help us move in on another day, but she was also going to pay for the truck to move our stuff and all of my friend's rent and utilities. As a matter of fact, she was paying all the rent and utilities. My half went right into my friend's pocket. While she was screaming at her mom, her stepdad and I were outside on the porch.

I was apologizing because I was very grateful for everything they had done, and I didn't want them to think we were of the same mind on the whole situation. He asked if I could be his stepdaughter instead.

Adults Hissy Fits factsShutterstock

34.  Family Unfriending

When I was visiting my cousin for a few days,  she asked me for a laptop which I gave her. She headed to her bedroom without even saying thank you. At the end of my visit, my almost brand new iPod touch went missing. I asked her and her sisters if they had found it, and they replied that they hadn’t seen it. I knew I had left it inside my backpack when I went out and met my friend.

My cousin said that maybe it was lost at the bus stop, which was impossible because I was listening to it when my uncle picked me up from there. Several weeks later, I logged into Facebook—and my jaw DROPPED. My cousin had posted pictures with MY iPod touch. I knew that it was mine because the iPod cord was still connected to the laptop that I gave her, and they didn’t own any iPhones or iPods with a camera.

I commented on her picture, which she ignored and then deleted. She then unfriended and blocked me.

Bizarre factsFlickr, Jamie McCall

35. She Was A Moaning Mooch

I had a friend, supposedly my "best" friend, who was the worst person I knew. She didn’t work and was only considered a part-time student at the university we attended. This wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for how she treated the situation. Every single day, she would get money from her parents. Not once a month, or even once a week. Every day.

She would moan when she didn’t get as much as she originally wanted or if they didn't transfer it to her quickly enough. She would waste the money, too. Instead of buying cheaper foods or trying to save the cash she received, she instantly spent it on junk, such as fast food or booze. The worst part was that her parents couldn’t afford it—any of it.

She attended a school she couldn’t afford, lived in a place she couldn't afford, and then asked for more money, and she was so ungrateful about it. She would moan all the time about how they would tell her to look for work, find better ways to spend it, etc. She was just lazy and emotionally draining.

Unfair Things FactsShutterstock

36. His Words Took A Bite Out Of Me

I was a spoiled brat up until the age of 16. My mother and I would butt heads all the time, and when I didn't get anything, I would always go to my father to get what I wanted. When I was 16, I got into a nasty fight with my mother, so I went to a friend's, and we went to her boyfriend's house. The boyfriend had parents who were awful people who kept a pack of dogs.

We were hanging out outside the house for a bit while waiting for another friend. When the other friend showed up, we started horsing around by the pack of dogs. I never thought it would end so badly. The next thing I knew, I had been bit by one of the dogs. After going to the hospital, I went home and was in deep trouble. It was probably the worst I had ever experienced.

My mother screamed, shouted, and threw things at me. I was grounded for six months. I had no TV, no books, no internet, no video games, no after-school activities, nothing. Just school, come home, and work until bed. My father took a very different approach. He explained to me why they were worried and what I did was wrong.

In the end, he said, "You are my child, and I will always love you, but it is my responsibility to raise you as a functioning being, and so far, I have failed. I'm sorry." After that, I stopped asking for things I didn’t need, and every day I would tell them how much I appreciated them. The incident helped me realize I was actually an awful person and needed help.

Friends For Never factsShutterstock

37. The Early Riser Razed The Fridge

A close friend of mine needed money, so he let someone borrow his small apartment for a month for a fee. He moved into my friend’s place and considered it home. We have all been friends for ages, so it was okay to crash for several weeks. The problem was he didn't really care about others. He would set his alarm for 6 AM to get dressed and go to school.

However, most of the days, he skipped school, and all he did was wake up my other friend. Not only that, but he liked to eat. One night he said he was going for a midnight snack. The next day my friend went downstairs at 6 AM, since he was awakened by the alarm AGAIN, and found out his fridge had been plundered. The midnight snack was more like a midnight feast.

The worst part is that he didn’t pay for anything while using all my friend's stuff.

Bad Guests FactsShutterstock

38. Selfish Sis

My sister was staying at our house. She constantly demanded spending cash from my mother, who was laid up recovering from back and eye surgeries. My mom was facing long-term unemployment during her recovery and had NO MONEY to be throwing at my ungrateful sibling.  Regardless, my sister kept demanding it without a shred of thought for the kind of burden she was putting on the family budget.

My mom kept rolling over for her because she couldn’t walk and therefore couldn’t escape the full-on tantrums my 19-year-old sister would throw when she was told “no.” The worst part was my sister spent approximately two weeks trying to find a summer job while she stayed home. Despite not finding one, she still felt she deserved a week-long vacation, covered by my mom's money, of course.

Dumbest peoplePexels

39. She Wasn’t The Cat’s Meow

My girlfriend’s family wasn’t well off and was broke. Her sister was so spoiled and a brat about it. The day after she got her license, she took her best friend’s car while he was asleep and did the worst thing possible: She crashed it into two parked cars because she was texting. Her dad yelled at her, she cried, and all was forgiven.

Then after that, she said her parents needed to give her $4,000 to help pay for a car for her. She was pretty into illicit substances, and her dad didn't know. She would drive his car to work and go out sometimes and smoke weed in his car while driving. He eventually found out and yelled at her again. She cried and said she was going to off herself because she was grounded. She got out of trouble and was gifted a kitten.

Adults Hissy Fits factsShutterstock

40. Double Standard

My younger sister got my parents to pay for all her costs for a full ride to college across the state, something they didn't do for me. She flunked out sometime in the first two years. In year four, my parents discovered she was faking transcripts and tuition bills and spending all the money on herself. They slowly cut her off but still gave her a limited budget for housing and food. They didn't even ask for the money back.

She threw a tantrum, refusing to acknowledge their existence until they returned her to her previous standard of living. They took it hard. She moved in with her boyfriend and followed him out of state. My parents pay for their smartphones so that they know she can contact them if there's an "emergency." She would occasionally call my parents to ask for loans and verify there was a birthday or Christmas gift in the mail. They comply just to stay in contact.

Exes Disturbing Behavior factsPiqsels

41. You Don’t Have To Live Like A Refugee

I lived in Houston during Katrina. We had refugees from New Orleans taken up at the Astrodome. We went out one afternoon and bought a couple of hundred dollars worth of fast food to take down to them. It was depressing. They would say things like, "Do you have this instead of that? I don't like that nugget sauce. I don't like cheese on my burger." The number of complaints was really upsetting.

Nicolas Cage factsWikipedia

42. Sweet Revenge

I lived with my girlfriend for two years and paid the rent the entire time. I also paid to get her car fixed multiple times, put up with her family, including her boozer brother who almost burnt down my house, her stroke victim father who would randomly show up and stay with us for months, her chronically unemployed brother, and her endless assortment of stupid.

I even put up with her "YOLO"-type friends who continually trashed my house. After putting up with all that, she cheated on me with two guys at the same time. It was pure joy to hear her panic when she came home one day to find all my stuff, which was everything, gone and a note on the table telling her to take a hike.

Crazy ex boyfriendsShutterstock

43. Car And Driver

I had an 18-year-old friend who had his first car handed to him at 16. A while later, he decided it was time for a new $10,000 VW GLI upgrade, so he got in his car and just beat the daylights out of it the whole drive home. He even punched his window out so his parents would buy him the GLI. Five days later, he pulled up in the GLI. He paid for less than half of it with the college fund his parents had saved for him, the other half his grandma paid for.

This kid did absolutely nothing but drive around all day.

Ungrateful People factsWikimedia Commons

44. Out Of House And Home

I bought a house for my son and daughter-in-law to live in. I had them pay a small amount of rent, which was only $500 a month. Four and a half years later, they ruined the house and told us that we were no longer family. The entire time they lived there, they never once invited us over for dinner. We finally decided to sell the house.


Ungrateful People factsPexels

45. They Were Suckers For Their Selfish Kids

My cousins are the most ungrateful people I know. When one of them had a birthday, they would complain that the birthday boy or girl was the only one to get gifts. So, my aunt and uncle would buy ALL THREE OF THEM gifts when it was one of their birthdays. They weren’t financially blessed either but spent money as if they had won the Lotto.

My aunt and uncle were just extreme pushovers.

Worst sleepoverPexels

46. My Turning Point

I used to be extremely ungrateful. I grew up in an affluent household. When I was in high school, I basically had $100 to spend shopping every weekend because my allowance was so high. I changed from an ungrateful little brat into a regular human being when my mom passed the same year I went to college. I had to actually think about my family's well-being for once.

Arguments FactsUnsplash

47. I Saved His Life, And He Ruined Mine

My freshmen year roommate was a spoiled, rich kid. One night, halfway through the first semester, he got really inebriated at a house party and came back to our room. I was playing video games with some buddies in our room when he came in and face-planted right in front of us. We stopped playing and took him to his bed, laid him on his side, and pointed his face towards the garbage.

We sat there for a little bit, and he started throwing up blood and dry heaving. He turned a whitish green color. I went to get my RA to call the paramedics. While my roommate was being brought out, the medic said to me, "You did the right thing. You may have just saved his life." After getting his stomach pumped, the kid got mad at me because his parents found out.

He broke some of my stuff and made my life a living nightmare.

Medical Nightmares facts

48. Like Mother, Like Daughter

My ex had always mentioned how she would love to see a Montreal Canadiens hockey game. Seeing as her birthday was coming up, I decided I would spare no expense to get tickets. So after some searching, I managed to find tickets just behind the Habs' bench about 10-15 rows up. They were not cheap seats. When her birthday came, I handed her the envelope containing her birthday card with the tickets.

She opened it, and upon seeing what the envelope contained, she smiled one of those sarcastic, "Thanks, it's really greeeaaaaat, it's what I always wanted," kind of smiles. I picked up on the obvious disappointment on her face, and asked, “What? You don't like your gift? You DID say you wanted to see a Canadiens game, right?”

She replied, "Well yeah, but that would be a gift for like, whenever. For my birthday, I wanted something shiny, like earrings or a necklace or a ring." I was so shocked by that response that all I could bring myself to say was, "Sorry, sweety, I'll make it up to you. But we can still go to the game tonight." She replied with, "No way! If you think I'm gonna spend MY birthday sitting in a cold ice rink instead doing what I choose to, you're mistaken, Mister!"

I was absolutely FUMING at that point. She told me, "As punishment for not getting me what I really wanted, for not knowing me as well as you should by not getting me what I really wanted, I'm going out with my girls tonight. You can scalp the tickets and give me the cash you make, and that's a start for me to forgive you!" At that point, she got out of my car and slammed the door. I ended it the very next day.

When her mom found out what happened, she called me and told me that the whole thing could easily be made good if I just went out and bought her a ring as she wanted. If I were to do that, she would take me back, and all would be well. I replied, “Now I see why your daughter is so materialistic. She has a very good role model." Two days later, I met the woman who would become my wife.

When I got her tickets to see her favorite team, the Penguins, she was so happy; she cried at how thoughtful my gift was.

Adults Hissy Fits factsShutterstock

49. Jeepers!

I had an ex who begged her dad for months to get her a Jeep instead of the nice Jetta she drove. He finally broke down and got her the Jeep and really tricked it out—fog lights, lifted suspension, new paint job, etc. I still can't believe what she did next. She drove the car around the block once and decided she didn't like it. The look on his face was one of pure sadness.

Ungrateful People factsPexels

50. Reversal Of Fortune

I had an acquaintance who was threatening to take his parents to court because they were traveling around the world, five-starring it. He was terrified that there wouldn’t be anything significant left him to inherit. He was in his 50s, and his parents were in their 80s. He was living his life based on the assumption that he would be getting a seven-figure payout when his parents passed.

His retirement depended on getting THEIR money. He had a full-on fit when he found out they were getting a reverse mortgage on their house and wouldn’t be leaving him much.

Baby Boomers factsShutterstock

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