The Worst Petty, Immature People

It’s a common misconception that people mature as they get older. Even after they’ve long passed a respectable age for doing so, most folks are still prone to childish outbursts and petty antics when things don’t go their way.

And, as the Redditors in the stories below can attest, some grown-ups are all too happy to take their frustrations out on the little guy.

1. Wakey, Wakey!

My dad was sleeping and, apparently, I made a noise when I went to take something from his room. So, his sleep got disturbed and he couldn't get back to sleep after that.

The next morning, he came and poured a whole bottle of water on my face when I was sleeping. I still don't know what the heck he was thinking when he did that.

Maybe he was trying to get revenge or whatever, but that was such a petty and screwed-up thing for a grown adult to do to a kid.

Petty Adults


2. Keeping Score

I missed a math test because I was in the hospital. I had documentation and showed the teacher, but he was adamant that I couldn’t make up the test and said it was fine because he dropped the lowest score for everyone anyway.

I wanted to take the test because I had studied and wanted my lowest score at the time—a 78—dropped.

I asked to make it up after school. It was still a no. Well, I got the last laugh. I took it to the guidance counselor and explained my situation and they made the teacher give me the test. It’s important to note that I had printed out my previous assignment grades to show to everyone when pleading my case. So, I finally took the test and got an A-.

I looked at my assignment grades and noticed my homework score. I was so mad I saw red. Before I went over the teacher’s head, it had shown that I’d turned in 100% of the assignments. It was now at 50%. I had to go to guidance again with both screenshots in order to get the teacher to fix my grade back.

Petty Adults


3. Curveball

When I was probably around eight or so, I was at a baseball game with my family. Naturally, I was hoping I’d be able to get a ball. One of the players saw me in the stands, looked directly at me, and threw a ball to me.

Some guy, probably college-aged, proceeded to reach over my shoulder and snatch the ball before it got to me.

I turned around and he and all his friends were laughing and celebrating. Almost 20 years later, I’m still a bit salty about it.

Petty Adults

Flickr, camknows

4. Ball Hogs

In fifth grade, my bus stop was in a church parking lot with a basketball hoop. We would play basketball after school. I always brought my ball, and we would play with it.

One day after school, this five-year-old bikes over to where we were playing and told me that we were using his ball that he’d left there. My ball was not unique, just the standard orange Spalding ball.

But it had my name on it. Just to make sure, I turned the ball over and found my name. Then I showed the kid. He ran away crying. I thought it was over—but I was so wrong. The little dude came back with his parents, and another five-year-old and his parents in a minivan. They were screaming at me and my friends about how we wrote my name on the kid’s ball to pretend it was ours.

We were in shock and gave them the ball. They kept screaming for 10 minutes about how we were picking on them and should all go to juvie. My friend, who happened to be Black, nervously muttered: “

Umm, I think I see your ball under the bushes over by the church". The Angry Mom said, “Do YOU think you can trick ME, AFRO BOY”?! For the record, my friend didn’t even have an afro, he was just Black.

Anyway, the five-year-old ran over by the church with his friend. He said, "Look, mom, it IS my ball"! The four parents were stunned and embarrassed. They were silent for a bit, but then Angry Mom said, "

Well, Colton, since they were so mean to us, I guess you have two basketballs now". They got in their car and drove away.

We couldn't believe it. It was the first time I noticed that an adult could be too prideful and still screw you over when they know they are wrong. And it’s just so they can "win". But guess who got revenge? We egged the house during the weekend. They knew it had to be me. They came to my house. My parents already knew what they had done to me, so my parents also knew it was me.

And I’d used all the eggs like an idiot, they were missing from the fridge. In any other situation, my parents would have made me fess up and apologize. But I was in for a surprise. They kept saying, "Welp, there is no proof", and shrugged. Angry Mom escalated until my parents yelled at them like she had yelled at me. Finally, my mom decided to end it.

She said, "Well, you can check my kitchen. I have no eggs. I normally buy eggs, but I am saving money to purchase my son a new basketball. He had one, but it was misplaced, I think.

I even wrote my son's name on it myself so it could be returned if it was ever lost, but it must be gone for good". Oh, boy, was Angry Mom embarrassed. She just huffed and walked back into her car and drove off.

My faith in adults was restored by my parents. Angry Mom never returned my ball, though.

Petty Adults
