March 1, 2024 | Violet Newbury

Red Flag Weddings

When two people decide to get married, everyone hopes for a “happily ever after” ending. Sometimes, though, the union is doomed from the start. 

1. Work Wife Vs. Real Wife

The groom's behavior at this wedding was jaw-dropping. He spent almost the entire wedding glued to his female work colleague, to the point that the bride had to drag him away for their first dance. They also kept going off somewhere together. You could see the obvious hurt on the bride's face throughout the day. But that’s not the craziest part. 

Prior to the wedding, he'd taken his colleague away abroad for his stag. It was just the two of them, despite the bride's protests, and in his wedding speech, he pointed his colleague out and told her that he'd had "the best time of his life" that weekend.

They're still together at the moment, but I don't see it being the happy ending that the bride was so desperate for.

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2. Nothing But Complaints

The bride-to-be told me two days before the wedding that she found her fiancé annoying and that she didn’t like him, and that he was AWFUL in bed. She was visibly, endlessly uncomfortable at the rehearsal wedding/dinner combination. Then, she cried the ENTIRE morning, the day of her wedding. 

She ended up not getting any makeup done because she wouldn’t stop scream-crying, and refused to get dressed, stalling the wedding for about 35 minutes. She then said 45 minutes of “vows” that she had prepared. It was nine pages of things like inappropriate vows to friends and family, his parents and sisters, but none of them were to her husband. 

Then, she ALMOST didn’t say “I do”. They managed to get a, “Uh, yeah, okay, yeah I do” out of her almost a full 60 seconds after she was supposed to say anything. I could go on for HOURS, but it was the most painful and awkward wedding I have ever been to. I’ve got my money on it lasting about 10 months. Even now, things are a mess for them.

Two and a half months later, she would gossip about how awful her husband was, and they were in couples therapy. At five months, there were fighting non-stop and there were no more lovey-dovey images on social media.  They seem to be right on track for a 10-month breakup as I predicted.

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3. Their Vows Didn’t Show Much Promise

The bride and groom's families were not on board. Both families detested one another, so the wedding was one of the most cringey events I've ever been to. The bride’s vows made things especially awkward. She said something along the lines of “I promise to try and be worthy of your family”—and we all raised eyebrows at each other.

The groom’s speech was all about how much he has helped his bride change for the better and how he “made her what she is”. My eyebrows were practically falling off the top of my head at that point. It’s been a few months so I guess we will wait and see, but I found it to be very controlling.

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4. Teenage Wasteland Wedding

My cousin's wedding was a fiasco to remember. His bride had only just turned 18 and was still in high school. She was also six months pregnant. Her grandfather was the officiant and he gave a big speech about how marriage was only between one man and one woman and no one can tear apart what God puts together. 

They opened their gifts in front of everyone like it was a birthday party. There were no drinks, dancing, or food. Within 30–40 minutes after the gift opening, the "happy" couple peeled out of the Boy Scout lodge, doing donuts while her teenage friends cheered them on. 

They spent the night at the hotel everyone was staying at—separately—which consisted of him getting trashed with his friends while she was alone in their room. In front of our entire family, my sister said, "I give them a year." She was wrong, though. 

Within three months of the kid arriving, they had split and my cousin swears the kid isn't his. The whole wedding was one giant red flag.

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5. The Groom’s Behavior Had The Bride Shook

Following the wedding, a disaster ensued. The bride, who had epilepsy, had a seizure and her family took her into a side room away from all the guests to look after her until she’d recovered. The groom’s reaction was brutal. He didn’t bother to go and help look after his wife, he was too busy getting sloshed and partying with all his mates. 

Even after the bride recovered enough to return to the celebrations, he didn’t stay with her or comfort her, and she sat there in tears for half the night. It lasted a couple of years before they divorced due to his selfishness and drinking.

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6. My Big Fat Gay Wedding

The best man, the groom's lifelong best friend, was gay, and all but one of the groomsmen were gay as well. This wasn't necessarily cause for alarm bells, but in retrospect, it should have been. This marriage ended badly.

I knew the bride for years before the marriage, from before she met the groom. We never dated or considered dating, but we were part of each other's core social groups. The bride and groom met in college, where they dated casually.

He would always take her to family functions back home, but when they were back at school he would distance himself. A few years after the wedding, the groom's father passed. Within a week of the funeral, he told her it wasn't working and moved in with the best man. Everyone did their best to act shocked. 

From the first time I met him, I knew he was gay. This was before I met or even heard about the best friend. He didn't react at all to her, or to other women. His eyes just didn't go where the eyes of a guy who's interested in women go. He was fit and well-groomed, and I saw more than one female flirting attempt crash and burn. 

All her friends tried to warn her; we literally took turns. It's just sad that he lost so much time to keep from disappointing his father, and that she lost so much time participating in his lie.

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7. She’s Just Not That Into You

The groom was madly in love with his fiancée, but always got the vibe she just wasn’t that into it. During the wedding, he was so nervous he stuttered. It was pretty cute, but the bride's reaction was a red flag. She rolled her eyes and looked mad. 

Then later in the night, after dinner and music had started, the bride got annoyed that people weren’t staying in their allocated seats. They had a “wishing well” for presents, and we added our anonymous gift with a card and thought that was that. One week later, we got a infuriating call. 

They said that we did not put ours in. This ended up getting so bad it tore down multiple friendships for the groom. The bride wanted enough money to buy a house. It turned out the bride was cheating on him the whole time with someone who was also married. 

He ended up leaving her about two years later when a family friend told him about the cheating. She was then threatening to take half his business if he didn’t pay her rent for the following months.

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8. The Bride And Her Lover

This particular wedding had a pretty scandalous backstory. The bride was pregnant, and the groom might or might not have been the father. However, things got messy when she invited her lover to the wedding.

She also got really angry with me because her lover was flirting with me. And that wasn't all. This wild bride had also slept with her sister's fiancé two months before the wedding. At the bachelorette party, she was snorting copious amounts of powder.

After her child was born, she got divorced and her husband got custody. She went back to live with her parents because she kept getting fired and couldn't support herself. It was the biggest trainwreck I've ever seen personally.

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9.  Friends Or Family?

This was supposed to be a pretty fancy affair. The theme was a Renaissance fair, and took place outside a massive gazebo. The maid of honor had promised to purchase a stylized dress for my bride that they had agreed on. Three days before the wedding, she revealed that she’d been keeping a secret. 

She called to tell us she had no money and was embarrassed to admit it. So, we literally hand-sewed one together in 24 hours. In my opinion, it turned out pretty nice for what we had. The bride’s mother was supposed to pick up the cake and drive an hour south for the wedding. 

She left her house 30 minutes before the wedding to pick it up. When she finally showed up an hour late, the cake was DESTROYED. She had put it in the back seat and drove like mad all the way down, slamming it against its box with every turn. But then there was another twist. 

During the one-hour delay, there was almost a fistfight between two groomsmen because the maid of honor showed up in the dress that she was “unable to afford”. It was an obvious attempt to upstage the bride. After the ceremony, during her speech, the same maid of honor started off by saying, “When we all met, I did not like [the groom] at all. 

However, I found that he grows on you like a fungus”. Needless to say, the entire side of my family didn’t appreciate all of this. Since all of these issues were on her side of friendships or families, I was told to suck it up, and we would discuss it later.

I sort of assumed that a lot of these “friends” had just shown themselves the door, but it was quite the opposite. In fact, two years later, when I accepted my first well-paying job out of college, it became an issue that it was an hour and a half out of Austin, where we were living. 

My wife decided to just stay in Austin to be with her friends. I mailed her the divorce papers and since she couldn't be bothered to even show up to the hearing, I never saw her again.

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10. Bride-Beater Busted

Years ago, I attended a wedding and reception of a friend and neighbor. But little did we know, the groom was a monster.

At the reception, the bride started crying. They were not happy tears either, but rather long, heartfelt weeping. Ten months later, she had a baby, and the next month her husband pummelled her so badly she passed out on the front lawn. 

Her ex, who was a big, big guy and the father of her first two children, came over to their house. He dragged the new husband out by his hair and beat him on the front lawn. The new hubby left town, and she divorced him right after that. Then we found out his first wife divorced him for beating her up too.

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11. The Judge Tried To Warn Her

I worked as a county prosecutor, so I never thought being a witness at wedding would happen during my shift. I did a sentencing where the guy was thrown behind bars for about two years. As I was walking out of the courtroom, his girlfriend asked the judge to marry her to her boyfriend, who was going to be locked up.

The judge said she needed a marriage license and there was a two-day waiting period—he was basically telling her not to marry the guy. But she’d planned ahead.  Then, she pulled out the marriage license. The judge told her that she needed two witnesses, and she was alone. 

The dude's attorney grabbed me by the arm and enthusiastically volunteered us to be the witnesses. The wedding went through. The guy was in an orange jumpsuit and was shackled during the ceremony.

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12. The Counting Game

The bride and groom secretly married and told no one because their relationship would cost him his job. They had a wedding one year later, about a month after she graduated college. While at the reception, we were playing a “counting game” which consisted of “How many groomsmen has the bride slept with?" The truth was disturbing.

It was all eight of them. The groom had slept with three of the bridesmaids so there was that, too. Then, we started the betting pool at the reception which only played country music and served grits three ways with beers. I won the bet. 

It lasted six months after the ceremony, which isn’t too surprising, as the bride went home with the guitarist from the band playing at the reception instead of with the groom.

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13. His Frat Boy Ways

I went to my wife's coworker’s wedding. One look at the groom and I knew she was done for. She was the sweetest person and her fiancé was a total slob. He was just a cocky, out-of-shape, burnt-out frat guy. He had told her to her face about all the girls he'd slept with and how he'd had perfect weeks where he'd slept with a different girl every night. 

I’m pretty sure this was a bad technique to try and make her stick around and think he was desirable. But he saved the worst for the wedding. That was where he drank so much, he passed out before anyone had left and she had to take him to their hotel room while passed out. She didn’t get to finish her own wedding or have a wedding night. I felt so sad for her.

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14.  Dancing Around The Real Issues

My wedding was full of red flags. My ex-wife had a taste for theatrics and wanted a choreographed dance number for the first dance. She also wanted the whole wedding party involved, but there was no interest. I should have known right then that she was the wrong woman for me.

I'd never danced, not even at a club, but was willing to take lessons with her with the understanding we would do something together, so she could have her dream wedding. I sucked but got through a few lessons of slow dancing. The dance school wouldn't choreograph anything for us, so she promptly gave up. 

When it came to choosing the song, she decided she wanted “I Want You To” by Weezer, which was my favorite band and the song had just come out. It has a jamboree feel to it; it is not a song to slow dance to. So, I suggested we choose something else, but she insisted we would just slow dance to it. 

I made her promise she wouldn't change her mind. Sure enough, 30 seconds into the song, she backed up and started dancing a jig. I just stood there in disbelief, fuming, while she kept shouting and motioning for me to dance in front of all our guests.

To boot, we had set a budget, and she exceeded it. Then her parents decided to chip in $5K, and rather than use it to offset what we were over budget for, she decided to spend more. In retrospect, that should have been a huge clue that she didn't respect me at all. 

She cheated on me and ran off with some guy a year later. She got remarried before we were officially divorced.

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15. I See Your True Colors

I think I was more in love with the idea of being married that I really couldn’t or really didn’t want to see the red flags before I got married. The biggest red flag of all amongst many others was the fact, which I knew prior to the engagement, that her whole family had disowned her prior to us even having met. 

I was so blindly in love that I wasn’t thinking that there was probably a reason for it. It hit me just before the wedding that my family was the only people in attendance. Also that if it wasn’t for my family sitting on both sides of the church, her side would have been completely empty. After I married her, her true colors began to show. 

She was a horrible person and everything was everyone else’s fault. She continuously bounced checks everywhere and tried to blame me for it (which were all signed by her clearly.). It was so bad I had to split the bank account and guess what? 

I never bounced any out of my account but she was still getting overdrafts on a daily basis. And she still tried to blame me for it and I had no control over her account. This is just for starters. She also tried to isolate me from my friends and family. And the worst part of all?

She blatantly refused to have any type of intamacy with me. That’s right, no fun stuff whatsoever. Needless to say, it was good riddance when I divorced her.

groom and bride holding hands giving vowsAbi Greer, Pexels

16.  No Arguing It Wouldn’t Last

I was a groomsman at my friend’s wedding. The rest of the groomsmen were guys he met while stationed in the Air Force, and they knew his fiancée much better than I did. Turns out, she was a certifiable nightmare.

During the entire week leading up to the wedding, she would call him constantly and just straight-up yell as soon as he answered; then, they would argue.

During the week, the other groomsmen kept telling me that they didn’t like her and how much of a pain she was. At the wedding, one of the groomsmen came up to me and said, “I can’t wait to see you guys at his second wedding”. I laughed so hard.

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17. Big Wedding Gone Bust

The bride didn't look happy to be walking down the aisle. She was smiling, but it was very much a pasted-on smile that I assumed was because she was nervous. It wasn't until later that I discovered what was going on behind the scenes.

I found out at the wedding that her parents had offered to pay for either a big wedding or pay for a small wedding then give them the money for a down payment for a house. She wanted a big wedding. Big mistake. 

Where we lived, the housing market was insanely competitive and this was at the peak of the housing prices, right before the crash. Her parents basically offered her the ability to jump-start their lives together. Instead, she turned it down for the big party with her as the center of attention. 

It was over within two years, and she didn't even seem upset about it.

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18.  Knocked Up And Fed Up

My high school best friend got pregnant from the first guy she dated upon joining the Air Force. She grew up in a super strict, and really weird household. She didn’t know anything about birth control or dating. I moved back to our hometown a few weeks before she came home to get married. She asked me to be a bridesmaid, along with her five sisters, and I agreed.

The guy brought his parents and enough friends to fill out the party. We spent two days around her house just getting to know each other, which was pretty fun. I had been flirting with a couple of the guys, which annoyed one of the sisters. So, she decided to gets some petty revenge on me. 

She called me out for having a “tramp stamp” and embarrassed me. I really hate being the center of attention, so it was extra awful. I’m sure it was obvious I was mortified. The wedding went on. The bride bawled the whole time and was about six months pregnant at the time. 

After the vows, she disappeared for a little bit to clean up. The groom and I ended up chit-chatting while everyone was mingling. It was the first time I had even really spoken to him. He ended up talking about my tattoos, and how attractive they were. It was huge red flag.

I tried to play it off as him being polite until he said something about inviting me to his hotel room later to show me his own tattoos, which were apparently located in some inappropriate places. I had no idea what to say, so I laughed and said I needed to change out of my heels. 

It was awful, and I felt so bad for her, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. Most likely, since they lived a couple of states away and had JUST gotten married with a baby on the way, I would have been the one who was blamed. So, I just lived with the guilt. She got divorced less than three years later, at about 22 years old. 

He cheated a lot, and she finally got fed up. She then took a vow to be celibate afterward. Because she had a child with him, she chose to just be single rather than confuse her child with a new spouse. I never understood her logic, but I supported her choice. It’s been 10 years, and she’s still single. 

I don’t feel like she’s ever really even experienced what it’s like to be with a good spouse, and I feel terrible for her.

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19. Keeping With Tradition Spelled Disaster

I come from a very large Indian family, portions of which still strongly believe in "traditional marriage", such as child brides, forced marriage, and uncle/niece marriages. There was one wedding where a woman in the family eventually found the guy of her dreams and wanted to marry him. However, as her older brother was unmarried, she was not allowed to marry until he did first.

As a solution, the parents made her brother to marry the worst girl possible. His bride was so emotionally manipulative, it wasn't even funny. He clearly understood what she was like prior to getting married. He went through with it anyway on the pretext that he was okay "sacrificing" his life for the sake of his sister. It was a complete disaster. 

Within two years they were divorced. He eventually married again, for love, but got divorced again. He is now preparing to marry for the third time, again at the behest of his family because "it's not okay" for the older brother to be single while the younger sister is married.

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20. Princess Bride

A rich guy married a girl with stars in her eyes. The wedding was insane. As you walked in, there was a guy on each of the double doors opening them in unison. They actually paid two people to do this little dance and stand there all day. When you walked in, there was what must have been $10,000 worth of giant flower arrangements in the entryway.

Then there was another double door with two more guys opening them. The wedding was nuts with string quartets, and no expense was spared. However, during the reception, I overheard the bride say something that sent chills down my spine.

She told her friends, "Well, he better keep working if he wants to keep me". I've seen this princess mentality before, it never works out. A relationship needs each party to be equal.

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21. The Best Man Got Things Off With A Bang

I was a wedding videographer. About 10 years ago, I was filming a rather prestigious wedding. Everything was going great until the reception. The best man got up to give a speech, and started by saying, “Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to let the groom know I’ve been banging the bride for years”. 

The reaction of the guests was priceless. The room parted into “his” and “hers," and the groom ran out, never to be seen again. The bride’s parents asked me to send them the video, as they felt so guilty over what happened. I got paid, so it didn’t bother me either way, but it was the best red flag I’ve seen by far!

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22. She Was A Gold Digger

My cousin—who’s not a very nice lady—married some poor sucker rather quickly into their relationship. He was a super smart and successful accountant for an aerospace company and she was a nobody. Although that shouldn’t matter In love, in her case we knew what was up. 

We all knew the real reasons for this unholy matrimony, mostly because she was following in her mother’s footsteps, who was a raging forest fire of a magnum gold digger. We took great pity for the pain, time, and large amounts of money this guy was sure to suffer. The whole ceremony was a waving red flag.

During the ceremony, this guy spontaneously developed a tick. He started throwing his head back and forth, almost as if the Good Lord himself was smacking him. His jaw must have started to lock up because he kept opening it as wide as he could and sticking his tongue out.

It was as if he had this sudden cramp in his entire speak-hole area, and he wouldn’t be able to utter the solidifying words. At the “I do” part, when it was his turn, he took three big violent shakes side-to-side and stretched his jaw super wide. 

A couple of months later, she was banging at least one other guy, accusing hubby of beating her and of being emotionally taxing, but we all knew better.

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23. Happiness Is Key

I had a destination wedding. The night before, another couple was getting married, and they had to pass through the restaurant we were in to get to the reception area. The looks on their faces said it all. They looked miserable. They weren’t holding hands, not excited, nothing. It was like the ending of The Graduate

I originally gave them some slack, thinking that having a wedding is hard and exhausting. But then I had my own wedding, and I realized that other couple was doomed.

Throughout our celebration, we didn’t stop smiling for a second. When we were alone, passing through the restaurant to get to our reception space, we were both giddy, excited, and nervous, but we were happy.

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24. The Bride Wanted A Frisky Frolic

When my friend's kid was two, he married his baby mama... It proved to be a MISTAKE. Their wedding had a good reception and the bride was a great wing woman, so the bridesmaid and I left to have a party of our own. We came back and joined the after-party and everybody was feeling pretty good. 

Soon enough, the bride was sitting at the bar by me, started making comments, and getting pretty grabby. I tried to get away, as things were getting awkward. So, I waved my buddy—the groom—over and told him what was up and he should probably get her out of there. 

She told him she just wanted to touch me but I wouldn't let her, and they proceeded to get into a fight. Years later, they were still together, but there is no way she's been faithful, and he refused to see it. I wish him the best of luck.

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25. Time For A Change

When my cousin met his wife-to-be, she gradually chipped away at him by molding his personality to how she wanted him to be. It was a chilling transformation. In the end, gone was the cheeky lovable personality, his friends, and his hobbies. I barely saw him anymore, and neither did most of his family. 

The last I saw him was at our grandad’s funeral after they had been married for about a year. Aside from the fact it obviously was a sad occasion, he was a completely different person. Even at the wedding, he was noticeably miserable. They divorced another year or so later. 

Apparently, he was boring and not the man she fell in love with, so cheating on him was the logical thing for her to do. I haven't seen or spoken to him since the funeral but I hear he's doing okay.

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26.  The Groom Became Texas Toast

My best friend was getting married. I met the bride-to-be about six months before the wedding. She was the southern Texas “treat me like a princess and I’ll tolerate you” type. I was the “loud obnoxious city slicker that will say things to see how you react” type. She started to disallow him to see me, even when I drove two hours just to see him for the day.

By the time the wedding happened, I walked down the aisle of the wedding party bus taking bets on how long the marriage would last. No one, including the bridesmaids, said over three years. The bride got mad at me for undoing my tie at the $30K reception. I looked at her and just shook my head. 

A year and a half later, I found out the dark truth about her. She was banging the marriage counselor her father was making them go to see because he couldn’t have his clients knowing his daughter wanted a divorce. I ended up helping my friend pack all of his stuff in a box truck and driving him across the country for a new start. 

I ended up being his best man in his second wedding and they are perfect together.

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27. The Odds Were Stacked Against Them

I spent Labor Day weekend in Las Vegas and one Saturday night, I decided to play some poker. Next to me was a lady in her mid-20s, a naturally pretty country girl. She was a decent poker player, having a good time. Next to her was a dude, also in his mid-20s, in good shape, and rough around the edges. He was a decent poker player, but he was drinking and getting loud.

It was about 11 PM, and these two had been married for about 3-4 hours at that point. She had a bad hand, but it didn’t doesn't matter, as she was breaking even for the night. He dropped about $300-$400, and I noticed that a couple of players were keying in on him. By midnight, he was getting louder, and was warned for swearing at the table.

Everybody at the table was hoping to get a piece of his money when he started going crazy.

At 1 AM, he was down $1,000. They were going to play all night, as their plane was leaving in 10 hours, and they didn’t have a room at any hotel.  At 2 AM, she was up $100 and was rock solid. She's gone from chatty to super-quiet. Her hubby was all over the place and was dropping about $200 an hour to the table.

At 3 AM, I left the table. I couldn’t help but wonder what possessed a “solid 8+ of a woman”  to marry a pathetic trashed mess of a boy. I can't imagine a world where he didn't do something bad that night that she had to clean up. And, looking back, I can't imagine a world where he doesn't do something bad that she has to clean up every few days.

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28. The Bride Had A Dark Side

A guy I know met, got married to, and divorced this girl in under two years. The big age-gap should have been the first red falg. She was ten years younger than him. He came to find out that she was a pillhead and was buying all sorts of dope on the dark web. 

She had a rich family who kept giving her money and meddling in the details of their marriage, like buying car insurance, buying a mattress, and such. Said rich family made them get married on the family property. During the wedding, the bride’s dad said to the groom, “That empty lot over there is a place for [my daughter] to have a house”. 

There was no mention of him. But that’s not the worst part. She was cheating on him with a guy elsewhere in the state, and when my friend found evidence of their relationship, she told him that the guy had mistreated her. 

She took this claim so far with her family that they never knew the truth until the last round of divorce negotiations, when my buddy’s lawyer dropped all the evidence he got from her phone on them, along with transactions for her dope dealings. She got nothing.

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29. Double-Dealing Dog

I was the best man at a wedding, and the groom disappeared on the morning of the wedding. He went AWOL for several hours. My wife overheard the bride in tears in the bathroom at the reception, saying she shouldn't have married him, and asked what she was doing. When I found out the dark truth, my jaw DROPPED.

It turned out his absence was to go and speak to another full-on girlfriend—who none of us knew about—to break up with her before he got married. He was leading a double life. They split up within a couple of years when it all came out, but sadly not before they had a kid.

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30. Early Intervention

My girlfriend and I attended my close friend's wedding. We ended up having a conversation about children. She told me she wouldn’t want kids for at least another ten years. We were only about six months in at that point, but things seemed pretty serious. 

I was sure I wanted kids with her, and I told her I’d be totally supportive of her if she ever became pregnant, whatever her decision was. Well, that’s when I learned she’d been keeping a devastating secret. 

A few hours and a handful of drinks later, she told me she had recently gotten an abortion during our relationship. I didn’t know if it was mine or not; it was kind of a red flag.

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31. An Exercise In How Not To Act

It wasn’t the couple getting married who had red flags flying, but the best man and maid of honor, who were married to each other. The best man's speech was all about how hard it was to be married. He said, "I've been married for a year and it feels like 100 years". 

The maid of honor's speech was even worse. I couldn't believe it when she stood up and just said, "Ditto". It was so awkward and really brought the whole room down. The brother of the bride stood up and gave a nice impromptu speech about teamwork, having a partner to go through life with, and how happy the family was to have the groom join their family. 

The best man and maid of honor were divorced within a year. The couple who got married was still married 30+ years later. I sometimes wonder if the speeches actually were helpful in how not to act as a couple.

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32. All About The Groom, But What About The Bride?

I was the maid of honor at a wedding. They seemed like the perfect couple—but I was so wrong. They had been together for nearly ten years and had this big, expensive, beautiful wedding. The bride would have been happy with a small event, but she told me the groom had a big family and had insisted on a larger one. Alarm bells hit when I sat with her parents in the front row.

I realized the groom-to-bride ratio was so massively off. The groom had three best men, as well as ushers, etc. His sister and one best man read something during the ceremony, and then all three said long speeches about him at dinner. It was all about him. The photographer was even his friend’s mom, so she kept whisking away the boys for these “hilarious” guy shoots.

The bride was ignored most of the day and in the evening, the groom got too trashed, spilled a drink over her wedding gown, and danced with his friends. It felt more like a big birthday party than a joint event. I’d never seen that side of him, but I felt so sorry for my friend. It was like she was just there to be a prop to his plans and look good. Later, I learned the dark truth. 

Three months after the wedding, he began being emotionally disparaging to her. A month after that, he admitted he’d been having an affair for years, then left. If I hadn’t seen the way he behaved at the wedding, I never would have guessed he had that in him. Four years later, my friend hasn’t been able to trust or date again yet, but I think she learned never to be a backseat passenger in a relationship again.

When he left, she told him that he would never see her, or hear from her, or about her again. She dropped all friends that had any connection with him and made sure he would always live his life wondering if he made the right decision and what she was up to.

Ruined Wedding factsShutterstock

33. A New Do And A Ring Too

My college roommate was super reclusive. He never had any friends and never dated. One day, he told us he had a girlfriend. We’d never seen him with a girl, let alone talk to one. Toward the end of the semester, he ran into me near the apartment and asked if I was going to be gone around noon. I said I was and asked why. 

He told me he was going to propose to his girl, but he wanted me there and showed me the rather large diamond ring. It was weird, but okay. It was the end of the semester, and everyone was busy with finals. The apartment was a mess. Dirty dishes were stacked high in the sink. My roommate’s idea to propose to this poor thing was to ask her to give him a haircut. 

She showed up before he or I did, so another roommate and she just sat there awkwardly. Unfortunately, this whole thing just went from bad to worse. We tried to clean up quickly, but we only had a few minutes. This was the first time we had met her and she was a supreme introvert. 

My roommate showed up and introduced her, and asked her if they could move along. He set up a chair in the kitchen and she started cutting his hair. He didn’t want to get hair on his shirt, so he got a big black trash bag and cut a hole in the bottom for his head only.

His arms were locked in the bag. She cut his hair, and his line to propose after she finished the haircut was, “If only I had something shiny to see my haircut”. She offered to get a mirror, but he repeated the same line louder and fumbled in his pocket and trash bag to retrieve the ring box. 

He was covered in hair, and his arms were awkwardly held against his body by the trash bag. He opened the ring box, thrust it awkwardly at her, and went, “Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?" Meanwhile, she was backed into the sink with the dirty dishes. He didn’t really ask her to marry him. 

She put the ring on, said yes, and he left to go take a shower without kissing her or anything! She then sat on the couch, staring at the ring with a solemn look while the other roommate and I stared in disbelief at the train wreck that had just happened. The semester ended, and they were still engaged. 

My roommate went across the country for an internship while she stayed in the college town. Then, my roommate got taken into custody at the airport and charged with possessing a fake grenade in his checked carry-on bags. He got out and came back to the college town. I ran into him about 4–5 months after the proposal mess. 

I asked how his fiancée was doing, and he replied, “I don’t know; I haven't talked to her since I left for the internship”.  Somehow they are still married eight years later. It’s unbelievable.

Wedding DramaPexels

34. Cursed From The Start

I did wedding photos for a friend's wedding, and I knew it was cursed from the jump. I showed up to the park pavilion where it was being held an hour early for set up. No one was there. Finally, folks started filling in to bring in food, "decorations," and folding chairs. So I get a couple spots off the cake, and the band, whatever I could to keep busy. 

The wedding was supposed to be at least somewhat dressy, but almost all the guests were dressed like they just stopped by on their way to pick something up at Walmart. To add to this train wreck, she had asked another photographer to show up, without telling either of us, so we had to figure out how to work around one another the whole time. And that wasn't the most disappointing part.

Neither of us got paid. They got divorced a year later.

Wedding photographer with a professional cameraWedding and lifestyle, Shutterstock

35.  It Was A Losing Battle

I was friends with this couple for a couple of years in college. They got “secretly” married so they could live off campus. Unfortunately, these two clashed all the time. They were just a bad match. In the last year of school, they were getting “married for the first time” for their family and friends who didn’t know. 

The wedding day came around, and they had been fighting up to that point like cats and dogs. These two weren’t good for each other and made dumb decisions young. Apparently, the first words they said to each other in two days was, “I do”. Even at the age of 21, I knew they wouldn’t stay together. 

Fast forward, and I ended up being roommates with them for one year. What a massive mistake. The fights, the throwing of things, the running out of the house during arguments, the lies told, etc., were crazy. They got divorced within a couple of years of that, and they both later remarried.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsShutterstock

36. Their Relationship Was Loaded With Problems

I was dating the best man at a wedding. The groom spent all his time hanging out with his buddies, and the bride spent all the time using illicit substances in the bathroom. I spent more time with the groom at the wedding than the bride did. However, it was the bride who was truly unhinged.

She also flipped his brand new Jeep the day before the wedding because she was driving while loaded, and quit her job the day after the wedding because he was supposed to take care of her now. They were married in November and separated by January. The groom later confided in my then-boyfriend that he thought getting married would solve everything.

Wild Weddings Shutterstock

37. Hitched On Hypocrisy

Both the bride and the groom had their stags the night before. This turned out to be a terrible mistake. The groom and bride stood in the church, hungover, both mad at the other because they were hungover. At the party afterward, they practically refused to talk to each other because they were still mad at each other. It all came to a head at about midnight

They were fighting about literally being in the same condition as the other one but not wanting the other one to be in that condition. I was kind of shocked, to be honest. There is a threshold of being just hypocritical and being entirely devoid of the ability of self-reflection. Both stood firmly in the second category. Here's the kicker, though. 

Both wanted a divorce because they both cheated just three months into the marriage. To this day, both blame the other for cheating and ruining the marriage because of it. In some very weird way, they fit each other perfectly.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsPexels

38. A Photo Finish

I was at a wedding where the couple had four professional photographers and two two-man videographer teams running around the wedding, capturing everything. The bride paid them more attention than her guests and only acknowledged the groom when she was being filmed. But that wasn't the only cringeworthy part.

Her mailed-out wedding invitations were styled after a gossip magazine and were six pages—FRONT AND BACK. They had about 12 photos of her looking lovey-dovey at her ring, or with a “surprised” face, and the groom faded in the background on his knee. There were more photos of her dog than the groom. 

They are currently in marriage counseling, but it’s not looking good. She has a laundry list of narcissistic things she’s done since the wedding, which was less than three years ago.

Wedding DramaShutterstock

39. The Signs Were All There

I was the groom attending a Roman Catholic church for a wedding that was a full mass as well as the wedding nuptials. The priest’s sermon was about the effects of divorce in today's society, of all things. 

When it came time to exchange vows, the bride-to-be looked bloody terrified and not what you would expect a woman to look like at that point in time on her wedding day.

I, on the other hand, was well and truly in the moment, fully embracing the commitment I was about to make in front of my family, friends, and God. However, that feeling soured when I saw how distressed my bride was. As the nuptials progressed, the emotional state of my fiancée was becoming more and more apparent to me. 

So, when the priest asked, "If anyone here has any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony let them speak now, or forever hold their peace," my expression and glances around the church were, in hindsight, a desperate cry for help.

It was the kind of foreshadowing that should have been laughably obvious at the time, but what does one do in that situation? I just wish I knew what I could have done at the time, and not gone on to suffer through a one-sided loveless marriage for over 26 years and lose everything in the process. 

While we were separated, I found out that she had somehow managed to divorce me without my being served divorce papers and had remarried.

Wedding Objections factsMax Pixel

40. Rather A Roomie Than A Groomie

My friend was gay and his best friend was getting married. We all used to joke that she was already his husband because they were roommates and had a very Will & Grace type of relationship. I didn’t know her that well but, I and some of our other friends, were invited to her wedding. After the wedding, at the reception, we were sitting with my friend.

The girl came up to our table, a little tipsy. Unfortunately, she started running her mouth. She cried about how she wished my friend was straight so that she could have married him instead. My friend took it all in stride while we and the other guests were horrified. The bride and her husband broke up 18 months later, and she and my friend are roommates once more.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsShutterstock

41. Busted

I used to do wedding videography. The grooms are always mic’d up throughout the entire event. I think these idiots forget about the mic or assume when a camera isn’t pointed at them they’re not being recorded, but that’s not how it works. The things I've heard are just plain gross.

I have their audio of the entire time that it is on, so I often bust the groom or one of his groomsmen at some point commenting about his cheating, having cheated, or worse case "plans" to cheat.

Groom in suit cryingPirat Pirat, Shutterstock

42. The Bride Gave Off Some Bad Vibes

At my brother’s wedding, we were about to walk into the reception, and I assumed that speeches would be soon to follow. My family wasn’t all too fond of his wife, myself included, but I thought that I could at least give her a chance. I was talking to the maid of honor, who was also the bride’s little sister, and discovered that she had not prepared a speech.

She started freaking out, so I tried to calm her down and just give her some guidelines for something short and sweet to say that would go over well. She actually seemed like she was ready to pull it off. Then, the bride overheard our conversation and piped in, “Oh, no speeches. We’re not doing any speeches”. She was very firm on the matter, and my brother just kind of shrugged.

I, on the other hand, was not at all happy. My reaction was something like, “Well then, why did I spend three days working on one?" I kept my cool, but I was mad. I had a really bad vibe from the incident, like their marriage was going to be a joke. Turns out, I was right. She left my brother a month later.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsUnsplash

43. Drama Was A Bonus

Many years ago, I was going out with a girlfriend, Kay, who had moved across the country to live with me, and was struggling to make friends. One night, I introduced her to one of my friend's girlfriends, and they became immediate best friends. This was an immediate red flag for me because this other girl was not exactly a nice person. However, I was glad that we now had a shared friend group and could go out together.

My friend’s girlfriend and my friend were getting married in a few months. A week before the wedding, Kay and I were spending the night in, and Kay was constantly texting on her phone. Eventually, she revealed that she was talking to the bride-to-be—and what she told me was seriously disturbing. The bride-to-be was with her ex in a hotel having a "bonus night" before she got "tied down forever".

My best friend was the best man; hence, I told him so that he could break it gently to our friend. However, the wedding went ahead as planned, surprisingly, and both have cheated on each other over their five-year marriage. I think some couples don't feel complete unless there is drama in their relationship, as my friends do seem very happy together when they're not shouting and fighting.

Wedding DramaPexels

44. The Icing On The Cake

In a lot of weddings, it is customary that the groom and bride feed each other the cake. It is not unusual that they will sometimes get some icing on each other's noses or even outright smash it against each other's lips. Usually, it's meant for good fun and whatnot. 

At this wedding, during the cake slicing, the groom got a little icing on the bride's nose. Her reaction was unfortunate. She burst into tears—and not just a little bit. She was full-on crying and accusing him of ruining their wedding in front of the entire party. 

It was hard to watch, especially since the groom was my cousin who is a sweet guy that's a playful goofball. He was pretty taken aback by her reaction and pulled her aside to console her along with her bridesmaids and maid of honor.

There were other red flags, like how the bride was insistent that the groom's family be seated 3-4 rows back, while her entire family, extended family, and all got to sit front and center. Then, she asked my parents and me to move from our assigned seats because she forgot that my cousin had invited us. 

She wanted some of her friends to sit there since it was close to the bride and groom's table. It was a bunch of things, but that cake-eating is what really made me know they were in a doomed relationship. They ended up lasting not even two years.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsUnsplash

45. Taking Bets

I used to work in catering for weddings. There was this one couple, who got this beautiful old English Tudor venue, and they paid out a huge amount for the catering; it was for about 200 guests. They were all expected to arrive after the ceremony at 1 PM. Three hours later, they rocked up to the venue without so much as an explanation. 

There was no call that they would be late, no sign of any guests, nothing. The staff was all standing around speculating “maybe they called it off, someone was stood up, etc," for hours. We started getting ready to pack everything up and just leave when we finally saw guests arriving. 

So, we started serving canapés—but the night was about to take a twisted turn. We saw the bride and groom for about two minutes before they walked off into the gardens to have a full-on screaming match.

The main topic of conversation with guests was literally betting on how long they would last, who is going to be the first to cheat, and things like that. They came back an hour later, now shouting at us saying, “Why aren’t the guests eating yet?" Meanwhile, we were waiting for them! 

After that, things actually went pretty smoothly. We finished serving and they started the toasts. The guy’s friends were comedians, so the speeches are brilliant, but walking through topping up champagne, we could hear every table still murmuring offhand jokes or sarcastic comments about them not lasting, etc. 

I think they went off to argue a few more times after that. It was a lovely wedding with terrible people.

Wedding disastersShutterstock

46. The Butterfly Effect

My husband and I were doing the catering for a small wedding of fewer than 50 people. They had actually had their first date in our restaurant and asked us to cater their big day, which was sweet. It was a seaside wedding, very DIY, and even my kids helped set up. 

Under each folding chair in the wedding "audience," was a box to be retrieved and opened by the guests when the officiant told them to do so. The goal of this was well-intentioned. The guests would lift the tops of the boxes to free what would become a sea of delicate butterflies, symbolic of their marital journey "taking off". Well, it ended in a truly gruesome scene. 

Due to oxygen starvation, all of those beautiful butterflies perished inside the boxes. It was a chilling reveal. When the lids were collectively opened, their sad, .imp bodies were swept up in a vicious yet timely gust of wind. In one glorious moment, united, they were whipped off forcefully into the horizon.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsShutterstock

47. It Was His Way Or The Highway

When it came to our wedding, my fiancé took total control. For instance, I didn't get to choose ANY of the music at all. He shut down things and made me feel small. I just kept acquiescing to his non-negotiable wedding ideas. He was also mad because people didn't execute them as he wanted. 

He wasn't smiling as I came down the aisle because the DJ got the music wrong. All that should just have been a red flag that it was an unhealthy relationship. I was young, naive, and stayed way too long. It lasted 10.5 years, and those sorts of things never changed. 

We could never talk and compromise; it was either his way or the highway. If it didn’t go his way, I was a horrible human being for not giving him his way. If I suggested a paint color for the living room, it was shot down. If he arrived at the same color on his own, it was great. 

I literally could not suggest something without being made to feel inconsequential. But, he expected me to jump, cater, and give in to anything he wanted, exactly as he wanted. He was always so critical of everything. Never again will I put up with that.

Wedding DramaShutterstock

48. For Goodness’ Sake Forsake Already!

I filmed a wedding in Louisiana once. In the hours leading up to the wedding, the bride was getting pretty loaded with her bridesmaids. Rain delayed the wedding, as it was all scheduled for outdoors next to a rustic barn. In the final hour before it was time, the bride was getting pretty angry at her mom who was criticizing this item here, or this guest here, and her drinking wasn’t helping anything.

Somehow, they made it through without a catfight, but the biggest red flag came from the groom-to-be. During the vows, when it got to the part where the line is, "and forsaking all others," the dude simply could not utter those words. So much so, that he was getting emotional on his face, and shutting down completely. 

I focused on him with the camera, so when I edited the video later, I played that part over and over, trying to guess what was going on in his head. The bride was laughing and smiling at him, so either she was too sloshed to care, or she was in on some partner-swapping action with him, and thought it was hilarious. 

The preacher offered to alter the line, and said something like, "Okay how about, and only loving the bride”. The groom regained a little bit of his composure, nodded, and muddled through the rest of the vows. I should have have known it was doomed right then. 

The marriage was only about three years ago, but sure enough, she has a new man she is with.

Wedding Objections factsShutterstock

49. Getting Even

The groom messed up big time. He had his bachelor party the night before, got a handy, and kissed an exotic dancer. He was guilt-ridden and told the bride the morning of the wedding. She still married him. The next day, I was hanging out with the newlyweds and the groom's friends. The bride and I were the only two women there. 

The bride was drinking and hanging off me like we had been BFFs for years. She made several trips to the bathroom to pee and insisted I tag along. On each trip to the bathroom, she was fuming over the bachelor party action and kissing the dancer situation. 

The kissing bothered her more than the handy, but she was still upset and talked about how she was going to cheat on him to even the score. Not a solid start for a marriage.

Wedding Guests Refused To Hold Their Peace factsShutterstock

50. He Just Needed A Hug

I attended the very big, very religious wedding of a 21-year-old bride and a 22-year-old groom. They lied about where they met—it was on Tinder. The night before, the groom and members of the wedding party were playing truth or dare. This was a recipe for disaster.

During a round, the groom admitted his biggest love language was touch but that his significant other hated to express affection physically. He said that all he wanted was to be cuddled sometimes, and she’d refuse. He said he hoped it got better after they were married. 

All the groomsmen made frantic eye contact and changed the subject.

The Worst Weddings EverPexels

51. Lack Of Devotion

I went to a beautiful wedding a few summers ago. It was a quiet backyard wedding, in a beautiful woodsy neighborhood. The couple had been happily dating for eight years and were about to buy a house. There was only one tiny red flag—and you had to look closely to notice it. The groom cried tears of joy, but the bride didn't. 

She spent the entirety of the reception dancing by herself or talking to family, not really paying her new husband much attention. It was a busy day, so nobody really thought much of it. Two years later, she cheated on him with a guy she had just met, filed for divorce, and moved in with the new guy immediately. 

The husband was devastated and still hasn't moved on despite getting constant offers. His wife very openly didn’t care and has since flooded her social media with cutesy updates and pictures of her new relationship. I suppose the wedding day was a glimpse into the imbalance of devotion in their relationship.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsShutterstock

52. A Tainted Tribute

We were friends of the bride. We met the groom’s parents for the first time just before the start of the wedding. Instead of offering nice remarks about our friend—their daughter-in-law to be—they spent the entire conversation talking about how wonderful their son was, which struck my wife and me as odd. The marriage lasted a little less than one month.

ALSO, important to note that there was nothing "wonderful about this guy". He demanded a paternity test for the kid and still refuses to meet him, let alone step foot in the state where he lives. If he did, he would be forced to pay child support, which he has never done, despite the wealth of his family, who were so effusive in their praise of him.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsShutterstock

53. Dreaming Of Another

I was a groomsman at a wedding. As the night was winding up, the groom was nowhere to be found. The plastered bride, whom I’d met maybe three times prior, asked me to dance. Then she made a disturbing revelation. She whispered to me, "I get turned on when I think about you".

That was the first time she ever expressed interest in me. They had three kids in five years, and both caught each other cheating on the other. They divorced at the five-year mark.

Red Flag Wedding MomentsPexels

Sources: Reddit, Quora, Buzzfeed

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