Messed UP Relationships

There's no such thing as a perfect relationship, but sometimes love can blind us to the hard truth. Some relationships are just seriously messed UP—and cannot be salvaged.

1. 5 AM Drives

I was in a five-year year relationship with a woman and we had a house and a kid together. She left at 3:00 AM after we had some drinks and was with some guy driving around until 5:00 AM. I panicked when I woke up and she wasn’t there.

I called her, but she was rude to me, and hung up. Then, she wouldn’t answer at all. I got scared since this never happened before.

We shared location on our phones and she was out on a dirt road miles away from where we usually go off-roading. When I saw where she was, my heart broke. 

She was hanging with some guy because apparently, she needed someone to talk to and it wasn’t me. This really destroyed my trust in her, and after that, things just declined and I became more distanced. It broke my heart.

Awful Relationships


 2. Suspicious Soup

One time, I came home from work and my girlfriend was in the kitchen happily making us dinner. I went to the bathroom and was in the middle of washing my hands when I thought of something I had to tell her. As I went around the corner, I just barely saw her drop something into my bowl. Her hand was cupped over the bowl and she slipped something in it.

It just looked sketchy. She didn’t see me see her, so I just walked back into the bathroom and finished washing my hands. I thanked her for making me dinner but told her I just wasn’t hungry.

Then, I spent most of the night awake thinking what did I just see her trying to do? Around 3:00 AM, I convinced myself that I imagined it.

I decided to get some sleep, but first, I got up to use the washroom. And then my very next thought was, “Man, it really itches down there". I went up to the clinic the very next day, and got tested for STDs just to confirm what I already suspected. Positive for chlamydia. That's when it dawned on me. It was the antibiotic. That’s what she put into the soup she made for me.

I called my sister and told her I needed to stay with her for a few weeks. I went home and packed up one backpack full of the absolute essentials and a trash bag for all my clothes. I threw both in the car. Then, I went back in and said, “

I know you cheated on me and there is no sense in denying it. When we started getting serious, I told you that I could compromise on just about everything".

I continued, “But, cheating was something I could never, under any circumstances, get past. I told you that if you cheated on me, there would be no discussion, no explanations, no working it out. I wouldn’t leave angry, but I’d just leave.

Because the relationship is now over. So goodbye, tell your kids whatever you want to". She had two kids from a previous marriage.

I blocked all her communications on my way to my sister’s house. I told my sister what happened when I got there and we stayed up all night crying and laughing at the ridiculousness of it all.

She cheated on me, infected me, then tried to cure me so I’d never know! And it probably would have worked, if I hadn’t just happened to see her do it.

It was something that never should have happened because what kind of lunatic just leaves the bathroom in the middle of washing their hands to tell someone something? I was weeks from proposing to this woman.

Sometimes, people talk about moments that define their lives. Or days that they will never forget. How about seconds?

One second. That’s about how long of a window I had to watch her put the antibiotic into my food and slink backward into the bathroom without her seeing me. On either side of that one-second window, my life would possibly be very different.

It’s just so crazy to think about.

Awful Relationships


3. Life Is Like A Box Of Crayons

We were in college and dated for almost two years. We had broken up a few times (I found out much later that he kept picking arguments so he could break up with me before spring break or summer break because he was getting back together with his ex-girlfriend when she came home for the break).

I was getting pretty fed up with his antics.

He came over to try and convince me to get back together and brought me a gift of a package of glitter crayons. He never bought me any gifts at all. His conciliatory gift was a package of crayons, which had no significance whatsoever. I was confused, but thanked him. Apparently, I wasn’t enthusiastic enough, so he retaliated in a deranged way.

He grabbed the box of crayons back and crushed them up. That was it. Last straw.

After that, he started parking behind the building across from my work and following me home at night. He also had the spare key to my car, but said he lost it when we broke up. He moved my car while I was in class one day.

My dad called his parents and threatened to call the authorities. Luckily, he stopped after that.

Awful Relationships


4. Paint Away

We moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks, but I figured I could work a little harder and she would, too. I had my doubts, as she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value. We had a huge fight about the stupidest thing—the living room paint color. She said it was just awful and couldn't put up with it.

She described it as a cream color, but like adding too much creamer to coffee. "Disgusted" was her word for it.

We went around and around about it for a week or so, until I finally just decided I could concede on this one, but that I got to choose the bedroom color.

Anyway, I was standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week of work and remodeling.

I was tired and she was combing through the paint swatches. She found the color she wanted and we got it mixed. We ended up in an argument in the car, as she wanted to paint and I wanted to sleep.

I told her it is better to do it during the day, so we can open the windows and let it air out better. It was currently raining and I didn't want water marks.

It escalated and grew until she finally just got so mad that she left. I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts. I got it all mixed up and dipped the roller. I rolled over the wall once and it all hit me at the exact same time.

I was sick of her and her controlling attitude. I was done feeling like the bad guy for things I didn't do wrong. I was tired of living her dream life. You know why it hit me? That paint she chose was the exact same color as the wall.

Awful Relationships
