November 23, 2023 | Violet Newbury

Insane Exes

Cutting ties with someone, whether it be a friend or partner, is never easy. What makes it worse is when that person goes berserk. Whether their outlandish behavior is the reason for the breakup or the result of it, cutting the crazy loose is always a relief. 

1. You’ve Got Mail

When my former girlfriend discovered I wanted to end our relationship, she started getting mail delivered to my place. Even after the break-up, she refused to leave. I got the authorities involved, but since she got her mail at my place, they considered it her residence too. 

Facing this daunting situation, I devised a strategy. I had to ask my landlord to kick me out to ensure she'd leave. After she was gone, my landlord withdrew the eviction notice, and I was able to move back in.

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2. Three’s Company

When my ex-girlfriend knew I was seeing someone else, she and her friend attempted to seduce me—she wanted to ruin my current relationship. I wasn't having any of that, so I said no. Afterwards, she persuaded the same friend to get close to one of my pals. This friend tricked my pal into inviting my ex to a party at his place—a party I was also attending.

I briefly escaped the crowd by stepping into the bathroom. As I exited, my heart skipped a beat. There she was. It was unexpected and startled me. I told her politely that I was about to leave. Instead of moving aside, she barged past me, pushing me back into the bathroom and locking us in. 

I immediately called for help. Thankfully, my mate and a few others came to the rescue. They unlocked the door, removed her, and I was able to get out. But she wasn't done with me yet. As I headed upstairs to leave, she sprinted out the door and positioned herself by my truck. Just standing there, despite us having ended our relationship months ago. 

At this point, one of her friends approached me, offering a way out. If I told her I wanted no further communication or interactions with my her, she would back down. I agreed and told her exactly that. I waited a bit before cautiously peering outside. Seemingly, the coast was clear. As I made my way to my truck, I heard a shriek. 

Turning, I saw my ex sprinting towards me, shouting. Then, a woman I didn't know effectively tackled my ex, telling her to leave. Once I was far enough away, I received a call from the party—that my ex had locked herself in the bathroom, threatening self-harm. I called her parents and kept going. 

Now, all of this madness came after she had: bombarded me with calls from multiple numbers, damaged my new girlfriend's car, manipulated a vulnerable friend of mine to win a spot in our social circle, and shadowed my every move to and from work.

Fast forward two years, I'm in college with a new phone number. Out of the blue, I receive a call. It's her. I have no idea how she tracked me down. She asked me if I was attending the local university, to which I said yes. However, I wasn't actually there; I was enrolled in a state college. 

She, unknowingly, enrolled in the university I lied about. I only heard from her one additional time after that incident, hoping it would be the last.

Shameful Notifications factsShutterstock

3. Scream Queen

My then-girlfriend was spending the night at my place. Since I had put in extra hours at work the previous evening, all I wanted was to sleep in. She made a few attempts to wake me, but seeing that it wasn't working, I dozed off again. After a while, when she could wait no longer, she resorted to a rather drastic method. 

Positioning her mouth right against my ear, she let out a scream, similar to the shrieking sounds you hear in horror films. The excruciating pain hit me right away. Even now, fifteen years down the line, if I am in a noisy surrounding, a buzzing noise reverberates in my left ear, similar to the sound of a trapped wasp. 

It's exactly like an overused speaker that's on the verge of giving way. Weirdly, this wasn't the only crazy thing she did to me.

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4. Finally Dumped

I was questioning my relationship with my boyfriend of two months and shared my feelings via text with a male friend. My boyfriend snooped through my phone and wrongfully accused me of being unfaithful with the friend. He freaked out. He dramatically packed his belongings and decided to leave. 

After departing, he paused on my porch for a bit, reflecting on his actions. Soon, he reconsidered his decision and pleaded to be let in. I stood my ground and declined, while he cried and clawed at my door for the next couple of hours. A few days later, he laid claim to my microwave, a surprise gift he'd given me when I was out of town once. 

To keep things civil, I placed it on the porch, and watched him not only take it, but throw it into my bin nearby. Risking a backlash, I confronted him via text about his childish actions and the wastefulness of it all. He could have reused or gifted the microwave. 

Consequently, he drove back, retrieved the discarded appliance from the bin, and placed it back on my porch. After thoroughly cleaning it, I returned it to my kitchen. But then I received YET ANOTHER text, this one insisting I return the microwave on behalf of his supposed "friend". To appease him, I once again left it on the porch. 

Later that day, to my disbelief, he tossed it in the bin for the second time. At this point, I simply opted to purchase a new microwave from Walmart.

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5. His Prank Landed Me Behind Bars

My now-ex and I attended a party where I ended up overindulging. As my designated driver, he was responsible for getting me home. Instead, he decided to leave me "just over a block" away from my place. But when I stepped out of the car, the surroundings were unfamiliar. That's when I got a sick feeling in my stomach.

I had no phone to navigate or call for help as I couldn't find it. I wandered around the block searching for familiar landmarks but found none. So, I chose a direction and hoped to come across a significant street. Turns out, my so-called boyfriend thought it would be hilarious to leave me lost in a strange neighborhood and take my phone so I couldn't find help. 

His "funny" idea was to let me wander aimlessly for about 10 minutes before coming back to retrieve me. But, he never showed up. A few hours later, having sobered and grown parched from wandering, I discovered a busy road. But it was 2 AM, and the streets were deserted, so there was no one to ask for help.

Eventually, I spotted a patrolling squad car and waved it down. Imagine my shock when they informed me I was over ten miles from my home in a dangerous neighborhood. They found my account hard to believe. After conversing for a bit, they offered to drop me home, but insisted on searching me first. 

As I complied, they handcuffed me, stating I was being detained for drinking too much. Since I had no money, I didn't fancy calling anyone to bail me out. They assured me I would be released once they had processed me since I was already sober. 

Stuck in a windowless cell with constant lighting and no timepiece, my fellow inmates and I had lost all sense of time. I was given food twice, had access to water and a toilet. Despite the cold, I managed to get a bit of sleep.

When I was finally set free at 9 AM next day, I discovered my boyfriend had filed a missing person report and had been notified of where I was. From a payphone, I was able to contact him to come and fetch me. Thankfully, the charges against me were dropped after a few weeks, so I didn't have to pay a fine or attend classes.

 But that was the last straw, and I broke up with him for good.

Insane Exes factsPexels

6. She Was MIA Upstairs

When I was serving in the military, my former girlfriend reached out to the base, accusing me of sharing classified information with her. The claim was taken extremely seriously. In the middle of formation one day, I was abruptly pulled out and cuffed, clueless about what was going on. It was a fortnight before they believed my innocence and let me return to my unit.

Next, she contacted my mother with the heart-wrenching lie that I had passed, keeping the army as her scapegoat for the withheld news. She even got in touch with my landlord, spinning the same awful tale, so they'd release my apartment. Things escalated quickly into a nightmarish scenario. 

To my utter shock, by that time, the landlord had begun to pack up all my belongings for sale. The fact that this all happened over someone I had only been seeing for roughly three months was astonishing. It was clear—she was totally unhinged.

Dumbest Things Explained factsPixabay

7. My Ex Tried To Catfish Me!

My ex tried to trick me in an online scam, what's known as "catfishing," by using a photograph she took herself from a magazine as her display picture. I noticed the telltale crease down the middle of the image. 

I recognized her due to her distinct bad grammar, along with unique errors that only she made. When we first interacted on the website, I hadn't realized it was actually her yet. I asked why she was still single.

She explained that her ex had passed two years ago. Given the fact that she had once threatened my life in the past... I realized that her story could very well be true.

Insane Exes factsPixabay

8. She Cleaned Me Out

I have the craziest ex. After we split, she showed up at my place to pick up her things while I was out. Somehow, she managed to sweet talk the landlord, who knew us both, into letting her in. Huge mistake. I had explicitly warned the property manager to keep her out. 

When I came back, my home was practically bare, save for my faithful pup and an abandoned fish tank. This woman had practically stripped the place, leaving behind only things that were physically fixed in place. I mean, she took everything. She cleaned out the fridge, cupboards, and pantry. 

She even swiped the shower curtains, both irons, all my furniture, televisions, gaming systems along with the games, and to top it off, she literally unscrewed light bulbs from their fixtures. And I'm not just talking about the ones within easy reach. In disbelief, I called the authorities to report the incident. 

But when they showed up, the landlord admitted he'd let her in despite her name not being on the lease. The officers sighed and regrettably informed me they couldn't intervene.

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9. Uke-idding Me?

We were in the middle of a tense disagreement when she stormed off to a different room. I figured she needed a breather, a bit of quiet time. But the next thing I knew, she bursts out, shrieking and waving a ukulele at me. We didn't call it quits right then, but it wasn't long after that we did. 

This episode was the driving force. But, until we finally bid each other goodbye, I was always on edge when she was in the next room.

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10. Tattoo You!

A couple of weeks after he inked a tattoo of my FACE on his back, he broke up with me. Surprise surprise, he knocked on my door two months later, wanting to reconcile. When I didn't give in, he ended up hurting himself on my driveway. Panicked, I took him to the hospital, my car getting stained with his blood in the process. 

Thankfully, he survived. Still, given another chance, I would have dialed the paramedics while prepping for my date that evening, instead of driving him. Looking back, I understand now that it wasn't wise to be alone with someone so volatile.

Margot Robbie factsShutterstock


11. Bad Timing

My hubby and I have been in love since high school. We've had a beautiful journey raising our four children and spending 16 years together. But then, I discovered the awful truth. He was unfaithful. The news came more than a year after the fact, and the timing couldn't have been worse. 

He broke the news of his affair right when I was in the thick of my cancer treatments—with no hair, feeling nauseous, and after a mastectomy. This was in the wake of losing my mom just ten days prior, plus it was my birthday. I didn't see that curveball coming at me. We've since ended our marriage.

Backstabbing friendPexels

12. I Dodged That One

My former fiancée abruptly ended our relationship of eight years, and cancelled our impending wedding five months in advance with nothing more than a brief typed note, barely 300 words in total. She confessed to a decline in enthusiasm towards our would-be marriage, and concluded that she no longer wished to wed. 

A week or two following the breakup, I discovered her infidelity involving a mutual acquaintance. When I confronted her, she responded saying, "I had to do it," and demanded, "Stop obsessing over it". In retaliation, I confronted the man involved, which successfully put an end to their relationship. 

Fast forward to nine months later, she was marrying an older man, two decades her senior, and expecting his child. The date they chose to tie the knot would have been our anniversary. Footage from their wedding surfaced online, allowing me the disheartening experience of watching their ceremony. 

During her vows, she seemed to contrast her new partner favorably with me. However, seeing the turn of events, I found myself thinking, "Well, I definitely dodged a bullet there".

Wedding Objections FactsUnsplash

13. I Escaped Her Twisted Plot

My ex-best friend of four decades, who I'd known since we were kids, got married right out of high school. After tying the knot, she moved away since her husband worked in defense contracting and was constantly relocating. Despite the distance, we kept a close bond, chatting on the phone regularly and making plans for a catch-up mini-holiday once a year. 

When I found myself going through a difficult divorce, she warmly invited me and my 14-year-old daughter to stay with her until things were settled. Traveling across 1,800 miles, I finally arrived at her home. However, what awaited me was a shocking realization. She wasn't who she had portrayed herself to be for over three decades. 

Her employment, marital status, and living conditions—they were all a LIE. Her home was a cluttered nightmare of excessive hoarding with nearly 80% of the house unreachable. The areas we could access were unsanitary, filled with her pets' mess.

To add to this, she was nearing an eviction and had the audacity to ask me for $8,000 to secure another lease, while expecting me to clear out her house. Her two grown daughters, still living with her, revealed the depth of their mother's deception, including her mounting debts and plans for me to foot her bills.

I was appalled to hear about their awful childhood from them—full of mental, emotional, and physical harm caused by this woman I used to call my friend. Her common-law husband also confirmed their accounts. When I confronted her and refused to give her any money, she spitefully retaliated by falsely reporting to the authorities that I was dealing illicit substances.

I narrowly evaded being taken into custody thanks to my clean record, lack of suspicious finances, and absence of any illicit substances. Unfortunately, her plotting didn't end there. She reported me to child protective services, alleging that I mistreated my child. But no proof was found, and her daughters vouched for my innocence. 

Then, she alerted my volatile ex-husband about my location. It took me two days to clear my name and get ready to leave. During these tumultuous 48 hours, she repeatedly reported me to CPS, attempted to take my car, and even harassed my sick, elderly mother, bombarding her with false claims. 

She stooped so low as to send my daughter abhorrent text messages. Having had enough, I cut ties and left, never to communicate with her again.

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14. Burning Down The House

In the past, I was the owner of a neat little do-it-yourself punk spot. My former partner, bearing a grudge against me, decided to drop by at a large Halloween gig we were hosting. She sneaked into the restroom, set the garbage bin on fire, secured the door from the inside and made her exit. 

I sprang into action, forced the door open, and quelled the flames before the fire could spread further. That night, I was looking after around 250 young people in my venue. 

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15. Cross-Country Crazy

My ex-girlfriend and I had ended things nearly a year ago, with our last conversation around seven months ago. Following our split, I had relocated across the country for reasons unrelated to her. Despite this, she discovered my new address, flew out to my location, and even rented a car. 

She parked somewhere close to my house and set up a stakeout. Inside her rental car, she had binoculars and a birdwatching book handy, a clever excuse for anyone who might question why she was watching my house with binoculars so attentively. Also, a cat carrier was with her, but she was never a pet owner.

However, I owned a cat that she intended to snatch. She had planned it down to booking a return flight back to the East Coast, even pre-paying the pet transportation fee.

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16. Bad Blood Over Bedding

I ended things with a guy and found myself living with a friend. Everyday, she'd ask if I wanted to chat about my ex, seeming shocked that I wasn't down in the dumps. I was feeling more relief than anything else. 

With me covering most of the bills, doing all the grocery shopping, and preparing the meals for the both of us, I opted to give my space a personal touch by purchasing new bedding and replaced the ones she gave me. Surprisingly, a few days later, I began to feel ill. 

I was throwing up and rushing to the bathroom all too frequently. I could hardly keep myself upright and I needed to hydrate quickly. After 10 hours of misery, I asked her to take me to the hospital. She dropped me off at the entrance and dashed back home. The hospital took me in instantly noticing my low blood pressure.

I hastily sent her a message informing her about my situation and asked for my phone charger. Unfortunately, I lost consciousness and woke up hours later in a room with a phone that didn't work. My cousin was the only person whose number I recalled. I borrowed a landline, gave her a ring, and soon enough, she brought my phone charger. 

Upon turning on my phone, I was met with a lengthy Facebook message from my friend. She expressed her frustration over my refusal to discuss my ex and my decision to buy new bedding. Her message insinuated that I needed permission to accessorize my room even though I was footing the bills. 

I realized that she was really upset about my lack of willingness to discuss my ex. A sudden call from the authorities the following day informed me that my ex-boyfriend had reported me for threatening to take his dog. It had been a while since I'd communicated with him and I just told him that he could keep the dog.

I suggested they confirm with the hospital about my whereabouts due to my battery-depeleted phone on hospitalization day. It dawned upon me at this moment that my "friend" might be stirring up some drama with my ex-boyfriend. Following my discharge from the hospital the next day, I packed up my stuff and moved out while she was still at work.

Toxic familyPexels


17. Sublet Shocker

We permitted a buddy of ours to occupy our flat while we headed out on a two-month vacation. Although he lived there rent-free, he didn't do any housekeeping or tidying up. 

To our dismay, we came home to an awful scene: old food spoiled to the point of attracting maggots was scattered about. Traces of spaghetti mixed with tomato sauce were even smeared across our pristine white walls, staining them irreversibly.

However, the most appalling discovery was during our clean-up. We stumbled upon whole stock cubes, still in their individual wrappers, beneath our furniture. These had been poked with a fork and simply tossed away. 

From what I could deduce, it all appeared to be very deliberate yet bizarre behavior, especially since our friendship up to this point had been pretty unremarkable.

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18. I Gave Him My Notice

So, my boyfriend and I had made plans to move in together, prompting me to let my landlord know I was moving. Considering it was a student-dominated town, my spot was quickly filled as my landlord swiftly found the next tenant on his list. My then-partner was renting a room elsewhere, but he hadn't yet informed his landlord he was leaving. 

He mentioned that he was obliged to notify his landlord the next day, otherwise he'd have to fork out next month's rent. The upcoming rent for our new places hinged on us combining our payments. We clashed that night and I resolved to head home and let the dust settle. 

He was radio silent the following day, but I shrugged it off given my occupied schedule. Two days passed and I got through to him, he sounded okay. Then, he went dark for nearly a week. When he finally called me, he dropped a bombshell—he hadn't told his landlord he was leaving, thus he couldn't move in with me.

Aware that I couldn't foot the bill for the new place solo, I questioned his decision not to notify his landlord. His reasoning? Apparently, our spat made him think I wasn't taking our move seriously. I cut ties with him on the spot. Strangely enough, he was stunned by my move. 

Within a fortnight, I found myself living at a totally different location, paying little attention to his desperate letters.

Relationship issuesShutterstock

19. Pillow Talk

I dozed off at my former boyfriend's place, specifically on his fold-out couch, while he was hanging out with his buddies. Unexpectedly, I was up by 1 in the morning and began assembling my things to head home since I had an early start the next day. 

I was on my way out when he arrived and asked, surprised, "Sweetie, you're still awake?" I replied, maintaining a pleasant and gentle tone, "Where have you been?" To my shock, he responded with a barrage of insults. Tears welled up in my eyes and he commanded me to stop, but I just couldn't. My tears kept flowing. 

Then, he forcefully pushed me back onto the fold-out couch and clasped his hand around my neck before putting a pillow over my face. I found it hard to breathe. In the midst of it, an internal voice advised me to remain composed, so rather than fight back, I opted to lie still. 

After what felt like an eternity but was only 30 seconds, he removed the pillow, and that was my cue to escape.

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20. We Were Singing Different Tunes

Back in high school, I dated a guy who had a narcissistic personality. Our breakup was pretty rocky. I left town for college, returning a year later. We remained friends during this period. To my surprise, he had built up this illusion that we were destined to reunite. 

However, being away had given me clarity about his manipulative and mean behavior when we were a couple, so there was no way I was heading back into that mess. He was persistent, insisting that he'd convince me to date him again, but I decided to live my life instead of giving in. 

I ended up connecting with an old friend, someone I knew even before my ex. Our relationship was independent from my past, but my ex took it as a personal affront. He spilled his anger into a song, tarnishing my full name with his hateful lyrics.

He managed to turn all my friends against me, regardless of their opinion on the matter. This started a harrowing three-year period of him stalking me. He showed up unannounced at my mom's house, not knowing I'd moved out, stalked my current boyfriend, appeared at my workplace, and even created several social media profiles to contact me.

This took a toll on my sanity, especially because some of his actions made no sense. I'd frequently have nightmares about him breaking into my house. To make matters worse, his mother was a lawyer. I once approached her, hoping her legal background would prompt her to understand the gravity of her son's actions. But her response was harsh. 

She shrugged it off as not her problem while subtly expressing hope that we would reconcile since she quite liked me and thought we were good together.

Creepy Students factsShutterstock

21. Roller Coaster Wretch

Just a week following our breakup, my ex-girlfriend phoned me, questioning my plans for the evening. On deck for me was a friday night MTG tournament I planned to attend with a buddy. However, she relentlessly called every 10 minutes stating she'd hurt herself and managed to knock herself out by hitting her head against the wall. I had no choice but to leave the tournament.

My friend had the task of driving me home, where I proceeded to spend the rest of the night on the phone with her. She insisted on seeing me the following day, wanting assurance that our break up was the right decision. In a turn of events, she ended our relationship for the second time, citing her lack of feelings. 

It was emotionally draining for me and turned our relationship into an exhausting rollercoaster ride. Despite her earlier statement that she intended for us to remain friends, she disappeared from my life without giving me any closure. This severely affected me emotionally for a few years.

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22. My Couch Saved Me

I'd been in a relationship with a girl for around a year. We each had our own places—I had an apartment and she, a house. We'd taken major steps in our relationship, like introducing each other to our families and attending a wedding together. After all that, we thought it was a good idea to move in together. 

Consequently, I bid farewell to my lovely apartment and relocated to her house. The cohabitation, however, was not what I had imagined. Our relationship became a field of constant battles and to complicate matters further, she had a secret room dedicated to hoarding.

One day, I revealed to her, "This situation isn't working, I'm breaking up with you and will leave the house by the end of the day". I managed to arrange for temporary stay with a close female friend, providing me with some time to locate a suitable apartment. 

During this period, my work hours were lengthy, regularly extending to 14 hours a day. Suddenly, my phone began to malfunction. When I went to a phone shop to repair it, I discovered that my ex had been spying on my phone.

During my visit to the phone shop, my ex contacted the friend I was planning to move in with. She threatened my friend with a barrage of insane accusations. As a result, my friend, fearing my ex's erratic behavior, refused to let me move in. My ex didn't stop there. She called her own friends and family, inventing tales to rally them to her side. 

They arrived at the house and, while I was away, planned an ambush. Instead of entering the house upon return, I stayed outside and rang a friend to assist with the move. As we both lifted a sofa from the garage to the moving van, a surprise visit from the authorities startled us. Someone had reported me for a domestic disruption. 

The confusion written all over our faces, clearly displayed as we held onto the heavy sofa, likely saved us from being taken in. At this point, my ex-girlfriend and her family stormed out of the house hurling accusations and thinly veiled threats. Not wanting to escalate the situation further, I simply stated, "I'm leaving," and walked away. 

When she ran towards me, feigning a tearful breakdown, and proposed that "We can work this out," I quickly declined. Thankfully, the officers were present, ensuring no harm came to me from her or her family's schemes. It was a lucky escape. 

If her plot had been successful, I would have ended up behind jars, lost my job, and all my possessions—all because I made an attempt to end the relationship maturely.

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23. I Was Nice, She Was Not

When I was in my twenties, I shared an apartment with a girlfriend, but things weren't great between us. It became apparent that we had to end our relationship. Since I was the one with the lease and she never considered it her permanent home, I decided to make the breakup smoother by offering to move out temporarily. 

I promised to stay with a friend for the rest of that month, granting her about three weeks to find a new place. Halfway through my self-issued exile, an unplanned road trip became a fun distraction with a friend. Upon my return, my then ex-girlfriend informed me she'd moved out a week earlier.

However, I was utterly shocked when I stepped into my apartment. All my possessions were haphazardly lumped in the middle of the living room. It was a towering pile of furniture, collectibles, clothes, medications, and food items thrown away from the fridge and pantry. But that wasn't the worst part.

As it was the month of June, food waste was a breeding ground for maggots. I spent an agonizing week sorting through the mess. Amongst the chaos, I discovered my beloved childhood teddy bear with its head barely attached and stuffing spilling out–a silent testimony to her rampage. 

I kept picturing her hauling heavy items around, repeating this horrific act for days on end. Unbelievably, I bumped into her at an event a year after the incident. She greeted me jovially "after such a long time" and acted as though nothing untoward had ever happened.

Lies And Deception FactsShutterstock

24. Cruel To The End

I once had an unhinged former partner who broke a salt lamp against my leg, pushed me down a flight of stairs, and even delivered a swift kick to my jaw so hard, it's been making noise ever since. They deceived and exploited me, manipulating me out of thousands under bogus conditions. Then, adding insult to injury, they deserted me in the freezing cold, leaving me without shelter for eight long hours.

Night Walks factsPxHere

25. Friends Without Benefit

So, there was this buddy of mine who generally kept to herself. I figured I'd extend the hand of friendship, thinking it'd be a nice thing to do. She was cool and we shared a lot of interests. Unexpectedly, she propositioned me in a really odd way over text. 

I tactfully made it clear that I didn't see her in that light. In response, she threatened to spread rumors about me, claiming I'd forced myself on her unless I gave her "a shot". I had the foresight to keep the entire chat. That ended up being my saving grace when I decided to cut ties with her completely, especially since she followed through on her threat.

Fights That Ended Friendships factsShutterstock

26. He Couldn’t Process Our Breakup

Once upon a time, I was dating someone who took it upon himself to redo the settings on my laptop from Windows to Linux. His argument was that Linux was the superior choice. However, this happened smack in the middle of my semester at college when I didn't have a clue about coding or programming. 

Moreover, he put these administrator settings on my laptop that necessitated a password for me to revert back to Windows or to install anything. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I needed this never-revealed admin password until after we had parted ways, and I wanted my laptop back to its usual setup. He had never shared the password with me.

Horror Zoom Calls FactsShutterstock

27. This Relationship Was Out The Window

My ex and I got into a spat. She was shutting out my words, leading me to head into another room for a breather. Out of the blue, I caught the sound of a window being opened. Being up on the fourth floor with the temperature outside at a frosty -10°C, I found it peculiar. 

Curious as to why she'd crack open a window, I went back to investigate, only to find the room empty. Fear gripped my heart as I bolted towards the window, dreading the worst—had she leaped? Much to my relief, she reappeared from beneath the bed, stating, "I just wanted to see if you still love me".

Insane Exes factsPexels

28. She Didn’t Stand A Ghost Of A Chance

Three years back, my father had to move in with me and my then-wife due to his deteriorating health; he was battling congestive heart failure and stage 4 cancer. I cared for him throughout his last days. However, during my dad's memorial service, my now ex-wife behaved terribly. 

She chose to isolate herself from everyone else, and disturbingly, she applauded sarcastically while my sister delivered her eulogy. Upon delivering my own speech, I pulled my ex aside, away from the attendees. I questioned her disrespectful behavior during such a solemn occasion and asked her to leave. What followed was shocking.

She thrust her thumbnail into my throat, declaring that my dad's spirit had visited her and laid his hands on her shoulders. She went on to claim that my dad's spirit had supposedly apologized to her for not bringing me up well, insinuated that I wasn't enough for her, and encouraged her to find a better partner. 

Obviously, I dismissed these accusations outright. Looking back, I wish I had divorced her a lot sooner. I feel she was highly narcissistic, managing to frame my father's passing as a painful ordeal meant only for her.

Inappropriate funeralShutterstock

29. Living In Horror

Once, when my former partner was chasing me, I managed to escape to my bathroom and bolt the door. In a surprising turn of events, he punched a hole through the door, put his face through it and chillingly said, "Here's Johnny," like that scene from The Shining

It was a relationship that was harmful both mentally and at times, physically. I'm thankful I was able to break free and ensure my safety.

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30. Our Relationship Was Left In Pieces

My former partner chopped up the stuffed bear my mother gifted me as a baby into 100 bits. Afterward, she felt guilty and proposed to mend it for me, but I said no. However, she chose to fix it anyway, despite my objections. Ultimately, when I'd had enough and asked her to leave, she shredded my teddy bear once more. 

She even sent me the remnants in a box, with a note falsely claiming she was expecting a baby.

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31. Mistaken Identity

My former partner's schemes really blew up in her face. The same week we called it quits, I happened to have a truck. She wasn't aware that I'd gotten a new car though. You see, she went ahead and wreaked havoc on my neighbor's truck. The funny thing is it looked just like my old one. 

She not only smashed and sprayed paint all over it but, believe it or not, also relieved herself on it. As expected, all this chaos quickly led to a call to the authorities, and she found herself behind bars.

Stupid Neighbors FactsShutterstock

32. She Was A Nut Job

For two months, I was in a relationship with a girl. A few weeks in, she began accusing me of interacting with "my other women" and would question everything I did. She had these suspicions though I spent the majority of my time working or at home consuming media. I kept to myself and didn't really communicate with others.

Despite this, she believed I was up to no good. At first, I would laugh it off, but over time, her actions intensified, resulting in biting and even scratching. The day our relationship ended was the day she struck my groin. Initially, we were just chatting, she hugged me tightly and then tried to bite my shoulder. I thought it was all in good humor and pushed her away.

She approached again with a guise of a hug. Instead, she struck me and I responded by pushing her away, causing her to lose balance and fall. She burst into laughter, stating, "I've never hit anyone in the balls before". In response, I angrily told her to "Get away from me!!" She could see my anger and walked away.

She attempted to engage me in conversation via text the next day which I ignored. Months later, she sent me a birthday wish trying to get on my good side. But I continued to ignore her.

Insane Exes factsPexels

33. A Mile In No Shoes

My ex turned up at my place, hammering on my bedroom window at 4 in the morning, totally plastered. She promptly collapsed right outside my window, in the biting 20-degree cold, clad only in a big shirt and underwear. She didn't even have shoes on. Her car was mysteriously absent too. 

Evidently, she'd managed to flip it into a tree, scramble out and sprint a barefoot mile all the way to my window.

Insane Exes factsShutterstock

34. Meet The Parents

Just a fortnight after I ended things with my girlfriend, she did something so wild that I'll always remember it. She popped up at my parents' house out of the blue to present her new boyfriend to them, under the guise of them being her "second family". 

Remember, we were only together for six months during high school, and she'd only met my folks twice before. Plus, she lived over two hours away from them. My mom mentioned the boyfriend seemed confused, almost as if he thought he was meeting his own girlfriend's family.

To package it simply, my ex dragged her fresh heartthrob on a lengthy two-hour journey just to introduce him to folks she was barely acquainted with, without giving them any heads up. The very next day, she whined to my sister that I hadn't reached out about her little escapade. 

She was the first girl I'd dated who was a bit unhinged, but sadly, not the last.

Worst liarsShutterstock

35. Up In Smoke

One of my buddies parted ways with his girlfriend at our old college rental. She reacted by barricading herself in his room and threatened self-harm while shrieking loudly. Next, she tried to ignite a fire in the room, but luckily, she could only create a bit of smoke. When the authorities eventually arrived, the corridors were already choking with smoke.

Breaking into the room, the officers were met with a flaming book hurled in their direction. They managed to subdue her right after.

Insane Exes factsPexels

36. Camp Out

My ex used to stalk me, following me to places like my home, my work and I wouldn't even notice most of the times. Once I felt ready to move on, I planned to attend a concert with a new guy. I hadn't publicized this nor did I tell anyone except my family who disliked him and wouldn't have revealed my plan. 

To my shock, he arrived at the same concert and caused a big ruckus. He then paid me a visit the following evening at my bedroom window, pleading for a chance to talk. Upon my threat to call the authorities, he shattered my window with a punch and sprinted away. 

The officers came, filed a report, and checked the surroundings for safety before leaving. The next day, as I was leaving for work, I noticed something hanging off my rain gutter. Looking closely, my heart froze. It was my ex’s headphones, seemingly snagged on the gutter when he came down from the roof. 

I got a ladder, took them down and discovered a deserted makeshift campsite on my roof, right above my bedroom. I was clueless about how long he had been camping out there, and the thought still scares me. After this, I applied for and received a restraining order. Despite violating it on several occasions, he eventually left the state.

Uma Thurman factsShutterstock

37. Her Lies Didn’t Change The Inevitable

Just as our relationship was teetering on the edge, she went behind my back. She phoned up my mother, met her for lunch, and spun a lie about being pregnant with my child. They decided to keep it a secret. Not long after, we ended things. 

Yet, she took it a step further by telling my mom I'd caused her to lose the baby by pushing her down the stairs—an event that never happened. Eventually, her deceit was exposed. Some people really go to crazy lengths.

Insane Exes factsShutterstock

38. I Was Missing Something, But It Wasn’t Her

I ran into someone from school and we quickly connected over our shared experiences of enduring chronic pain and similar upbringings. Our friendship grew to the point where I was missing her constantly, even though we were just pals. She started to announce we were in a relationship and would become extremely upset if I clarified we weren't. 

It eventually became clear that what I was experiencing wasn't a sense of missing her, but rather withdrawal symptoms from the codeine she supplied me with each time we hung out.

Insane Exes factsPexels

39. The Imposter Ex

My old girlfriend once tinkered with her Discord account details to match mine, and used that to bug the weirdest fellow in our college, acting as if she were me. Incredibly, she even said "yes" to a sleepover at one time, but ended up leaving him hanging. 

Consequently, I was on the receiving end of his threats until I figured out her antics. I eventually managed to cool things down. I offered my sincere apologies for the distress he was put through, clarifying it wasn't actually me but my kooky ex-girlfriend and suggested helping him lodge a harassment complaint. 

Though he declined, the issue was finally resolved.

Insane Exes factsUnsplash

41. Shear Madness

My ex-girlfriend sneakily snipped a significant section of my hair, hidden under the top layers. I only spotted it when trying to blend in my hair extensions and found a glaring patch of closely cropped locks. Initially, I figured it might be breakage due to damage, but it was isolated and seemed like it had been purposefully cut by scissors.

On top of that, she punched me when I was asleep, accusing me of uttering another girl's name mid-slumber. But, it didn’t end there. Subsequently, she claimed my tattoo artist had hurt her, leading into an argument between me and him. She then tried to manipulate my understanding of the situation by denying she ever made the claim. 

Following this, she filed a false case against me, asserting that I was the one causing her physical harm, even though I never laid a hand on her. The accusations she made fell apart in court as she and her friend couldn't maintain consistent narratives. To say she was off the rails would be an understatement. 

Our relationship ended over a decade ago, yet she regularly inquiries my friends about my well-being.

Dana Plato FactsShutterstock

42. The Proof Was In The Text

On the night I went out with the woman who is now my wife, my ex-girlfriend filed a report accusing me of stalking her. After returning home from my date, I was met by officers who wanted to discuss the situation. 

I have text messages from my ex in which she threatened to puncture my tires, report me to the authorities, lodge fake stalking allegations, break into my apartment, as well as cause property damage and possibly harm me personally.

When the officers approached me with the stalking charges, I presented them with these text messages and that effectively cleared up the misunderstanding. I expressed to them that all I wanted was to be left in peace. They mentioned that they might return if they had any further questions or issues. 

Up until now, I haven't heard anything else regarding that event, so I assume the officers must have then discussed the matter with my ex-girlfriend.

Corrupt FactsWikimedia Commons

43. She Was Out Of Line

I used to live with my former girlfriend. Once upon a time, I experienced a severe asthma attack; she hurriedly took me to the emergency room. As I'm getting medical attention, she went back to our house and smashed my phone. Middle of the night, I get discharged, but guess what? 

She's not answering her calls to come fetch me. With no other choice, I flagged a cab home, but to no avail, she didn't open the door. As if all that wasn't enough, I didn't have a key to our house. So there I was, locked out; I ended up mailing a check to cover my cab fare. Let me tell you, I was pretty embarrassed by the whole saga.

Insane Exes factsUnsplash

44. Vacation Vulture

My buddies and I took a trip to a resort town for a long, chill weekend. All in all, it was an okay time. I footed the bill for the hotel, and I specifically asked everybody to steer clear of room service since any charges would roll onto my card. Everyone hit the road on time, except for one friend who had partied a bit too much, and asked me for a bit more sleep time. 

I agreed, but only if he promised to be out by noon before the hotel security would kick him out. I thought that was the end of it, but boy, was I mistaken. Fast forward to two weeks later, I received a shocking bill from the hotel for a whopping $3,200, all because of room service. 

Apparently, after we all left, that same friend took advantage of the situation—he began ordering copious amounts of drinks, all the while charging it to my room pretending to be me. When the staff discovered he wasn't me, after a failed ID check, and his credit cards got repeatedly declined, they showed him the door.

Still needing the bill to be paid, the hotel staff decided his earlier tabs were acceptable and placed the whole load on me.

Insane Exes factsUnsplash

45. He Couldn’t Let It Go

At the age of 21, an ex-boyfriend started leaving treats and notes at my parents' back door after our breakup. Except for a unique mug featuring a ceramic cow inside, I discarded all his gifts. I humorously named it "ex-boyfriend" and playfully invented a game I called "submerge the ex-boyfriend". 

However, after a few weeks, I remembered that I left several personal items at his place. So, I planned to retrieve them. As I was engaged in some uncomfortable chatter during my visit, he suddenly confessed, "I thought about locking the door after you came in and just forcing myself onto you, in hopes you'd get back together with me". Yeah. Brilliant plan bro.

Crazy ex boyfrindsPexels

46. He Was Missing A Few Screws

Back in my college days, my boyfriend and I decided to part ways. He was the one who made the first move to call it quits, which led me to cut off all ties, believing it to be the best choice for both of us. Not long after, he tried to rekindle a more intimate connection, but I wasn't interested and respectfully declined. 

This, my choice to not respond to any further attempts he made to reach out, didn't sit well with him. It was around a year after our split when he, not taking my silence well, reported me missing to both the local authorities and college security, claiming that I was missing because I wasn't responding to his persistent calling and texting. 

Thankfully, when the campus security and local officers located me, they not only cleared the misunderstanding but also assisted me in procuring a restraining order against him. 

Surprise gone wrongShutterstock

47. Stamp Of Disapproval

My ex adjusted the dates and times on our pictures together, misleadingly indicating that we had been seeing each other post-breakup. She altered countless, and I can't stress enough, countless, text conversations to give the impression that I was unfaithful to my current girlfriend. 

On top of that, she falsely accused one of my most trustworthy friends of causing her harm during an evening she actually spent with me. Even after two and a half years with my new partner, she still struggled to completely trust me owing to the confusion my ex created.

Insane Exes factsShutterstock

48. My Ex Was On A Power Trip

My former boyfriend showed up at my apartment once while my current husband was present. He rang the doorbell and confessed he'd been spying on us through the front door's glass. He even threatened to harm my husband following their heated exchange. Plus, he attempted to secure a job where we work. 

He even made it through the interview stage before I discovered it and alerted our HR department about the potential danger he posed. Yet, the strangest part was yet to come. Fast-forward a few weeks, I noticed my mail was missing. To my surprise, it was my ex-boyfriend who'd taken it and unexpectedly... paid off my electricity bill.

Revenge neighborsUnsplash

49. He Went Berserk

My ex-boyfriend completely flipped out when I decided to break up with him. He took my dog when he went to work, informed my parents I was a danger to myself, thinking it would give him the right to track my whereabouts. Anytime I tried to stay with either of my parents, my car would end up being damaged. 

He even went as far as threatening to report me to the authorities since his house was messed with, and he was certain I was the culprit. On the night he claimed I caused the damage, I was actually hanging out at the local bar. 

He used my dog as a tool for manipulation, saying horrifying things like he would have one of his friends harm her, or worse, let her loose to face traffic, blaming me if any harm took place. It just kept escalating. My workplace had to form a security plan to go into lockdown should he appear since he was menacing them too.

The final straw turned out to be when my brother left his phone unattended, and my ex wouldn't stop calling it/ At this point, I just couldn't suppress my anger. I ended up finding a place to live and made sure to not let anyone, not even my family, know its whereabouts.

Insane Exes factsPexels

50. Hall Monitor

Before my ex left, she sneakily set up a pet camera directed towards my bed. I didn't recognize its presence for a whole week. Moreover, she rented the apartment next door and kept an eagle eye on my comings and goings. She would then turn around and message my buddies, inquiring about our plans. 

Often, my friends would spot her hanging around her window, keeping track of everyone who visited me as they walked up to my flat.

Insane Exes factsPexels

Sources: Reddit,

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