These Gut Feelings Were Eerily Accurate

These Redditors shared the times when their gut feelings ended up being eerily accurate. Sometimes, these feelings even helped save lives. So buckle up, because these stories are absolutely jaw-dropping. 

1. Shock And Awe

I was sitting on one of those metal cylindrical electricity boxes outside my house when there was a blackout. The electricity was slightly flickering in my house, but no other houses had a blackout.

I don’t know why, but I looked down at what I was sitting on, and I was like, “Uh…maybe this is the source of the problem?”

So, I stood up and stepped away from it. Thank god I did, because I'll never forget what happened next. About two seconds later, it freaking BLEW UP. Like, a pillar of flames shot out and above it for almost a full minute. It was basically a gigantic Bunsen burner, and I was a few seconds short of physically getting fried.


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2. Kids Know More Than They Let on

My mom told me this story the other day and it freaked me out. When my oldest sister was little, like 3 years old, she asked my then-pregnant aunt to pick her up to hold her. My mom said she was like "

She can't pick you up, honey, she has a baby in her tummy". And then my little sister was like "That baby is gone!"

My mom freaked out, but my aunt and grandma were fine and were telling my mom it was all good, she was just a toddler and didn't know what she was saying.

Well, lo and behold my aunt goes to the doctor the next day for a routine pregnancy checkup, and the baby had passed. Give me the willies just thinking about it.


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3. Speed Demon

When I was 18, I was on a back road with some friends. A girl I didn't know was driving really fast.

Now, I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and I have always enjoyed a calculated risk in the name of a good time, but I just had a terrible feeling this time.

I told her to either slow the heck down or let me out. I literally had to start screaming at her before she listened and slowed down. A week later, a friend told me a story that made my blood run cold. She had crashed on that same stretch of road at 90mph, killing herself and the three passengers of her car.


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4. He Really Must Have Stepped On The Gas

My mom and her entire family were saved from dying from carbon monoxide by her dad. He’d left for work when he suddenly got a weird feeling and then drove back home.

By the time he came back, everyone in the house was unconscious, and he had to drag or carry them all outside one by one. They all survived.


Gut Feelings Facts
