Divorced People Reveal The Moment They Finally Decided To End Their Marriage

“The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving. I didn't want to destroy anything or anybody. I just wanted to slip quietly out the back door, without causing any fuss or consequences, and then not stop running until I reached Greenland.”  ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

“There is no such thing as a "broken family." Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart.

The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you make those ties, those people are your family.

And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you.”  ― C. JoyBell C.

Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong commitment between two people based on love and partnership, but sadly that isn’t always the way it turns out. Not every couple who choose to tie the knot find the “happily-ever-after” fairy-tale life that they had dreamed of—sometimes what they find can be very, very far from it. For something as inspiring and hopeful as a marriage to take such a turn for the worse that the members decide to call it off, there have to be some pretty serious reasons for it. No one takes divorce lightly, but some people apparently do take the things they need to do to prevent it lightly, and that can lead to very difficult situations for those involved. Here are some personal experiences that people have shared, shedding light on what it can take for a marriage to be cut prematurely short.

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Yahoo News

12. What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

We got married way too quick. It was Vegas where she was from. Came back to NY where I worked and she did nothing at all. She left around X-mas to see family in Vegas. Came back like three weeks later. Then a month later just after she interviewed for a job she told me she was leaving again to go to Virginia to help her worthless aunt move back to Vegas. She gets there and blows $500 in two days then calls me to ask for money to put gas in her aunt's car. I said hell no and she didn't talk to me for two days. I finally tell her this isn't working. We get a quick Vegas divorce and she is remarried six months later.


Divorced People facts


11. When the True Colors Came Out

He became a totally different person after we got married. He became very controlling and manipulative. I was expected to do all the chores and make dinner every night (this after working a highly stressful 40 hour/week job). He became emotionally and verbally abusive to me. Constantly thought I was cheating on him. If I had anything other than a smile on my face at all times I was ridiculed. Everything that happened was always my fault. He was never wrong. He was always the victim. I didn't want to go home because I didn't know if I was walking into Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. Had him go to two different counselors and didn't make it more than two sessions with each because he didn't need therapy. I decided to stop it all when I started to become depressed from the constant stress. I am a normally very happy positive person and I became a walking bunch of nerves. I couldn't get past the belief that anyone who truly loved me would never treat me like he had been. Have been divorced for six months now. Although I get lonely sometimes, I would still take loneliness a thousand times over being back with him.


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10. Taking Things Too Far

It took years for me to finally get to the point where I was done. The last straw was the night he drunkenly screamed at me for hours, at least five hours. Then, he blared loud music for another hour or so, before finally passing out. He'd done it several times in the past, but that time, it broke me. I spent most of the next day crying. That gut wrenching, mournful type of crying. I had a job and moved out six months later. It's been four years, I don't regret a minute.


Divorced People facts

Austin Over Fifty

9. Priorities Out of Whack

He decided he loved drugs and partying more than me, and routinely ignored our daughter so he could do just that.


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