Creeped Out People Share Their Scary True Stories

As great as a good urban legend can be, there is a whole other level of eeriness when one hears a creepy true story. There is no limit to the level of depravity, sketchiness, and just plain bizarreness that human beings can stoop to at times. And if there’s any doubt in your mind about that, reading these stories will do away with it pretty promptly. Here are 42 of the creepiest true stories that people have ever had the chanceor should I say misfortuneof hearing about.

1. Another Member of the Household

A 58-year-old man living alone in Japan started hearing noises at night and noticing things out of place in his house. He installed video cameras.

Turns out a homeless woman had been living in his attic and cupboards for almost a YEAR in his house, undetected. This is why I get freaked out when I hear things at night.


Creepiest True Stories facts


2. It’s Just a Prank, Bro

There's a public park near my house, which gets pretty dark at night.

I was driving home tired and exhausted after midnight when I realized that someone had dragged all the garbage cans and other large items out into the middle of the road to form a barricade of sorts.

I'm not sure if it was just a lame prank or if someone was waiting for a car to stop so that they could rob the person.

I didn't bother to find out. There was just enough room for my small car to slip through. It's happened twice in the past few weeks, so I'm going to assume it's just some teenagers being jerks.


Scary Driving Facts


3. Who Can You Trust These Days?

Just gonna jump in on this topic to share a story that happened to a girl that I dated. I'll leave out specific details because I don't know how much she'd want it out there.

She used to work at a home improvement store and there was this middle-aged guy who used to come in regularly and hang around the store and talk to her. He seemed a little slow and clingy, but harmless.

He would always address her by name and say that she was pretty. Then one day he was in the store as they were closing and he saw a male coworker give her a hug before he left.

The next day that male coworker woke up to find his tires slashed in his driveway. No one made any connection to the nice middle-aged guy who came in to buy batteries five times a week.

Meanwhile, this girl had been noticing that she was always losing underwear at home. She just assumed that she had been losing them in the wash or simply misplacing them and thought nothing of it. She even joked about it with her mom. Then it happened. She was sleeping one night and woke up to find this guy standing silently over her bed, staring down at her with her panties pressed against his face.

She flipped the heck out and he ran out the sliding glass door on the back of the house. The same unlocked door that, as they found out once he was caught, he had been coming into night after night for months to watch her sleep.


Creepiest True Stories facts


4. Family Troubles

Found out that a girl who lives three hours away from me in Medicine Hat, Alberta, together with her boyfriend, killed her mother, father, and three-year-old brother.

She was released from juvi a couple years ago and now goes to the same university as me. She was 12 years old when she did it.


Creepiest True Stories facts
