Bold People Reveal The Last Lies They Told

“A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face.”—Walt Disney in Pinocchio

Is honesty always the best policy? Even if it is, it definitely isn’t always the one that wins out. Who hasn’t told a lie at some point in their life? Whether it’s a little white lie or a big, elaborate, ongoing one with serious consequences, I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that every one of our noses has probably grown at least a little bit at some point. But, at least we can take some solace in the fact that our lies probably aren't as big as some of these.

So let's make ourselves feel better by taking a look at what some serious fibbers have had to say when the people around them just couldn’t handle the truth.

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32. Seems a Bit Unnecessary, But Okay

A friend gave me a bunch of squash from his garden. I hate squash. I brought the bag of squash to work so my co-workers could take them home. I don't know why but this became a big deal and all day long everyone asked me how I grew so much squash. Rather than tell them that the squash came from a friend I lied and told them that I grew the squash. I don't know why I did this.


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31. Some People Would Call That Important!

I just told my coworker I was in the middle of something very important. I'm not doing s***, other than reading this thread.



30. Scapegoating a Colleague at a Terrible Time

This reminds me of a horrible, horrible incident.

I had a bad take away one night and had to work the next day. I went and took one of the messiest dumps of my life, I needed like half a roll to wipe and it stank like cheese scraped from between Satan’s toes and roasted with old dog hair. I flushed and the bowl just filled all the way to the top. I started shoving the toilet brush down there and it just broke up the stuff and turned the toilet water brown and thick with all the toilet paper mixed in there.

I was sweating like a dog in a car wishes it could. I kept on going, trying to shove that crap down to pipe but it wasn't going anywhere. I quickly opened the door and split like a fat man’s pants. I rushed back to my desk, bright red and sweaty. I knew the hallway smelled like s*** and the office would all be asking who it was eventually and whispering their theories. I knew my sweaty red face would give me away but nothing happened.

No one said a word until the next day when we came into work and someone else tried to flush it again resulting in the bowl overflowing my brown hell-chocolate soup all over the floor.

The guy who flushed it ended up inadvertently taking the blame, no one believed it wasn't him who did the deed. I got away with it scot free but I've never been the same since. That poor guy.


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meme shappen

29. It’s Mine, Mine, All Mine!!

I told my five-year-old we are out of candy.

There is plenty of candy.

And it's mine.


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