Disturbing Real-Life Encounters

Life is full of surprising twists and turns. Whether we like it or not, we live in a great big world filled with weirdos and creeps, and we're bound to run into them from time to time.

These disturbing real-life encounters are everything we fear in the realm of social interaction.

1. Cover Your Windows

A random guy once told me, "I drove by your house the other day and watched you change". He then proceeded to tell me what I had been wearing and what I changed into. He described my clothes 100% accurately. And at the time I was 15 and he was 26.

My bedroom was in the basement, and he literally had to be hiding in the bushes in order to see through my window and blinds because there were massive and thick bushes covering them. But that wasn't even the creepiest part.

I hung blankets over my windows immediately and have had blackout curtains in every house I've ever lived in since. A few months after that incident, I got a random call from a woman asking if I knew this guy.

She asked if anything ever happened to me and if I was okay.

Turns out he was under arrest for rape and had a room filled with photos of all the women he was stalking. My photo and address were on his wall.


Something is Wrong facts


2. Peekaboo

I once got paged to a side room in the psych ward, only to find no patient in the bed. I was just about to leave the room and go back out to the nurses’ station when something caught my eye. When I looked up, my blood ran cold.

I saw a face with wide, slightly wild “psych eyes” peering down at me from a gap in the ceiling tiles.

It was a lady waiting for a bed in the psych hospital who’d clearly thought that the ceiling was the best place to hide from the people trying to poison her.

I honestly can’t think of another occasion where I’ve been quite so terrified. The worst thing was that I had to walk (well, dash) back out underneath her to get help from the nurses and security to get her down.


Creepy hospital


3. As Impressive As It Is Confusing

I used to work in a bar back in my college days. It was a pretty slow night one night, and I'm just standing behind the bar drying pint glasses and this middle-aged woman walks in and asks for a glass of water. But she was whispering and kind of looked scared.

I obliged and fetched her a glass of water and handed it to her. As she takes it, she leans in and whispers, "There's a man with an ax behind me and he's trying to get me!" I'm pretty weirded out but I manage to reply, "There's no one there, ma'am,"

or something to that effect.

She then says under her breath, "Everything is geometry!" and proceeds to turn and run out of the bar full tilt, stripping off her shirt. And then, in a feat I can only describe as legendary, she removes her pants without stopping.

She books it diagonally across the intersection. Totally unadorned.

The handful of customers and I were, needless to say, astounded.


Bizarre encounters


4. TSA Or CPA?

Last winter break, I went to Colorado to go snowboarding. On the way home, I'm going through security when a woman carrying a large suitcase and a rear-facing car seat runs up behind me and asks to go ahead of me.

Apparently, she was running late for her flight and it was scheduled to leave in five minutes, I planned ahead so I’m not in a rush and let her go first.

At this point, the TSA agent says that she has to put the car seat through the X-ray machine. The mom picks up the car seat and shoves it onto the moving belt and it slides into the machine. All of a sudden there is a violent screaming from inside the machine. The mom starts freaking out and crying.

Now the TSA is upset as well, wondering what the heck is going on inside the machine. I look at the screen and see the outline of what appears to be a small human. Next thing you know, the car seat comes out the other side, flipped on its side.

There is a baby who appears to be just a few weeks old flailing inside of the overturned car seat.

Now everyone is yelling and there is quite a scene occurring. The lady talked with the TSA and was pulled to a back room, I doubt she made her flight.


Bizarre encounters
