When Japan announced its surrender in August 1945, the world turned its attention to the devastating atomic attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While these events were undeniably pivotal, they were not the sole reasons behind Japan's decision to end the armed conflict.
As of 2024, UNESCO recorded over 60 million people in India living as nomads. Here's the fascinating story of one of these tribes based in Rajasthan—the snake-charmers.
Why do "redheads" or people born with red hair need a separate distinction? Because it's more than just about the color. Even red hair has a history and scientific facts linked to it. Let's check them out.
Not everyone lives to see people singing their praises. But the lives of these influential individuals surely do. They have created history and are remembered for their contributions and achievements even today. Here is a display of their extraordinary lives.
Winter is the season of peace and holidays, but not to our ancestors who were in an unbalanced fight with Mother Nature. So, without heated blankets, HVAC systems, heating pads, and radiators, how did people survive the cold winters?
Religion is often perceived as mostly about prayers, songs, and giving, but underneath the surface, there is drama and sometimes even bloodshed. Mary I of England is one who resorted to bloodshed to fight Protestantism in favor of Catholicism. Here is the story.