Irene Of Athens Facts. Beauty, brains, and an iron will: Irene of Athens used all of these to stay in power in the cut-throat Byzantine Empire.
The world is filled with spectacular, bizarre, and iconic buildings—but these structures often have a surprisingly dark history.
Legendary singer and actress Pearl Bailey left the hospital after a routine surgery—not knowing that something had gone horribly wrong.
Near the end of her life, Zora Neale Hurston faced immense backlash and scandal—yet somehow, her death was even more horrific.
Starr Faithfull had it all. She was young, beautiful, and fabulously wealthy—but none of that saved her from her disturbing end.
Born into screen royalty, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. was a Hollywood golden child—yet few people know his incredibly dark history.
Christina Onassis watched in horror as every single member of her family perished—but sadly, fate dealt her the worst hand of all.
When Humphrey Bogart abandoned Mayo Methot for Lauren Bacall, it was infamous—yet few know the unhinged act Methot performed after their wedding.
Betty Hutton lost everything and became a mere echo of the beauty she used to be—and yet, her greatest tragedy was by far her devastating end.
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